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SteamID64 76561198028005808
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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up September 11, 2013
Last Posted January 2, 2025 at 1:02 AM
Posts 2359 (0.6 per day)
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#1160 Vent your anger in Off Topic
Air_Brockhey its me, the medic, if you didnt know, getting shot in the fucking head sucks, it sucks more when no one says where it came from. meanwhile in EU 1 team does one thing right, repeat ever and over and over, *dontcap* youll end the game way too fast*, its tooo fast, too fast, lets farm them!***

you might as welll go play fucking casual mate.

and dbk? nice self upfrag. get some coms in those lobs man
just because you didnt teach the new comers positioning / places / names doesnt mean its not our fault

no coms = dead game (why) because you are not calling out spots, you are not helping other players LEARN
you're an incredibly bad poster

no im just too honest
and i make typos sue me

posted about 5 years ago
#1 The Elevator in TF2 General Discussion

tell people things they dont know
say things, strats people didnt think about
be smart, be aware and approach, get people up to date
the game isnt dead. its just full of new people and everyone is frustrated

help each other. the scene will grow

posted about 5 years ago
#1156 Vent your anger in Off Topic

hey its me, the medic, if you didnt know, getting shot in the fucking head sucks, it sucks more when no one says where it came from. meanwhile in EU 1 team does one thing right, repeat ever and over and over, *dontcap* youll end the game way too fast*, its tooo fast, too fast, lets farm them!***

you might as welll go play fucking casual mate.

and dbk? nice self upfrag. get some coms in those lobs man
just because you didnt teach the new comers positioning / places / names doesnt mean its not our fault

no coms = dead game (why) because you are not calling out spots, you are not helping other players LEARN

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Loadout ideas! in TF2 General Discussion

i got the ghost buster thing going on, plus the flair that carpet made for me

posted about 5 years ago
#95 job thread in Off Topic

graphic artist, I work at home. you should hit me up, I like drawing websites and having someone cut them up in dreamweaver and making a nice little thing,

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Loadout ideas! in TF2 General Discussion

smokey stash with lucky cards

posted about 5 years ago
#1154 Vent your anger in Off Topic

euro lobs, demo refuses to do kritz trap and instead tells me to hide so they dont know, I tell them the damn spy can check and see what our shit is, he still doesnt set the kritz trap, so the gates open and I kritz the heavy
the demo asks why he didnt get kritz...

then he runs shield demo rest of the morning for me here in the states, he talks about how no com's lobs are a thing / rule. it really just kills it for the team that has no coms. how can euros play HL lobs with no coms? its cancer. its insane! a sniper on process mid can clean house if the fight goes bad. a sniper can destroy euro lobs. its like a goldmine for sniping for americans and euros that want to mess with people.

also my Invite HL team gets baited, killed for the season because percy and meech. meech asks us to help their team out like hes the team leader, he isnt even a damn team leader. he just baits people into tryouts and kills teams. percy just nods goes on about it saying "nothing you can do about it". Was gunna pay team fees for an invite HL team, then I'm under the assumption that I dont gotta do that, so I pay MY bills and shit and figure we are working with them. Got enough cash for one or two transfers. So now i'm forced with my mate Starykrow to play a bullshit NA team that is Canadian/South American/USA. In the end I'm told im trying out*** for a fucking ugc team... i gotta fucking tryout for a ugc team? as medic? NA is crap now, and I gotta tryout??? I find out Meech isnt even a team leader. Hes banned on RGL and shit, so much stupid bullshit happening right now its insane.

we got yoshi baiting players on tf2 center for his stream running shield demo

posted about 5 years ago
#8 When will the second season of RGL sixes start? in Q/A Help
Nub_Danisheevv this real?

do you really think that man has the resources to make that happen

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Super on Fallon in TF2 General Discussion

why do you even play this game
im done with this forum

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Super on Fallon in TF2 General Discussion
Azazel-Brockwtzhonestly u should really not be so demanding or expectant of this. this was essentially a hobby for him and there's no reason for him to bring it up if he didn't want to. stop acting so entitled.(did you forget where you came from?) wtf is this LOL how can u type this unironically
If I was him and in that position I would had mentioned it.
weird that you're not

maybe i will be someday
and if I get the chance to bring more attention to the fact that valve didnt care enough, I will.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Super on Fallon in TF2 General Discussion
wtzhonestly u should really not be so demanding or expectant of this. this was essentially a hobby for him and there's no reason for him to bring it up if he didn't want to. stop acting so entitled.(did you forget where you came from?) wtf is this LOL how can u type this unironically

If I was him and in that position I would had mentioned it.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Super on Fallon in TF2 General Discussion

way to not mention anything about tf2 or how we struggle to get any developer support for the scene on television, super. (did you forget where you came from?) but then again I guess he would had got in trouble, guarantee it.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Valve should remove ingame competitive in TF2 General Discussion
eXtineJust remove the graphic restrictions and boom people would play it.

not just that, fov restrictions, no forced viewmodels. just treat it the same as casual at least. que times would go up and everything would be faster. and maybe not punish so hard for leaving the game, because when you get stuck playing against a hacker (sometimes multiple) its a. leave and get banned for a week or b. loose and go down in rank

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Team Fee 4 UGC Ultiduo 2020 in TF2 General Discussion
Aelkyr10 bucks to play ulti seems way excessive imo. I know I am some poor European but I think that most people won't even play an ulti league/tourney if they have to pay. Second idea is decent, but I'd generally assume that any sort of fee for a gamemode that is not 6v6 will do more harm than good. Maybe try and get some sponsorship, like a trader website, or free DM slots, or signed weapons from Invite players for the top div ?

one big reason I thought it could work is just because its mostly 2 people per team, maybe they got one extra friend playing with them. 20 bucks between 2 or 3 people isnt bad. the prize pool divided up between top 3 or top 2 would actually be enough to replace something you might need, mouse, keyboard, headset or something else. I just really think they should take advantage of the fact that no one is doing this right now in NA for ultiduo. If it really had to come to it and 10 bucks was way too much per person, perhaps just 10 dollars per team, that way its just 5 bucks. If you cant afford 5 bucks idk what to tell you.

Or perhaps 5 dollars per person if its all one skill division, or 10 per person if its two divisions, with one being free.

As for 6s, it would just be a waste of time considering the fact that you should just go play RGL for that sorta thing.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Team Fee 4 UGC Ultiduo 2020 in TF2 General Discussion

I was talking to some friends about this idea, I'm really interested in ultiduo next year with UGC, but seeing how things are right now ATM with the league, do you guys think it would be a good idea to do a small fee for each team so maybe we have a prize pool? I thought 20 bucks wouldn't be bad, 10 bucks per person. Keep it one skill division, top 3 teams walk away with a little extra money, maybe enough to get a new headset or a much needed mouse?

I'm also aware that it might drive some players away, another idea is 2 skill divisions, one being free and the other paid. UGC hasn't had a prize pool in a while and I figured it might be nice. It might be a little extra work just to manage it for the admins and such, but overall this is just an idea, what do you guys think?

posted about 5 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 ⋅⋅ 154