theoretically if you can find a 9070xt at a price at least reasonably close to msrp you might as well go for that and upgrade the psu
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198025810326 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:65544598] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:32772299 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | February 17, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 9, 2025 at 2:56 PM |
Posts | 2320 (0.6 per day) |
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theoretically if you can find a 9070xt at a price at least reasonably close to msrp you might as well go for that and upgrade the psu
on the topic of netcode i know its not the same but rocket rollback would be such a banger name for a team or frag video or something
u tried pretty hard already back in the day so i think that ideas out
DavyChopefully in college you learn how to format and write a paragraph
honestly i'm just glad he didn't use chatgpt to write it
Zestyspringrollsppl got to realize when solarlight says truth nuke about 6s he's talking to pubbers who think that the average 6s player is a member of a satanic child eating cabal who want to shoot dead engineer players in the street
Satanism and child eating is a bit much, but hear me out about that last thing;
springrollsppl got to realize when solarlight says truth nuke about 6s he's talking to pubbers who think that the average 6s player is a member of a satanic child eating cabal who want to shoot dead engineer players in the street
wait, you guys aren't?
according to the chart you clearly underperformed :\
medic finally gets his revenge for every market garden
windows is so dogshit you gotta restart your pc periodically
everything you'd need is here in the files themselves (admittedly following the chain of aliases can be a little annoying). in particular comfig.cfg has all the networking stuff up front:
i think it'd be easier for you to just customize mastercomfig with the instructions regarding class settings, modules, and any other one off specific settings you want than to do it however it is i think you're doing it
the following commands are just the basic stuff i noticed, there's other optimizations mastercoms has done, related to stv or the setting up of aliases for commands like kill/explode, menuopen/closed, etc. to be directly forwarded string cmds to try and improve latency of those commands.
// general
net_maxpacketdrop 0
cl_timeout 60
cl_smoothtime .05
sv_lan 1
hide_server 1
tf_mm_strict 2
net_chokeloop 1
cl_localnetworkbackdoor 0
host_limitlocal 1
// snapshot_buffer=auto
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
// packet_size=large
net_maxroutable 1200
net_maxfragments 1200
net_compresspackets 1
net_compresspackets_minsize 200
// bandwidth_6.0Mbps
net_maxcleartime 0
net_splitpacket_maxrate 131072
rate 786432
// files
net_maxfilesize 64
Scout, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper
// snapshot_buffer=auto
cl_interp_ratio 2
cl_interp .03
cl_pred_optimize 2
Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Medic
// snapshot_buffer=auto
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp .015
cl_pred_optimize 2
// snapshot_buffer=auto
cl_interp_ratio 2
cl_interp .03
cl_pred_optimize 1
who had max becoming hopelessly addicted to minecraft on their f1 bingo card
cookieOff the top of your head, how many gamers randomly left FROYO/b4nny team for their mental health lmao
My favourite was ash back in the day
b4nny should count himself lucky yight didn't decide to wait until the middle of a playoffs match to leave the team