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Last Posted April 24, 2017 at 9:52 PM
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#29 TF2 at Calgary Expo 2017 in TF2 General Discussion

I got a minute to respond to this.

1. I actually forgot to talk about the maps. The maps are hand-picked to be suitable for our format. There are old ones in the list, but why does age matter? If the map is good, the date should be irrelevant. That being said, the update to the rules that we are finalising will include the map element. So stay tuned for that!
2. The ban list, there are changes that need to happen there, hence the update we're working on. That being said, we anticipate as always people will have their disagreements. Please rest assured we thoroughly evaluate weapons to be banned or not banned in such a way that is appropriate for this format, we don't just blindly pick them.
3. We will be announcing the updates on our website , not here.
4. I hope you have a blast! Don't forget to bring your ammo ;)
5. You're welcome :D

Cornpop16I actually totally agree with the 3v3 thing. I've convinced a couple of IRL friends who don't play TF2 much to go with me to this, but there's no way I could have gotten 5 others.

Still disagree with the map list and ban list, but it's whatever I don't plan to be taking this too seriously.

Thanks for taking the time to respond :)
posted about 7 years ago
#27 TF2 at Calgary Expo 2017 in TF2 General Discussion

Hi Folks,

I'm BloodyIron, I own and operate LANified!

It seems like there's some things that might be worth saying here, so check out what I have to say, and then gotfrag me away.

Well, where to begin...

1. I developed the 3v3 KotH format for a bunch of reasons many many years ago. To summarise, a lot of them revolved around having more teams be involved in a tournament, and making it generally much easier to make/maintain a team, compared to 6v6.
2. I don't know if you've noticed, but TF2 isn't played anywhere near as much as CS:GO, for example. As such, making local teams of 6's is particularly hard to almost impossible. We have found our 3v3 KotH format is exceptional at making/maintaining teams easy, and is very well received by those who participate when we implement it.
3. We are well aware that 6's is the most popular format online. However many events have demonstrated that translating that to LAN is particularly challenging.
4. The 3v3 KotH format that we develop and implement is intended to be a distinct experience, and actually was developed well before the 4v4 format was generally accepted by the community. We develop the format as an independent entity, and this includes the bans and map selection. We do not always agree with the community decisions, and as an independent entity reserve the right to disagree.
5. We know that just like anything on the internet, there will be people who do not like what we do or have to say.
6. The peripherals rule is a blanket rule that was originally implemented to address CS:GO hacking, but in the interest of consistency it is implemented for all the tournaments we will be running at the Calgary Expo 2017. This rule is not going to change, and I know that there will be plenty of frustration around this. Consider the flip side of this, you do not have to tote any peripherals with you to participate. Furthermore, peripherals have been provided at the last two Calgary Expo years, so that is consistent in that regard.
7. We do not currently have peripheral bans at our LAN parties, the ban is strictly for the Calgary Expo 2017 tournaments at this time.
8. We are updating the bans/maplist, and it is almost ready to be announced. Spoiler, not a lot will change.
9. If you're not interested in this format, that's cool guys. We know this isn't for everyone. But we've seen a ludicrious amount of interest in this at the Calgary Expo. We've actually had to close and re-open registration repeatedly due to too many people signing up in 2015 and 2016!
10. I sincerely hope that despite your reservations about this format, that if you have the chance, you come and participate anyways. We put an ungodly amount of work and effort into every detail possible to make it all run like butter. We want it to be loads of fun, while still being fair competition.

I think that's the majority of the constructive things I can say at this time. It is unlikely that I will be able to address further responses at this time, as I have to make this shit actually happen now. Hope to see you there! Stay classy gotfrag ;)

posted about 7 years ago
#351 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

You're a fucking loser if you're going to cheat at TF2. Like seriously, what more worse thing could you do for the community?

No love for the cheaters. Get fucked.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Are you in Calgary? Interested in Broadcasting? in TF2 General Discussion

So I have to ask first?

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Are you in Calgary? Interested in Broadcasting? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey folks! (bump)

We have some awesome people helping out now, but we are still looking for more help!

If you're in the area and you're interested, for sure contact me! If you know anyone who may be interested, send this their way too!

I'm confident you're going to love what we want to do, so come help out already! :D

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Caught someone special going for that meat shot in TF2 General Discussion

Oh yeah?

edit: gotfrag is strong in here.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Caught someone special going for that meat shot in TF2 General Discussion

Roaming into the medic :

edit: img bb code no bueno

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Are you in Calgary? Interested in Broadcasting? in TF2 General Discussion


I'm BloodyIron. You may or may not have heard of me, but I run LANified!, but that's only part of the truth. The other part is that we have a team that helps me run LANified!, our events and services, and so much more. If you are unfamiliar with what we do I'll cover more of that lower in this post.

But BloodyIron, so what?

Well, we need more help. I want us to do more great things, but in order to do them we need to expand our team. We already have an awesome team, and I think that we should find more awesome people to join.

But BloodyIron, what kind of help are we talking about?

We are looking for people to help with a Broadcasting project we're working on. We welcome everyone to apply, even if you have no experience; We would prefer that you apply instead of hesitate! Experience helps, but not everyone has it.

  • Broadcastingng Position

We are looking for multiple people to help us regularly with a project related to Broadcasting that we are working on. Should you be interested in Broadcasting please consider the following:

  • Have you ever been involved with any live broadcasting before? Be it a broadcast simply of yourself, an activity you are performing, or a broadcast that involves multiple people and/or activities. If so, please tell us about it/them.
  • What do you know about broadcasting?
  • What about broadcasting interests you?
  • Have you ever done any live or non-live video production? Non-live video production would involve post-recording production and/or distribution. If so, tell us about that.
  • What is your schedule like? Where can you contribute from a schedule perspective?
  • Do you have a vehicle? (NOT REQUIRED but helps)
  • Have you ever been on camera before during a live broadcast? This would include any traditional/network broadcasting, say a news channel interview.
  • Is there specific content you would want to be involved with? How flexible are you to content you haven't been involved with before?
  • Have you ever operated a video camera?
  • Do you have any experience with audio production?
  • Have you ever given a speech, presented to an audience, or prepared a presentation?
  • Do/have you enjoy(ed) Team Fortress 2?

To apply, please email me bloodyiron - atT - lanified -dotT- com and include as much information as you can relevant to the position you are interested in. Again we WANT your help, so apply already! Additionally if you want to contribute in other areas than what I have listed here, do reach out to me.

But BloodyIron, who are you? What is LANified!? Why should I help? And why should I not down-vote this into oblivion?

I am the founder of LANified!. We have been operating for more than 8 years. LANified! has primarily ran LAN parties throughout Calgary, but we have also ran other gaming related events and services. We run gaming servers, a public mumble server, tournaments, and have also provided support for events ran by others. Our website can be found at . If you want to contact me through STEAM you can reach me at my profile ( ).

Why should you help? Why should you not down-vote this into oblivion? Well, that's up to you, but what I can tell you is what we do and what I want us to do. We work really hard on running high quality gaming events with the intent to grow the gaming culture in Calgary. This constitutes both competitive gaming and social gaming. I believe there are a significant number of gamers in Calgary that want to see more of what we do. We continually receive positive feedback supporting this. If you want to help grow the gaming culture in Calgary, you should probably come and help us do that.

Thanks for your time.


posted about 9 years ago
#25 LANcouver? in LAN Discussion

Did someone say 3v3?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 LANified! 16: Reloaded, Mar 8-9, Calgary Gaming Ev in LAN Discussion

My my, time does travel fast! Our event is only two weeks away!

But BloodyIron, why are you only reminding us about this now, after prepay has closed?
Well, mostly because I've been horribly busy with work. But don't fret, we're not putting those who lost track out in the cold!

To counter-act my recent business we will be extending prepay for one more day! We'll wedge it open so that you and your friends can for sure take advantage of the prepay price over the at the door price. To be specific, we'll be keeping prepay open till tomorrow, Sunday Feb the 23rd at 6pm MST (1800hrs).

So come join us at the coming event, to sign up and prepay head to :

posted about 11 years ago
#12 LANified! 16: Reloaded, Mar 8-9, Calgary Gaming Ev in LAN Discussion

Snaz is legit. You should want him for you team.


SnazWithADanceNumberHighly considering going if my roommate and I can get the weekend off.

We would need a 3rd player though, if anyone else here is considering it PM me.
Theres a 30% chance I might make it, when the date comes closer I'll keep you in mind. I've been to this LAN once before.
posted about 11 years ago
#10 LANified! 16: Reloaded, Mar 8-9, Calgary Gaming Ev in LAN Discussion

Could I convince you to post in our team finding/forming thread please? :D ( )

Also, early bird prepay ends this weekend as a reminder!

WithADanceNumberHighly considering going if my roommate and I can get the weekend off.

We would need a 3rd player though, if anyone else here is considering it PM me.
posted about 11 years ago
#8 LANified! 16: Reloaded, Mar 8-9, Calgary Gaming Ev in LAN Discussion

This just in, our coming LAN party is a month away! To prepare for this awesome event we have finalized our Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament format and rules so that you know what you're in store for.

Lots of people are looking to form or join teams. So if you want to get in on the csgo tournament and you have not yet figured out your team, be sure to post on our forums ( ) or reach out to those on our STEAM group! ( )

But wait, there's more! In addition to the tournaments you already know about, we have added a Quake 1 FFA mini-tournament! Just like the other mini-tournaments we will take the first handful of participants that are ready (when we start the mini-tournaments) and slap them in an arena of our choosing (secret) to duke it out in all out blood bath mayhem. Do you know where your rocket is? It's pretty easy to get a copy of Quake 1 now adays, so if you want to get your juices flowing with this fast-paced deathmatch be sure to let us know when we call for players!

The event is coming up fast, more and more people are signing up and prepaying. Seating is limited, so if you are going to join us be sure to prepay to guarantee your seat. Early bird prepay ends this weekend, so be sure to prepay now and lock in those savings!

For full event details and to prepay head to:

posted about 11 years ago
#4 LANified! 16: Reloaded, Mar 8-9, Calgary Gaming Ev in LAN Discussion

The 3v3 format is a format we came up with. The format is very mature (as in tested) and very fun too!

The current rules are at:

We update them for each event and we independently evaluate our ban list. We don't just blindly copy other ban lists.

We also have hand picked the maps and versions of maps so they are not too big, not too small, and have just the right amount of ammo/health.

Let me know if you have any questions :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 LANified! 16: Reloaded, Mar 8-9, Calgary Gaming Ev in LAN Discussion

Good news everyone! We have our next event coming right up, LANified! 16: Reloaded, and we would love for you to come have a great time with us! There will be multiple tournaments ($800 cash prize pool!), great food (on-site concession) and generally lots of gaming!

Doors open 10 am Saturday March 8th and the event runs continually till 6 pm Sunday March 9th! Yes, we are talking about a LAN party.

But BloodyIron, what tournaments will you be running?
-Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5v5
-Team Fortress 2: 3v3
-CS mini tournament
-TF2 mini tournament

But BloodyIron, I want to play other games! What about me?
Well we simply cant run a tournament for every single game out there, that's just not possible! But that doesn't mean you can't come and play other games anyways. When people sign up for our events we ask them what games they want to play and we put that info in a list on the events page under "Game Preference" so others can find what games you want to play and vice versa!

But BloodyIron, how many of my friends can you fit?
We're fully equipped to handle up to 50 attendees plus staff! So make sure to bring your friends and let us know that you're coming.

But BloodyIron, where do I find out more? Can I sign-up, or perhaps buy entrance ahead of time?
We certainly do have more details, and you can sign-up/prepay too! For the full event details head to:

But BloodyIron, I haven't been to a LAN before, can I come poke my head in the door at the day of the event?
You certainly can! If you want to see what the event is like before you plonk down your heard earned money just come on down and we'll gladly show you what it's all about! But be aware we only have so many seats, so if we run out we can't simply portal in more space! You can also check out a timelapse video of one of our past events:

But BloodyIron, I have a question that I can't find an answer for somewhere, what do I do?
You can post on our forums ( ), or contact us directly on STEAM ( )!

posted about 11 years ago
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