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Signed Up July 3, 2018
Last Posted December 21, 2019 at 2:23 AM
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#6 New bot in Projects


posted about 5 years ago
#3 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament S4 in TF2 General Discussion

Team name : french doctor heals construction worker with rockets
Player 1 - [] (BlastFM#3955)
Player 2 - [] (WiseGenie#1462)
Player 3 - []

posted about 5 years ago
#2 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament S4 in TF2 General Discussion

hoo hoo!

posted about 5 years ago
#44 CleanTF2+ (nohats, flat textures, etc) in Customization

Everyone's getting black textures, and here i am getting white textures instead

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Behold, : A *completely* stock TF2 comp in TF2 General Discussion
derdanBlastFMWiethoofdWill you be using for teams & players to sign up and have fixtures generated?
We will be doing everything ourselves, from signups and match gen to point awarding. So, no / challonge

You could do everything yourself, but just put it in challonge so its easier for people to see, especially in playoffs (im guessing there will be p/o since its there will be 5 weeks)

There will be playoffs, yes.

We'll have a public copy of our group stages spreadsheet available once the season starts. (And playoffs once they start of course) That will be announced and pinned on the server, so it really shouldn't be hard for people to find the scores

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Behold, : A *completely* stock TF2 comp in TF2 General Discussion
WiethoofdWill you be using for teams & players to sign up and have fixtures generated?

We will be doing everything ourselves, from signups and match gen to point awarding. So, no / challonge

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Behold, : A *completely* stock TF2 comp in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordcan u get it on an old patch that reverts the demo nerf???

Season 1 will be just modern day TF2, but with stock weapons. I thought about making it on the actual launch day version, but decided against that, since most likely people aren't going to download a whole new game to particiate.

But I will look into hosting some kind of an experimental cup in the future if there's enough demand

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Behold, : A *completely* stock TF2 comp in TF2 General Discussion
derdancomp 2fort, its i32 all over again

Oh yes, I remember watching that. This time though it should be semi competitive with a reasonable winlimit, timelimit, and HL class restrictions

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Behold, : A *completely* stock TF2 comp in TF2 General Discussion

You know what time it is? It’s REBRANDING time baby!

If you'd like to join our discord server, feel free to :

Due to the conflict we’ve had with, I’ve decided to get rid of any confusion, and completely remake our league. “But Blast,” I hear you say, “I’ve signed up for competitive matches on funny old maps like ctf_2fort, cp_dustbowl, and cp_well! I don’t want to participate in yet another Highlander cup!” Fear not, is here to fulfill all your masochistic needs !

First things first, the medals. We’re still offering medals for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd, making it to playoffs, or simply participating.

• Our first season will feature a different competitive format (Prolander instead of Highlander) as well as a different set of maps from what was originally planned, with cp_granary being changed out for cp_junction_final, and koth_trainsawlaser_pro_rc1, ctf_landfall and koth_harvest being our brand new additions to the map pool. That’s right, we’re here to let you have the wildest of times. If you’re interested, our weekly map rotation is in #map-rotation-and-schedule in our discord server. Alternatively, you can find it in the end of this announcement

• Regarding the whitelist, we’re mostly sticking with using stock weapons (Cosmetics and reskins are now allowed). However we’ve changed things around, allowing a few more weapons for every class to be used. The complete whitelist can be found in the #s1-cup-info-and-rules channel, but some of the now unbanned weapons are the Crusader’s Crossbow, Ubersaw, Winger, Boston basher, Gunboats, Market Gardener, Powerjack, Iron Bomber, Tomislav, Wrangler, Jag, L’Etranger and Spy-cicle

• We will still be hosting Pick-up games. If you feel like playing some mixes in the evening and looking to try something new, head over to the #get-pug-access channel to gain access to a whole new section of our league, dedicated to playing unconventional gamemodes in a competitive setting.

• Due to the complete makeover we’re undergoing, the first season will be delayed by 1 month. According to our new plans, the first season will start on July 2nd, with signups closing on June 29th 20:00 CEST. Teams that have previously signed up for may choose to either stay registered or be dropped from season 1. Let me know if you’d like to stay or be dropped by DM’ing me on discord (@BlastFM#3955).

• Below is some general stuff that you need to know about Season 1:

• Competitive format : Prolander (7v7, class limit of 1 on every class).

• Cup format

Swiss style system for group stages, Single elimination for playoffs

• Map pool : cp_dustbowl, cp_well, cp_gravelpit, ctf_2fort, ctf_landfall, cp_junction_final, koth_trainsawlaser_pro_rc1, koth_harvest

Season 1 map rotation

Week 1: cp_dustbowl

Week 2: cp_junction_final

Week 3: cp_well

Week 4: koth_trainsawlaser_pro_rc1

Week 5: ctf_2fort

Teams that have progressed to the playoffs stage will be able to choose a map they will be playing on following the traditional Pick & Ban procedure, explained in detail in #s1-cup-info-and-rules

• But wait! There’s more. We have plans for our following seasons. If there’s enough demand, we will host a vote with even more unconventional gamemodes, as well as a couple of different user picked modes. Whichever option wins can be the theme of our next season. We will be hosting a small experimental cup to test things out before hosting a complete and finished cup. So, if any one of you has a dream of playing a Heavy melee cup or a Spy only arena, or anything else really, keep an eye out and make it happen

• We are sorry for any and all inconveniences that came with this, and we hope you have a great time in the end


posted about 5 years ago
#490 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
yttriumBlastFMWe need the old broken inspect animations as an option in the next update. Having the GRU turn into a helicopter, scout melee levitating and jarate twisting madly was way too much funyou can just download an old release and install it if you really want to ruin your game that much

I can, but I want to also be able to play pyro without using scripts to hide stuff

posted about 6 years ago
#483 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

We need the old broken inspect animations as an option in the next update. Having the GRU turn into a helicopter, scout melee levitating and jarate twisting madly was way too much fun

posted about 6 years ago
#460 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
obliqueUnoffical update for Jungle Inferno

It has been over 8 months since JI released, with no change to the mod, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. This unoffical update fixes all of the broken inspect and weapon animations, and adds options for hiding the thermal thruster and gas passer (the dragon's fury can be hidden along with the rest of the flamethrowers)

Known minor issues:
  • My updated images for the new weapons don't quite match the original ones
  • The thermal thruster doesn't inspect
  • Pretty sure that some of the new inspect animations won't get hidden, even if you check the box (not fully tested)
I also ran into some issues with access permissions during the extraction process, but that could just be my computer

Thanks to degu for the updated .qc hooks and to yttrium for everthing else

Is it meant to make changes in your config.cfg? Cause it did that to me, and it wasn't fun

posted about 6 years ago