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SteamID64 76561198039949521
SteamID3 [U:1:79683793]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:39841896
Country United States
Signed Up August 1, 2012
Last Posted June 17, 2014 at 10:15 AM
Posts 458 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 0 
1280 x 1024
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G400
Mousepad Puretrak Talent
Headphones Turtle Beach X11's
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#43 leaving a life long friend, and retarting in Off Topic
ErenJaywhat exactly do you want people to say? it's not like your parents are gonna see our posts on a tf2 forum and decide not to move.

I think he's just looking for a place to vent, there's enough decent advice here that it might help him out. Just go with what's happening man, you can't change it. This could turn out to be the best thing that ever happens to you, and since you can't really stop it, just enjoy the ride.

posted about 10 years ago
#38 I just cant play games anymore. in Off Topic

yeah i think tf2 kind of ruined everything else for me. i hop on for about an hour every 2 months these days, but i played comp until last summer and addicting is an understatement. the thing is, unlike a lot of other games, you find this group of guys/girls that you practice with/play matches with and put so much time together, while losing so much sleep that it just kind of bonds you in a way. good season, bad season, whatever, you just get really close. which is why i don't think the game itself is what got me addicted, it was the interaction and the people i met.

unfortunately my team broke up at the end of last season, and i kind of just realized i had given up too many irl opportunities for in game ones. i committed to real life, and at first it is kind of strange never logging on to check for scrim times or w/e, but you reach that point where you just kind of stop seeing the point in spending an entire day practicing. i can't really play games casually now either, they just don't push the same buttons that tf2 did. so while it provided me with the best game memories i'll ever have, with the coolest people, i don't think i ever see myself going back. i like to hop on and see what the community is up to sometimes though, and without a doubt the raddest cats are still helping the scene grow which is awesome.

posted about 10 years ago
#42 Chicago Meetup - July 26th in TF2 General Discussion

haven't played comp tf2 since the summer cuz of school and shit, but i'll be near chicago early this june. would love to meet some dudez, so if it's during the time from that i'm there i'd love to go

posted about 10 years ago
#31 How do you relax your day? in Off Topic

music, cold pop, ecig/dip (smokeless tobacco, I have quit tobacco cigarettes for awhile, ecigs are only for drinking/to puff on, dip is for the nicotine craving)

if it's a weekend: music, beer, cruising with friends or going to a local party

if i'm not being a lazy fuck: running (cross country), baseball (out with an injury atm), and really nothing is as relaxing and fulfilling as that feeling after a workout where you pushed yourself to the breaking point but still finished

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Wargame Red Dragon in Other Games

anyone playing it or planning on playing it? in the middle of d/ling it right now, looks amazing. i haven't played european escalation or airland battle, but the way the games are played out really fascinate me. could possibly team up with anyone who's interested once I get the basics down.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 .vob editing help? in Off Topic
jp_BolshevikLangeHandbrake it. Use "high profile" preset. Done.worked very well, thank you! problem solved I suppose.Have you tried what I suggested above (renaming the file extention .vob to .mpg)? I don't have a DVD and I'd like to know if it works on Vegas.

i read that before when testing some solutions, and although a ton of people swear by it it didn't help me. it's really hit and miss i think. lange's solution helped a lot, so i would start there

posted about 11 years ago
#6 .vob editing help? in Off Topic
LangeHandbrake it. Use "high profile" preset. Done.

worked very well, thank you! problem solved I suppose.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 .vob editing help? in Off Topic
redbanUse AVS Video Converter to convert VOBs to the format of your choice

That worked, thanks!

Unfortunately, the quality is a bit low, not to mention that annoying watermark. i'll find a workaround but i appreciate the help!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 .vob editing help? in Off Topic

i'm currently working on a project which involved recording some clips on a video camera, and now i'm attempting to edit them. i was hoping someone with some film editing experience could give me a hand. (I understand editing very well, i'm having file issues)

so i recorded the needed clips, and through some trial and error got the clips onto a computer. the files were ".vob"s, which afaik are un-editable through most software (i use sony vegas pro 12 can use WMM if necessary). i took the files, and put them on a flash drive which i transferred onto another computer which had my editing software on it, and is a much more powerful PC. I used MediaCoder to convert the .vob's into both AVI and MP4. I read that SVP can have trouble with avi importing, but that mp4's should play fine. i'm getting errors when trying to load the clips onto either WMM or Sony Vegas, regardless of which format I use. i need to have the editing done this week, but because of these issues i'm getting worried. would the problem be through transferring the .vob files from the disk to the computer, then by using a flash drive? could this cause issues?

any help is appreciated, i know there are several movie makers in the community that might have experience with DVD editing and i could really use some advice

posted about 11 years ago
#10 mushy mouse click after time in Hardware

my g400 has this on right click, i main demo and i started to get it at the end of last season. i'm not involved in comp now so i decided to ignore it, but i'm probably going to send it in and get it fixed

posted about 11 years ago
#40 g400 theory in TF2 General Discussion

short hair, had my g400 for about a year

posted about 11 years ago
#6 March Madness 2014 Threads in Off Topic

Welllll, since the Hoosiers lost and are going to play the NIT instead...

but yeah we should definitely do a bracket

posted about 11 years ago
#22 blow dried cow in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Madeon Code in Off Topic

i believe he was talking about Cut The Kid, not Pop Culture. i'm not totally blown away by it personally, but it still nice to hear something new. just felt kind of recycled imo

posted about 11 years ago
#28 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

as a person with multiple seasons of competitive experience in ugc, cevo, esea but who is no longer playing at least for the foreseeable future, i see you have two options.

1) pick esea, keep the community thriving. maybe they fuck up again, maybe they don't. personally, i was never really offended by esea. maybe they improve the quality after seeing how easily the community wanted to switch, maybe they don't. as far as i can see, if you want a LAN, and you want to see tf2 try and become the big esport that many have wanted for awhile, i think you have to go with esea. it is true that many top players strive for the lan to prove what they have been working for, and it is a big point in the decision.

2) you pick Cevo, hopefully it doesn't split the community, and hopefully everyone has fun. i think the spotlight on the game and the attention paid to it will drop within a year after choosing cevo, but if you are just looking to play the game and maybe have a more tight nit community then this is a solid option

i'm probably totally wrong and my opinion is shit but this is how I see it

posted about 11 years ago
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