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SteamID64 76561198050557244
SteamID3 [U:1:90291516]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:45145758
Country Jamaica
Signed Up July 16, 2014
Last Posted May 18, 2024 at 7:01 PM
Posts 249 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity like 1.5-2
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
640 x 480
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse fk1
Keyboard ducky zero or laptop (mechanical noise annoys me)
Mousepad magic the gather play mat
Headphones audio-technica ath-ad700x
Monitor i dunno
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#21 Python Script to Average All DPM / KD from Logs.TF in Projects

(assuming you only care about tracking averages and aggregate stuff for single players,) rather than saving all of the logs locally, you can just keep running sums/averages for w/e stats you care about, and some data on the most recent log in a single yaml or json file for each steamid. When searching, you just get everything from one file. If new logs have been added, you'll just update the running averages and stuff and set the most recent log. Lots cleaner and easier than storing every log imo!

posted about 3 years ago
#3 original to stock sound in Customization
It is important to note that the second comment has 69 down frags

posted about 3 years ago
#46 sync rocket terms in TF2 General Discussion

I remember being confused by this like 8 years ago. Some things never change :-)

posted about 3 years ago
#29 Rename in TF2 General Discussion
JunkBob_MarleyBetter for an international community too :-)
This empty corporate performativity feels like something mostly (only?) Americans want.

(I say this partially as a joke since most maintainers work for big companies, but)
Linux is the free, open source project that most normal people have never heard of, is maintained by an international community, and was started by a notoriously hostile student from Finland... Doesn't really fit the definition of "corporate" and there's not much of an audience for it to be performative.

I agree no one really cares about these changes... I am personally annoyed by companies like Github being dumb.
My point is that just in the context of a project, this change is just so easy it won't affect development and it's maybe nicer, so if most people are fine with it, why not? Idk. Maybe I'm just being naive :-(

posted about 3 years ago
#22 Rename in TF2 General Discussion

Everyone agrees this is basically a meaningless change. I think the argument is that avoiding future use of these terms is SO trivial that one may as well pick the nicer terminology (that tends to be more descriptive and universal anyway...) :-/. Basically, it's more trivial than it is meaningless.
These only exist because some guys were lazy with their naming like 40 years ago and they happened to become convention, because of what they describe, not how well they describe.

I've read through a bunch of the mailing list about this. It seems like most people were fine with it or liked it :-/.

Kernel Mailing ListReally, "blacklist" too?

While 'slave' has a direct connection to human suffering the etymology
of 'blacklist' is devoid of a historical racial connection. However, one
thought exercise is to consider replacing 'blacklist/whitelist' with
'redlist/greenlist'. Realize that the replacement only makes sense if
you have been socialized with the concepts that 'red/green' implies
'stop/go'. Colors to represent a policy requires an indirection. The
socialization of 'black/white' to have the connotation of
'impermissible/permissible' does not support inclusion.

A great reason? Not really, but trying to be nicer is nice and, again, this change is so easy it's absurd :-/
kernel people are smart. I don't think using "allowlist" in the future will really affect their productivity.

Better for an international community too :-)

Some non-native English speaker on mailing listAllowlist/denylist terms are intuitive and action based which have a
globally uniform meaning.

Terms such as "whitelist" etc are contextual, hence assume contextual
knowledge on the part of the reader.

TL;DR: the new stuff is a trivial change, probably nicer, and are better descriptors anyway.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Favourite team core of all time? in TF2 General Discussion
glassblaze+clockwork. so fun


posted about 3 years ago
#10 hail putin in World Events

My favorite thing is when they say something like "This is totally untrue!!! Lies! Fake News!!" and then immediately turn around and complain about people "Leaking classified information" :-)

posted about 3 years ago
#12 A possible solution to the TF2 bots in TF2 General Discussion

someone should make a mod of cathook that kills other cathook bots

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Mixer moving to Facebook in Off Topic

Facebook seems like it's becoming a pretty sketchy platform in general. I.e., the inflated video viewership stuff.
No clue if this played a factor, but twitch just seems like the better choice :-/

posted about 3 years ago
#8 fps config, based on research and not vpk in The Dumpster

tf2 is software and the people using it deserve to not need to deal with this:

cathook README.mdand a lot of useful features, including
Working hitscan nospread
Anti Backstab with option to use "No" voice command when spy tries to backstab you
Extremely customizable spam (you can make spam lines that'll include name of random dead enemy pyro or sniper)
Follow Bots
Navparser Bots (Walkbots than can walk on any map without manual configuration)
Working crit hack (Editors note: Not fully working on all weapons)
Automatic matchmaking
And many more features!

(my issue is that u seemingly use/support cathook, not that u fixed typos.)

posted about 3 years ago
#6 fps config, based on research and not vpk in The Dumpster

u have contributed to cathook? big smh (PRs seem like only trivial typo fixes, but it implies u have used it?)

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Book recommendations? in Off Topic
Wandumthe overstory by richard powers
dune is nice if you like political intrigue and sci-fi

+1 for Good taste. U an eco person?

More science fiction-ish recommendations:
1. The Broken Earth Trilogy! (I've read the first two. Both were insanely good.)
2. U.K. Le Guins science fiction!
3. The Windup Girl!
4. I like Neal Stephenson's books, but some are maybe a bit much.

Personally didn't like the Foundation trilogy too much? I read them off-and-on over the course of like 2 years though.

posted about 3 years ago
#143 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster
fxfxfxfxThe reality is there are far more likely reasons (none of them justified) that cops abuse their powers -- like them being petty little shits that aren't very good at their job. Or maybe they are just scared shitless that they have to be surrounded by people that hate them. Or maybe they had their little ego hurt and want to get a few digs in. Or maybe Karen took the kids.

"Far more likely"? (Not that all or even most cops are racist, but) do you expect a bunch of often poorly educated people in a historically super racist country to not be frequently racist? You're ignoring the near unanimous experience of black people. If those were the actual causes for abuse of power, which seem unrelated to race, wouldn't white people have more stories to tell about it? The worst I've heard is when my dad got a ticket on Christmas Day for driving too slowly...
There's even been a bunch of stuff where machine learning algorithms were trained on historic data and end up being super racist, even when race isn't included as a data point because stuff like zip code is correlated with race (I hope you can figure out why!) This is a real thing that smart scientists are studying! (just mentioning that to affirm that there are people who recognize and care strongly about racism besides 19 year old liberal arts majors) Like... It is categorically undeniable that there are still massive race issues in the U.S.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 what if scout had 4 shots in The Dumpster

What if solder had six rockets.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 Winger should be banned. in The Dumpster

so does your mom

posted about 4 years ago
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