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SteamID64 76561198048943710
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Signed Up November 30, 2014
Last Posted April 27, 2024 at 6:42 PM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.4
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Raw Input 1
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Mouse Roccat Lua
Keyboard Magicforce crystal
Mousepad Steelseries QCK
Headphones Sennheiser Momentum II
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#12 Lawena 64 bit fix in Projects

I've released a 32 bit variant.
I'll get to making a version where you can switch the version within Lawena at some point. For now this should be fine.

posted 9 months ago
#7 Lawena 64 bit fix in Projects
NightfaulGetting a "Failed to replace cfg files" error. Is there a solution to this?

I've allowed issues to be created now
If you can post stuff there that'd be great. But otherwise try creating two folders in your tf folder called "lwrtcfg", "lwrtcustom".
If that doesn't fix it open an issue and we'll get talking there :)

posted 10 months ago
#5 Lawena 64 bit fix in Projects

Thanks supra I'll update the release :)

posted 10 months ago
#1 Lawena 64 bit fix in Projects

Just went ahead and fixed lawena not working because of the 64 bit update.
I'll fix the other versions soon as well as adding a proper executable, for now this should do though.
Thanks to supra for the help building the executable :)

posted 10 months ago
#767 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
TickkAnyone with a 7700x? Considering between it and the 7800x3d, and saw in a hardware unboxed cs:go(f) benchmark the 7700x was 20% faster.

Windows 11
CPU: 7700X
GPU: 1070Ti
RAM: 32GB 5400MHz
Resolution 1440p
Config: Very similar config to mastercoms high preset

2639 frames 12.298 seconds 214.58 fps ( 4.66 ms/f) 23.974 fps variability
posted about a year ago
#1 Does preloading particles still work? in Customization

I've recently been dabbling with customizing tf2 particles but I just can't seem to make it work.

I'm doing all the preloading stuff, set the various console commands etc but it just doesn't work when I join a server with sv_pure 2.
I know that there was a update two months ago. where people suspected that that might break particle preloading but someone in this thread still says that it's working:
Also tried to just overwrite the textures of particles but it does not seem to work either.
Does anyone still have some particle modifications that still work?

posted about 2 years ago
#7 RCADIA LAN Democall in LAN Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Weird Yttriums Viewmodel Mod bug in Customization

Prolly a win 11 issue. There might be a way to fix this in some weird explorer settings but as a workaround you could temporarily create a symbolic link.
So open up the command prompt and you can use:

mklink /D Link Target
so e.g. for you it'd be sth like this:
mklink /D C:\User\...\Desktop\FOLDERNAME C:\SomePath\tf
Where C:\SomePath\tf ofc references the path to your tf2 install

This basically creates a "fake folder" which when navigating you can use like a normal folder and when opening it it should have the contents of your tf2 install. (One can safely delete it afterwards as it's just a link to the real folder)
You can read up more about the command if you're curious somewhere online.
Hope this helps :)

posted about 2 years ago
#25 TF2 update for 7/7/22 in TF2 General Discussion

There shouldn't be any downside to using a higher picmip setting on modern systems.

Show Content
To put simply: it makes the ingame texture resolution higher, which in turn means they take up more space in RAM.
Modern GPUs have a LOT more VRAM (Video-RAM) than old pc's used to have. Usually multiple GBs compared to a couple of MBs (when tf2 launched the current high-end nvidia gpu had around 512MBs).
As long as you don't fill up the VRAM you shouldn't see any performance issues and even if you do fill it up they will probably be minimal (there's a lot more to it than just VRAM being full or not...) . Things could in theory take a tiny bit longer to load though.
From my very simple testing tf2 used up around 500MBs of VRAM with picmip 2, 1 GB with -1 and around 1.2GBs with -10 when running the benchmark1 demo.
Prolly because there doesn't always exist a higher resolution image for tf2 to load.
I'm simplifying a lot of things but that's pretty much the gist of it
posted about 2 years ago
#3 Memtest86 errors in Hardware

I'm not that experienced with memtest and related things so this is all just an educated guess:

Since all the errors occur on the exact same address and all the errors are just "bitflips" (e.g the value 00200000 is just one bit flip off 00000000; surprisingly all the bitflips occur on exactly the same bit), I'd guess it's a ram issue.
That being said I'm not entirely sure if that would bring down your whole system (depends on if your OS is using that address for something critical). Definitely do what Rockz said it is very likely just one stick of RAM acting up since it's the same address each time.

But I'd also recommend booting up Windows' Event Viewer and look for the most recent crash. It could state something interesting or it might just say something like "unexpected shutdown" definitely worth a shot though :)

posted about 3 years ago
#30 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects

Hey there!
Guy that spent way to much time trying to recreate the parser as closely as possible here:

"Average time before healing" most definitely corresponds to the event "first_heal_after_spawn".
All it does is just save all the times logged by that in a list and average it out at the end.

The reason it takes 20.1s before the event gets logged is because of the decision made by F2 (who wrote the medicstats SM plugin) which is to wait at least 20 seconds from when the last round ended before saying that the medic "spawned".
You can see the relevant lines related to logging the event "first_heal_after_spawn" here and the code where it sets the "MedicInitialHealSpawnTime" here.
Hope that clears up all the confusion around it :)

posted about 3 years ago
#30 May I ask talk about the current pandemic? in World Events
PuoskariYeah I'm aware of the protection it gives from severe disease, I'm not opposing vaccinating people who belong in the group that's at risk of getting it which are mainly older people. Mainly children, to whom so far the disease hasn't seem to been as dangerous, I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Here we have started vaccinating children between 12-17. I'm not sure how's it going around the world but I think it could be a good idea to at least wait a bit before starting vaccinating children. I understand the issue though if not enough people who belong to the risk group aren't getting the shot, the hospitals could overflow.

I think what's really important to realize that there's people who can't get the vaccine because of underlying medical conditions (e.g see this). If they also fall in the risk group (which they most likely do) they basically don't really have any options and rely on others to get vaccinated to reduce their chance of dying.
I think a lot of people are aware that this is an issue facing a lot of younger children due to the anti-vacs "movement", (there's loads of information out there if one want's to read up on it), and since COVID most likely won't "vanish" in the next couple of years (if ever) this will be an issue facing a lot of people in the future as well as currently.

Also I'm not sure if it was said but like you also mentioned there are still death cases among people who have been vaccinated but you can further reduce these cases simply by more people getting vaccinated and also wearing masks and whatnot.

In general: getting vaccinated (or wearing a mask) isn't only about protecting yourself but also very much about protecting others.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Why is Badlands not in any big league map pools? in TF2 General Discussion

I pretty much feel like badlands isn't played anymore because we started to introduce a pro version and inevitably split the community due to the fact that some preferred the shorter last cap time while others liked the longer one.

Yet another example of "given tf2 players options is a bad idea"...

posted about 3 years ago
#44 Graph Map of 2021 TF2 Players in TF2 General Discussion

To all the people asking about why their name is weird:
Afaik arcade is using my api to get player names (from and it gets the player names in the following order:
etf2l, ozfortress and then Rgl killed their api a while ago and ugc never had one to begin with and was giving me some issues.
I do have a solution for them (which isn't online rn) so if arcade want's to he could just rerun the name fetching and it should be a lot more accurate.
Edit: rgl uses cloudflare protection stuff so there isn't a easy way to request things automatically via the website without some more complicated workarounds

posted about 3 years ago
#7 rahThread: Faceit 6v6 comp queue in TF2 General Discussion
DrHappinessAbsolute Must Nots: Listen to random content creators for legitimate advice.

This I think is really important. Although I wouldn't say don't listen to a random content creator but instead: "Don't listen to just one individual".E.g. just because someone has played comp tf2 for many years and is playing prem/invite now doesn't mean that their opinion reflects the entire tf2 comp community.
Best case scenario in my opinion would be to either let the community vote (which requires some good voting options in the first place) or to just draft a bunch of tf2 players from different divisions/continents and ask them/discuss with them what they'd want.
Since I'm pretty certain neither of those things are going to happen I think the easiest thing for them to do would just be to be transparent on what they are trying to implement and then listen to community feedback and make changes but only if they absolutely feel like they must (sometimes I feel like the tf2 community rebels against certain ideas/implementations only to later enjoy them).

posted about 3 years ago
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