So I knew that there weren't many teams and allot of players looking but it didn't really hit me until 18 people added me for a tryout in 1 day since I put up my lfp. Please make teams and don't wait until the "extension" and throw together a team that will die in 2 weeks. Now is the time to make decisions and start leading. We have the potential to get back IM if the players that we had looking for teams right now could be on a team.
Some advice I can give to new leaders(based in the 5 teams I have led and made mistakes in):
1.) Stay organized, write everything down in one place.
2.) Have a set scrim schedule and make sure everyone knows it.
3.) Find players who are non-toxic and dedicated. there are allot out there.
4.) The best player isn't always the best choice, sometimes the best person is.
5.) Always make big decisions with your team, communication is key.
6.) Always listen to your team.
7.) Don't be a snake. You'll lose trust withing your team.
8.) (optional though advised) Lead by example.
I wish you guys luck and hopefully we can get people on teams and have a great season. Thank you for reading.
edit: btw if you are making a team make sure to contact ether so he can add your team to his list.
edit 2: Fygg has also created a Spreadsheet for people who are LFT. Information is here: