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Signed Up September 19, 2013
Last Posted April 12, 2016 at 7:42 PM
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#188 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
loothe spends it all on American flags

Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
American Flags $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying

posted about 8 years ago
#153 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
EvrewsSo is anybody here even grandfathering him in, or is he just doing random pubs

I'm running a server for him, so all the players are mang0 viewers & subs.

EDIT: Speaking of which, if anyone has suggestions for additions to the server, don't hesitate to tell me.
I'm currently planning on setting up reserved/hidden slots for mang0 subs and mods.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion

This looks like a old thread but I got to say, this plugin DOESN'T work for TF2 for now. I tried various way to load this plugin on my server but it never got loaded as like in the picture I uploaded. So the guys up above who have seem to use the plugins are either made the plugin work somehow or the plugin got outdated at this point of the day.

there is a new build for the plugin available here which works on the latest version of TF2, if anyone is still interested in testing this for 6s

posted about 8 years ago
#16 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #3 in Other Games

hi i sign up

alias = sndrec
regfion = east coast

posted about 9 years ago
#14 WARHURYEAH twitch experience in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 9 years ago
#213 Razer Arena adds TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I just finished playing in the latest NA Practice Tournament for TF2 with some friends, and I have a few comments on the server and match performance.

First of all, the issues mentioned in the thread previously are pretty obvious: fade-to-black, and the buggy ready-up plugin. Simple enough to fix, I reckon, and not all that impactful on the game as a whole.

The server locations, however, are not ideal - US Central servers are probably, as suggested by saam, a better way to go. With the LA based server we played both of our matches on, most of my teammates (as well as myself) were experiencing pings above 100. A couple of us were also experiencing severe lag-spikes that prevented them from playing to their full ability.

I'm looking forward to seeing these issues resolved, as Razer Arena seems much easier to use and far more accessible than other avenues of TF2 competitive, with its great design both in game and on the website as well as active administrator support before or during games (something sorely lacking in other leagues)

Best of luck to you folks - I'll definitely be playing here in the future.

posted about 9 years ago
#44 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion

yeah @wareya i do appreciate the reality checks from someone who knows the engine better than i - i might've gotten overhyped about posting this thread after having such positive results in testing with hit registration

regardless, i would still like to see 128 tick 6s pugs take place to see how it affects games, and i encourage anyone who has the resources to set something like that up to please do so

posted about 9 years ago
#35 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
AnAkkkYou should not use anything else than 66tick on TF2, there are many parts of the game engine where calculations are based on tick 66, so this’ll fuck up a lot of things (e.g. weapon recoil or doors). That’s why the tickrate is locked to 66 in TF2.
You can even ask the guy who made the plugin, he will tell you the same, it's even written in red on the download page.

On CS GO Valve fixed all these tickrate issues, so it can be modified without any issues.

If this is the case, then why can't we push Valve to implement similar fixes into TF2?

Perhaps we could see them with the up-and-coming matchmaking update that's been All The Excitement in the community lately. It's something I think this community should aim for - since 128 tick makes aiming better, after all

..get it??

posted about 9 years ago
#31 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
eeeSo does the plugin need to adjust door speed by 128/66 or is there more to it?

The door speed is the major issue right now - but yes, you only need to divide the new tickrate by 66 in order to get the ratio required to speed doors up by. Actually making them open faster is another deal entirely - I don't know how possible that is through a server plugin.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
wareya>I'm aware that it'll never be perfect, but I wasn't able to notice any difference with the game mechanics when I was testing - this is why the thread was made though, so that more large-scale testing could be done.

Sure doesn't seem like it considering that the OP reads as an informational post for unlocking the hidden powers of tickrate for better hitreg and replication.

This part is especially bitter:

>it was originally locked back in 2010 due to server owners not understanding it properly

You're talking about anyone who reads your post and takes it at face value already.

Sorry - I've rewritten that part now. I realize that re-reading it, it sounds too opinionated. As I've put at the bottom of the OP, I want to help this community - CSGO has reaped the benefits of 128 tick for a while, and I think we need to push to have it in TF2 as well, if it's possible.

wareyaThe tickrate is a limit on the angular portion. Airstrafing is technically a bug, and "the size of the angle of the acceleration that's being applied" (tickrate) has a huge effect on it. It's the reason why strafing in the air 90 degrees extremely slowly gives you more of a speed boost than doing so faster, even though both are still well below the "turning speed limit".

I've read the linked article before, and I've studied the mechanics of airstrafing/bunny hopping pretty intensely - I didn't think the effects of high tickrate on airstrafing would make any extreme difference in gameplay, but that's why I want to do more wide-scale testing. We'll never find out if this is viable for competitive play if we don't try it.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
wareya>The effects on airstrafing and fall speed are minimal enough to only really be noticeable in intense movement modes like surf and bhop.

Actually, tickrate is a hard limit on the accuracy of airstrafing in all cases. Increasing the tickrate will make airstrafing stronger/tighter.

Really? I thought that the default value of sv_airaccelerate 10 would cap airstrafing at a certain level of control regardless of how high you push the tickrate.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
Comanglia"there are minor effects on air acceleration and fall speed, as well"

This would highly affect what I put in bold, has anyone tried bhopping to see if it has more or less potential than normal tf2 does?

There's a strict 1.2x max speed limit when bhopping, and that's when landing tick perfect jumps - otherwise you're instantly capped to your normal speed. It's a strict cap in the code. The effects on airstrafing and fall speed are minimal enough to only really be noticeable in intense movement modes like surf and bhop.

wareya>The engine is designed to intelligently scale almost every game mechanic with the tickrate.

Literally no game engine in the entire world has a perfect framerate conversion system. Not source, not unreal, not unity, not even an engine someone might come up with for this very purpose.

I know for a fact that Source has a flawed delta time system just as unity does.

The closest that you can get without writing all of your physics code as higher order math is integer fractions of the base framerate through frameskipping.


I'm aware that it'll never be perfect, but I wasn't able to notice any difference with the game mechanics when I was testing - this is why the thread was made though, so that more large-scale testing could be done.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
thisisevilevilSeems to show some potential. Tested it on TF2Center earlier today, and it seemed to run great. My game client couldn't go pass 100tick, but still better than 66.

I've set up a test server on (Germany) running this addon on MGEmod, for anyone willing to test it. It's gonna be running the next couple of days.

I've found that increasing the minimum cmdrate and updaterate to 128 can force clients to values higher than 100. Try it out!

ComangliaRight, I mean imagine all the things that could be slightly or significantly off...

Demo Pipes (time to detonate possibly)/Stickies
Juggling enemies
Sentry turn speeds/fire rates?
200ms scope headshot delay might not be 200ms anymore
Dispenser Heal/Ammo rate
Medigun heal rate
Pyro Airblast / Fire particles
Idk as soldier I like shooting the ground next to dropped weapons in order to get more ammo, might not work the same lol.
(I assume movement speed is fine since nobody has noticed it yet)

The engine is designed to intelligently scale almost every game mechanic with the tickrate. The only major negative difference I've noticed after lots of testing is the change in door speed.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaEDIT: It looks like the cmdrate/updaterate is capped to 100 so the max tickrate a server can use is 100. Maybe there's a way around this cap.

EDIT: Doors open much more slowly.

Doors opening slowly can probably be fixed easily with a plugin (maybe modify the tickrate enabler source code for a tf2 specific version?), but I don't know about the rate caps. I'd like if someone who's well versed with writing plugins for the engine could comment on the subject

posted about 9 years ago
#5 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
saamI think most people are able to put things in addons folders though right?

Yes, but you still need access to the server launch parameters to adjust tickrate - you can't change it through any cvar, and the only thing this plugin does is unlock the launch parameter.

I understand your concern though, and I definitely don't condone people trying to squeeze more performance out of server providers than they pay for - a tickrate of 128 is effectively doubling the CPU use and bandwidth of your server, and will negatively effect your server provider if you're not certain it's something you can do.

posted about 9 years ago
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