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Signed Up January 26, 2016
Last Posted August 18, 2019 at 4:15 AM
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#6077 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Is there a way to move/reposition the Bleeding status image (and other status effects) without using the HudPlayerStatus X and Y in HudLayout.res?

I tried moving the bleeding status image in HudPlayerHealth but only the y position seems to have an effect and work. Changing the x has no effect. I want to move it over 60 so that its closer to my health. One work around I found was moving my health over to the left and then moving both of them over 60 via HudPlayerStatus but that also moves my 3d model over 60 which I don't want.
Basically, I already have the health and model where I want them. I just want to move the status effects over as well.

Edit: I figured it out. Just had to change the "PlayerStatusHealthImage" coordinates.

posted about 5 years ago
#110 omphud-redux in Customization

I just deleted the whole "ShowPromoCodesButton" Section

posted about 8 years ago
#108 omphud-redux in Customization

Awesome, thanks. It fixed the menu. The one I downloaded didn't get rid of the button/background thing I had but I just went into mainmenuoverride and deleted the whole section for the promo thing myself. You were right about it being the promo codes background button thing. I didn't know what you meant at first when you said promo codes. Sorry! Thanks again for all your work.

posted about 8 years ago
#106 omphud-redux in Customization

I tried both from and from github. Oh there's a new problem now though.

This is what happens whenever I click on "Find a Game"

edit: I haven't edited any files myself. This just happened on its own after I got the new version.

posted about 8 years ago
#104 omphud-redux in Customization

I downloaded it but I still have it there. Not sure. Should I just try disabling things on the mainmenuoverride until it goes away haha

posted about 8 years ago
#102 omphud-redux in Customization

Oh i'm sorry. I'm not sure what that is though. I don't remember getting a code?

posted about 8 years ago
#100 omphud-redux in Customization

Oh, no I've never used or been into any VR stuff.

posted about 8 years ago
#98 omphud-redux in Customization
flatlineBlanket_Love this hud. Thanks for all your work, just wondering if you know how to get rid of this random box on the main menu:
do you have a promo code/vr enabled

Sorry, what do you mean by promo code? And no I don't have VR enabled. Thanks for the quick reply by the way!

posted about 8 years ago
#96 omphud-redux in Customization

Love this hud. Thanks for all your work, just wondering if you know how to get rid of this random box on the main menu:

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Happy Bob and 6 Rockets in Videos

The funny thing is that that's not even the worst thing Bobs done

posted about 8 years ago
#227 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion
SchweppesI'm just surprised they didn't touch the darwins danger shield since that's still one of the game's most broken items

What would you do to it that wouldn't just make it go from OP to completely usless though? I think that's an item that needs to just be removed or be completely changed to do something else.

The cozy camper change just made it completely useless now for example imo. The change makes sense in the context of 6s where one fully scoped shot could mean a huge pick. However, in the context of HL, using it means you have no spy protection (razorback) or an smg which was already a decision you had to make and made it viable and balanced imo. So it basically just messed up HL snipers to favor a 6s mentality of the game I guess. Which seems like a slippery slope to me if every item will be balanced for the context of 6s.

posted about 8 years ago
#225 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion
aslI think their intentions with casual were good but it has a few foundational flaws which never gave it a chance. I like the idea of enticing people to try in pubs but I think queuing is a bit ambitious. You should definitely be able to join servers and game modes of your choice, come and leave as you please, kick hackers, etc. I actually think part of it is throwing a bone to people who wanted 9v9.

Reddit is a fucking shitstorm rn and I hope the devs have enough trust in their original goals of what they wanted casual to be to try fix some of these problems before completely reverting it.

Having said that, Aus payload pubs are actually pretty legit, we're not really subjected to the "taunting f2p scrub cancer" pubs EU/NA pubbers always seem to complain about.

E: Also, wtf is new snake and what were they smoking when they came up with the new quickie stats.

You can still do all of those things by just finding a community pub server on the server browser that runs the map you want. I still don't get what Reddit people are angry about. Nothing is different. You can still browse for whatever you want. Maybe they're just too lazy to type a mapname. Not sure. There are so many servers out there.

It makes sense to punish people for leaving a competitive games. I think the only issue was calling it "casual" in the first place which might have given the wrong impression of what it actually is. I'm actually interested in a somewhat competitive 12v12. If people want to join a pub they can still do so. Just use the server browser and join whichever one they want. I don't understand. If anything it helps people who run communities. If people want certain things we can put servers up and put whatever plugins they want or remove what they don't want. Or as someone else said, Valve might bring back some of their servers for random pubs later on.

I agree with the quickiebomb though. No idea why they made an already OP weapon more OP.

posted about 8 years ago
#219 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion
ShankyHonestly pretty salty I can't just hop into my favourite map on a Valve pub and just click on dudes with some music without playing the objective but I seem to be in the minority here. Having to queue up to play fucking casual is the biggest problem with Overwatch and CS:GO and the fact that they downgraded TF2 to do the same is pretty boneheaded. Kinda feels like they axed the style of pubs they had after building it up for 9 years.

You can still use the browser to find a pub server with the exact map you want. And this will help communities. I don't understand the issue?

posted about 8 years ago
#804 flatHUD in Customization
WiethoofdOpen Spectator(Tournament).res and find itempanel and change 'tall' to 0 and/or visible & enabled to 0

Awesome, thanks!

posted about 8 years ago
#802 flatHUD in Customization

In the killcam/freecam when it shows an item from the person who killed you, the items never show correctly. Is there a way to just disable the items from showing completely?

posted about 8 years ago
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