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#4 LANified! 13: The Swarm, Calgary Mar 23-24 in LAN Discussion

But wait, there's more!

Not only are we increasing how many matches of each mini-tournament there are, we're also adding a new mini-tournament! We're also adjusting the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Arms Race FFA mini-tournament from 8 Player to 10 Player.

For our Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm 8-Player FFA and Conter-Strike: Global Offensive 10-Player Arms Race FFA mini tournaments, we will be adding two more matches for each, so 6 total (3 each). Each match with it's own prize! The prize for each of these mini-tournament's first match will be a TrendNET TEW-680MB Media Bridge, but the rest is a surprise!

We're not done yet! In addition to these matches we will be having a Team Fortress 2 Rocket Jumping mini-tournament! For this mini-tournament the first person to pass each phase of the mini-tournament wins a prize! There will be 4 phases, each harder than the previous. Just like the other mini-tournaments we will not announce the map in advance, so get your rockets reloading and your feed exploding!

We're working really hard to make this event a fantastic event. We know you'll have a great time. So come join us! To check out the full event details and signup/prepay head to:

posted about 12 years ago
#3 LANified! 13: The Swarm, Calgary Mar 23-24 in LAN Discussion

Good news everyone! We have some new developments for our coming event:

First, we are proud to announce the details for our Starcraft 2 tournament! It will be a 2v2 Double Elimination tournament where players use the Heart of the Swarm version. Matches will be bo1 (Best of 1) until semi-finals. Semi-finals will have bo3 matches, and finals will have bo5 matches. The map list will not be announced until nearer to the event, as the game has not yet been released. For full rule details, head to:

Second, we also will be hosting mini-tournaments! We will be hosting a Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm 8-player Free-For-Fall (FFA) mini-tournament, as well as a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) 8-player FFA Arms Race mini-tournament. What are the prizes for each of these mini-tournaments? The winner from each tournament will walk away with a delicious TredNET Wireless Media bridge! It features delicious 802.11N speeds up to 450mbps wireless, 4 gigabit ports and other awesome features. Check them out:

Third, even though we only announced or event a week ago, we already have 19 people signed up! That's 38% of our capacity! At this rate, we could easily run out of seats soon.

To check out the rest of the details for the event, head to:

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LANified! 13: The Swarm, Calgary Mar 23-24 in LAN Discussion

LANified! invites you to our next great event, LANified! 13: The Swarm. This event is a two day LAN party, consisting of casual gaming, tournaments, file sharing, on-site concession and plenty of prizes. The event runs from Saturday Noon Mar 23rd 2013 to Sunday 6pm Mar 24th 2013 in Calgary Alberta Canada.

We will be running the following tournaments:

Team Fortress 2 3v3 KotH: Rules and Format
Super Smash Brothers: Melee 1v1: Rules and Format
Super Smash Brothers: Melee 2v2: Rules and Format
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm 2v2: Rules and Format

And the following mini-tournaments:

Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm 8-Player FFA: Rules and Format
Counter-Strike: Global-Offensive 10-Player FFA: Rules and Format
Team Fortress 2: Rocket Jumping FFA: Rules and Format

But what is a LAN party?

LAN parties are gaming events where people bring their computers (desktops or laptops) to a designated location and connect them all in one network. Our event will also have a console tournament on-site in addition to computer space.

Okay, that sounds interesting, why should I haul my rig to such an event?

It is true, it can sometimes be a pain to move your computer, but there are great things going on at LAN parties. There will be plenty of other people there who love gaming and want to play games with you. You'll be able to discover games you haven''t seen before, form teams to compete in tournaments and win cash, stay up late playing crazy mods together, swap files at blazing gigabit speeds and so much more. Our LAN parties offer a continual event where you get to come and have a lot of fun with other gamers, you might even make some friends.

You sold me, I want to go, what do I need to know?

If you plan to attend our event we recommend you head to the event page and sign up. You make an account (or use one if you already have one), then on the event page hit the sign-up button once you've logged in. If you are absolutely certain you are attending we highly recommend you prepay. Once you sign up, go back to the event page, then hit prepay, it's in the same spot, the rest should be a breeze. Prepaying guarantees you a seat and is more affordable than our at the door price.

For full details of our coming event, head to the Event Details.

LANified! runs public services for people to use. We invite you to use them as you see fit. Primarily, we welcome you to come use our mumble server ( default port). It's a fully public server, so come use it as you see fit, and there's plenty of room to go around. We use it all the time, and so do many others. If you want a channel added, just ask. Mumble is a great VoIP tool, with the lowest latency of all the VoIP tools, plus supports Windows/Mac/Linux. If you aren't using Mumble to communicate with your gaming comrades, maybe now is the time to change that. If you don't have Mumble installed, head to:

If you have any questions, feel free to post here, or contact us on our own forum.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 ESEA-O team lf new pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

Snaz is LANified! approved material. Some day he may be Team3 approved material.

Get in on this shit guys.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 LANified! 12: Trinity, Calgary Oct 12-14 in LAN Discussion

It is with much regret that we must announce that LANified! 12: Trinity has been cancelled.

We had insufficient prepays in order for this particular event to be even close to sustainable.

Do I get my money back?
All accounts that prepaid should see a full refund by the time you read this message. If you are having difficulties, please contact us at (bloodyiron at shaw dot ca) to resolve issues.

When is your next event?
We are currently aiming for March for our next one.

We are very sorry that we had to do this, however it's important to remember that paying for these events has to come from somewhere. We will be working harder next time to make our event more appealing. We plan to announce our next event in the near future. We hope you can forgive us, but this is the most notice we could have provided you with.

Once again, if you have further questions, contact BloodyIron directly or at (bloodyiron at shaw dot ca). LANified! still provides our public servers, including mumble, minecraft, tf2, and we work hard to bring you quality events and services.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 LANified! 12: Trinity, Calgary Oct 12-14 in LAN Discussion

Our coming event is just around the bend. Holy crap only two weeks away!

So what have we been up to lately? Well first off, we're bringing back our Minecraft servers, all polished and delicious. MineB will still be our beloved legacy server with long-running history and structures to admire, with a periodically updated map. As for MineA, it will still be a PvP Faction server with economic features, but there are some notable changes to it.

First off, we are re-seeding the world. We have been transparant about this since day one, and I know some people are going to be reluctant to accept this, but we feel it's for the better. Why? Because it's so damn fun to explore new worlds, setup new forts, and fight in new ways. It also means new features in the game get properly used. We also will re-seed the world every quarter. Since we're already in a quarter, we're just going to extend this one, and aim to re-seed after this one Jan 1st 2013.

Second off, we're banning TNT, period. We thoroughly evaluated this and concluded that TNT offers marginal positive purposes, and offers massive negative purposes. Fact of the matter is TNT can be used to circumvent the Faction protection system which is no fun.

But when are the servers actually going to come back online? 5pm MST TOMORROW, Saturday Sept 29 2012. This is minea and mineb. We will also process the application queue for mineb. Since minea will have a brand new world, we wont pre-seed it at all. When the server goes live is when we first see the brave new world too!

We are honestly sorry that it has taken so long for the servers to come back. We wanted to make sure that when they come back that we do a proper job, and we weren't able to do that previously. Now that we can, we are. So come have buckets of fun and join us! The addresses are: (legacy, requires whitelist application at: )

But wait, there's more!

We have done some thinking, and for this coming event we're going to add another tournament! Which one? Well, Starcraft 2!

The format and rules are not yet finalized, but the prize pool has been: $260 split up $160 1st/$60 2nd/$40 3rd

As for the rest of the event. The tournament schedule is not yet finalized, but we will have it available soon. We would also like to remind you that there is only one week left to prepay for the event. So if you are going to come, why not save yourself some money and prepay? Not only that, but it shows others that our event is worth it, and that they should come too.

For the full event details, to sign up and prepay, head to:

posted about 12 years ago
#3 LANified! 12: Trinity, Calgary Oct 12-14 in LAN Discussion

Hey folks. We thought it would be a good idea to explain what to expect from our Super Smash Brothers: Melee Tournament and Setup.

As you already know, we have a tournament for the Gamecube version of Super Smash Brothers: Melee. What you may not know is that the systems we will be using will be available for general play before and after the tournament. Not only that, but anyone is welcome to come smash with us casually! The $10 buys you entrance into the tournament, but as the systems will be open for general play otherwise, you can just sit and chill with us and play even if you didn't enter the tournament.

But what else can you expect? We will have 3 stations. Each station will have a monitor, a gamecube system, a set of speakers and the necessary cables for up to two players to plug in their own headphones to get personal sound! Why would we offer that? So those who really need to hear the sounds in the tournament can hear without the sounds being drowned out by the rest of the event. The speakers work in tandem with the headphone plugs, so both work! Additionally, at the time of the tournament each station will be setup to comply with the rules for the stage, so all you will need to do is plug your controller in and go.

Oh yeah, if you are attending, it's important to remember to bring your controller. We prefer if people bring their own controllers so that each player can play at their best, and we don't have to worry about other nasty things like germs or sickness spreading. It also eliminates any concern about quality of controller.

Also, you may think, why do we have such an elaborate tournament structure? We evaluate each and every tournament for each event in many regards. Some of these include time of each tournament, some include number of matches played before being eliminated. At the end of the day, we consider a tonne of angles on each of our tournaments. In the case of Super Smash Brothers: Melee, we feel that foremost Round-Robin as a first stage enables everyone to have at least 5 games before they are eliminated, no matter how good or bad they do. In the second stage we shift to single elimination as we feel there will be fiercer competition and it will be a more level playing field; we increase the games played per match, but running single elimination at this point means we aren't drawing the tournament out too long. We want our tournaments to be appealing to players of all skill levels, and we always take the top tier and casual players into account.

Going forward, we want to offer more console tournaments and such things, but we need to actually see enough people showing up before we invest further into such things. If you want to see this grow, we need your help. First off, actually attending makes a big difference. Secondly, if you know anyone who would enjoy our event, be it the console section or the PC section, do us and them a favor and get them in on our events! We want these events to grow and be sustainable, and obviously more people attending is going to be better. Helping us helps you have a better time.

Currently we cannot offer pre-pay for the Super Smash Brothers: Melee tournament, and we are trying to offer this in the near future. However we would like that anyone intending to attend, be it for the PC section or the Super Smash Brothers: Melee section, at least sign up for our event. Just by signing up you show to others that there are more and more people that actually want to attend. This naturally generates more interest, and it's so easy to sign up!

If you have any further questions, please just ask.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 LANified! 12: Trinity, Calgary Oct 12-14 in LAN Discussion

Our event is coming up fast, and we have a lot of great work done already!

Something that might interest you is that we have finalized the rulesets and formats for all our tournaments. Checm them out:

Team Fortress 2 3v3 KotH: Rules and Format
Super Smash Brothers: Melee 1v1: Rules and Format
DotA2 5v5: Rules and Format

Some note-worthy changes are:
~Change SSB:M format significantly, primarily to include Rond-Robin in Stage 1 instead of Single Elimination
+Completely define our DotA2 rules
+Addition of some TF2 Banned items, we thoroughly reviewed our list and we know it is not on parity with other major groups, we feel confident in our THOROUGH repeated evaluation of this list
+Revisited each rule-set to be more clear and easily legible

We work hard to make our tournament rules and format both fair and rewarding. We use methods most events don't. We feel tournaments should be fair and fun, we welcome everyone to enter them.

Are you thinking of coming to the event, but you aren't sure if our events are worth it? Why don't you check out what some of our attendees have had to say:

"The staff at the events are all nice guys that work hard to make events go smoothly. The tournaments that are run at the events are very fun and are a great way to meet some new people."
-Graffias@LANified! 11:

"everyone there was friendly and a lot of fun to play games with. I'm really hoping I can make it to the next one!"
-Carl@LANified! 10:

"Games! Friends! New people! Tourneys are great fun, even when you lose."
-Thumper@LANified! 11:

"What was not to like, the atmosphere was great people were all very friendly and it was a ton of fucking fun. Literally the best LAN I have ever been part of."
-Gats@LANified! 10:

"They're fun and well worth the money. Even if you dont participate in the tournaments its always a good chance to meet new people and learn new things."
-Rufo@LANified! 11:

If you want to check out the full event details, they can be found at:

When you sign-up, don't forget to log into your account first! Hope to see you at our next glorious event!

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LANified! 12: Trinity, Calgary Oct 12-14 in LAN Discussion

For over five years, LANified! has tirelessly brought you quality gaming events. Our next event, LANified! 12: Trinity, is a three day LAN party, consisting of casual gaming, tournaments, file sharing, on-site concession and plenty of prizes. Trinity runs from Friday Noon Oct 12th 2012 to Sunday 6pm Oct 14th 2012 in Calgary Alberta Canada.

We will be running the following tournaments:

Team Fortress 2 3v3 KotH: Rules and Format
Super Smash Brothers: Melee 1v1: Rules and Format
DotA2 5v5: Rules and Format
Starcraft 2 1v1: Rules and Format TBA

As people sign-up for the event, a list populated to show who wants to play which games. You can find this on the event details page under the "Game Preference" section.

For full details of our coming event, head to the Event Details.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here, or contact us on our own forum.

posted about 12 years ago
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