Account Details
SteamID64 76561198088174793
SteamID3 [U:1:127909065]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:63954532
Country Denmark
Signed Up April 7, 2013
Last Posted January 11, 2022 at 11:39 AM
Posts 281 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 5.5
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Black edition.
Mousepad Razer Goliathus
Headphones Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 19
#2 SpaceHUD in Customization

Great hud, good job!

posted about 3 years ago
#14 digithud in Customization
Johnny_DoritosCamus can you add a reset stats button to the stats page in game?

I'll look into this on the weekend (I don't have that much spare time anymore during the week), I think I got rid of the button for some reason :p.

Also I want to start working on the remaining aspect ratios 4:3, 5:4, 6:10 and possibly the remaining gamemodes.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 digithud in Customization


- cl_hud_minmode 1 option is now available.

- Added blue / red team buttons for class loadout.
- Added "A" and "D" keyboard controls for backpack pages.

posted about 6 years ago
#5602 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
phoxSomeone helped me out with that before, here you go.
NokkYou can delete or make blank the border definitions TFFatLineBorder, TFFatLineBorderRedBG, and TFFatLineBorderBlueBG in the clientscheme, but I'm pretty sure this also affects similar player panels elsewhere, such as the tournament spectator panels.
thanks for answer but it doesn't work. i'm trying to use uwu hud's tornament spectator.
i copied "specborder" to my clientscheme.res but nothing change

Change them exactly like this in your clientscheme.res

            "bordertype"            "scalable_image"
            "backgroundtype"        "2"

            "image"                 ""
            "src_corner_height"     "0"                // pixels inside the image
            "src_corner_width"      "0"
            "draw_corner_width"     "0"             // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
            "draw_corner_height"    "0" 
            "bordertype"            "scalable_image"
            "backgroundtype"        "2"

            "image"                 ""
            "src_corner_height"     "0"                // pixels inside the image
            "src_corner_width"      "0"
            "draw_corner_width"     "0"             // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
            "draw_corner_height"    "0" 
            "bordertype"            "scalable_image"
            "backgroundtype"        "2"

            "image"                 ""
            "src_corner_height"     "0"                // pixels inside the image
            "src_corner_width"      "0"
            "draw_corner_width"     "0"             // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
            "draw_corner_height"    "0" 
posted about 6 years ago
#5600 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

how to disable that red & blue background?

Someone helped me out with that before, here you go.

NokkYou can delete or make blank the border definitions TFFatLineBorder, TFFatLineBorderRedBG, and TFFatLineBorderBlueBG in the clientscheme, but I'm pretty sure this also affects similar player panels elsewhere, such as the tournament spectator panels.
posted about 6 years ago
#5598 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
exa_I am using uwui.

I've been trying to find a way to get the end of the round scoreboard to display (top 3 players with the most points, etc.). Not sure if this is a bug with the HUD or was intended, but if anyone here could help me enable this post-round scoreboard -- that would be amazing.

Many thanks in advance.

It might be intended.

To figure this out go to "winpanel.res", starting from "Player1Badge", "Player1Avatar", "Player1Name", "Player1Class" and "Player1Score" (it goes up to 3), check if any of this is set to visible "0" enabled "0" or if the xpos and ypos values are way too high in order to hide them.

If they are, play with xpos and ypos values to your liking, they are individual so you will need to move each one of them around.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 digithud in Customization

EDIT: Bigger health/ammo and changes to the class image background.



posted about 6 years ago
#7 digithud in Customization

Thanks for the feedback, I'll make it bigger with the same concept and see how it looks.

Edit: thinking this size might do it.

posted about 6 years ago
#5596 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
GraepCan't find the answer anywhere and you lovely folks helped before.

How do you enable Casual / comp badges to show in the scoreboard?

And what is the location of the scoreboard stats, as in "damage - " "invulins - " and how do you change what they're known as?

Thanks in advance.

Idk about your first question.

for the scoreboard look into "scoreboard.res" and look for "killslabel", "kills", "assistslabel", "assists", etc. also I can't remember but i think i changed the title and fieldname and added them a number such as "killslabel2" and deleted the original ir order to work.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 digithud in Customization

A HUD made by digit. (camus)

cl_hud_minmode 0

cl_hud_minmode 1





A clean and fresh TF2 HUD made from scratch, inspired by the spectator hud used at Insomnia61 to be used in normal gameplay.

*Important information*

- Only supports "16:9 resolutions" (for the moment).
- Pending to edit: mvm, halloween, robot destruction & passtime.
- Custom spectator tournament panels for 9v9 included in "resource/ui/spectatortournament_9v9", default is 6v6.
- Install the fonts included in "resource/fonts" folder. (if needed).

A huge shout-out to Raysfire for the tutorials, Doodles's website for the information regarding each hud file and to the people in the tftv forums for helping me out with some questions related to editing files.

Also thanks a lot for the inspiration to all the hud creators out there.


UPDATE: cl_hud_minmode 1 option is now available.

posted about 6 years ago
#5593 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

1st: Is it possible to add the ammo in reserve while healing someone?

2nd: What about adding the "ammo in clip" and "in reserve" to the target id when watching someone's perspective in a vod?

posted about 6 years ago
#5644 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Custom loading screen, select team / class.

posted about 6 years ago
#5590 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ENDHow would I change the size and place of the respawn timer for myself when I'm dead? I like my current hud but the respawn timer is too small and out of the way imo.

Respawn timer when you die is located at "Spectator.res" - "ReinforcementsLabel": play with xpos, ypos and font size.

posted about 6 years ago
#5586 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

#5590 Damn, it works!

Show Content

The only "change" to the sidepanel now is that I actually have to click the arrow within the sidepanel to close it, clicking outside the sidepanel does nothing now.

posted about 6 years ago
#5584 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
omni#5585 It’s an element the game calls in called “dashboarddimmer”. It’s not included into any file currently, and from my extensive testing and messing around, actually appears to be controlled by the engine itself, using sourcescheme.res to draw its border.

So at the moment, it’s impossible to hide it properly until someone finds out the animation that calls the “dashboarddimmer” element in and makes it so it doesn’t.

Oh well, we tried. Thanks!

posted about 6 years ago
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