LadDuckI've got a question. I'm looking to change the PlayerStatusHealthValue text color, so I did. I change fgcolor in every place I found that was associated with the text, but whenever it goes in to under half health or I get buffed (and it changes color for the buffed or under half health), whenever it goes back to normal from the state, it goes to White. Is there anything I can do about this or is it just something I'll have to live with?
You need to go into your hud directory, open the "scripts" folder and then open the file called "HudAnimation".
After you've done that, you have to find the line "Health Bonus Pulse", under this section you need to find the line
"Animate PlayerStatusHealthValueTarget" and change the FgColor to whatever you like your buffed health to be.
Now you have to do the same for "Health Dying Pulse", this time is for low hp.
Hopefully I was clear enough!