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Signed Up March 15, 2021
Last Posted March 9, 2024 at 3:16 PM
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#28 best player in tf2 if you only saw their frag vids in TF2 General Discussion


posted 11 months ago
#18 rahThread: AI players in TF2 General Discussion
RahmedOn the note of AI, nvidia have released some sort of chat bot from it's line of gpu's
With the inevitable AI pc hardware integration, do you think there could be a time where you just ask your computer to give itself a high fps config? Maybe adjust certain changes on the fly without human input?

ah, yes, my own copy of mastercoms's consciousness running on my gpu, very handy

posted about a year ago
#34 Competitve horror stories? in TF2 General Discussion

Several years ago, my friend an I decided to try comp tf2. We participated in the first EU prolander cup, and some time later we decided to sign up for the EU prolander season 1. Unfortunately, it was only a week left before sign-ups ended, and no team was looking for two people to join. So, we decided to make our own team. What we didn't realize is that not many people were looking for a team either. As a result, we had to accept anyone who wanted to join. And what a team it was:
Me on sniper who never touched comp before, beside one prolander cup.
My friend wanted to play demo, but no one else wanted to play medic, so he ended up being our medic.
Our soldier was from Columbia and, and when asked why he didn't play in NA, he replied that he "hates America"
Our "main" demo had never showed up for any scirms or officials, always promising to show up next time.
Our sub demo was from Hong Kong and almost never talked because she was afraid of waking up her parents (it was night there during our games)
The guy on engineer was using some unknown godforsaken fork of Linux and it couldn't run discord at all. His only way of communication was through in-game voice chat or text.
We had couple of skilled 6s players, but they always had 6s officials scheduled whenever we had our prolander officials.

Fortunately, we also had some good highlander players. With their maincalls (and some strong mercs), we somehow made it into playoffs, got destroyed by top 1 team in our first game there, and that was the end of it.

On a brighter note, I enjoyed occasionally playing as a scout in prolander, and after that season, I joined a really cool 6s team :)

posted about a year ago
#7 The least serious democall ever, part 3 in Videos

posted about 3 years ago