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Signed Up May 30, 2013
Last Posted December 28, 2023 at 12:57 AM
Posts 440 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones Sennheiser HD 380 Pro
1 ⋅⋅ 26 27 28 29 30
#541 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Feels like the perfect song for the credits to that one "bad but too fun to not love movie". Production is nice, the vocals are a bit poppy for me, though I like the RnB influence and it's got an iconic style overall.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridIf teamwork is what keeps you interested then you should want consistency, teamwork gets eroded if you keep adding tons and tons of new maps for the sake of it. It's much more beneficial to have a single new map (test it out seriously, test people's ability to adapt to something new), your standard maps (tests teamwork/DM skill), and an A/D map (tests teamwork/gamesnese/strats over DM), since that variety helps show who the best team really is.

Also those maps change strats often enough, it's not like they've been played the same way forever and ever. Swiftwater is an easy example, it is not really played the same as it was 6 seasons ago.

If I gave the impression I thought overwhelming players with endless new different maps was a good idea, I apologize. I simply would favor a system in which maybe two or three new or unplayed for a while maps are added to the schedule for each season, so that we could work towards a system of rotating through 20-30 good maps, rather than seeing lakeside, viaduct, badwater, gullywash, and swiftwater be played half a dozen seasons in a row. This is the type of system I personally would be fond of. It was an error on my part to say that re-occuring maps discourages new strategies, however I don't see why non-inordinate implementation of different maps couldn't offer the same advocacy for "changing strats".

Quite frankly, I don't have nearly the experience you do to argue against or for the relevance of consistency and teamwork. I just wouldn't mind some less conservative diversity.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Kind of disappointed. But I guess everyone likes doing the same things they like over and over again.

Borneo swapping with Barnblitz doesn't seem like a good idea.
Steel, thank god.
No granary is great.
I didn't see the issue with Ashville (although many complained about it), and I don't see what's really changing by replacing it with coalplant, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Oh well. I shouldn't complain because its not in the general best interest, but I personally would love to see a fresh variety of maps. As much as I love Lakeside, Gravelpit, Upward, Process, Swiftwater, Viaduct, Gullywash, and Badwater, I really would like to see different/new maps played or bring back other HL custom/stock maps. There's something fun about adapting play to a setting you've never experienced, but unless you're brand new to highlander, I can't imagine many of these locations offering any new experiences.

I digress, as teamwork is the bread and butter of highlander that keeps me interested.

posted about 10 years ago
#89 new years resolutions in Off Topic

Get framerate and get back into competitive.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 BlackHUD in Customization

Thank you so much. I've been looking for a hud like this for ages. I'll do some testing and tell you if I have any problems. Much appreciated~

posted about 10 years ago
#21 So uh, Diamondback Opinions? in TF2 General Discussion

Definitely a buff that will hurt the game more than help it, especially in highlander. I honestly can't speak about its position in 6's and frankly I don't see why it wouldn't be banned, seeing as most competitive leagues have a variety of banned unlocks.

Pre-buff, the diamondback wasn't a bad weapon, in fact it could be an incredibly cheap one if you played your cards right. Throughout the last highlander season, I found it surely had its times. On ashville and viaduct, it was incredibly effective and catered to a play style of shutting down the enemy team's engineer and sniper, which is rather advantageous on those types of koth maps. The only real problem with the diamondback pre-buff was that it was the most situational of the revolvers, and was difficult to predict when it would really shine.

Now, this buff just dumbs down the game even more. Obtaining crits through destroying buildings in addition to backstabs is just outright ridiculous. The original point of the gun is now lost because I don't see why anyone would choose it for getting crits from destroying buildings, when they could just play the way they normally play and get bonus crits. For a gun-heavy dr spy, this gun probably wont be useful at all, but to the spies who already use their gun less then their knife and often only after a stab, its just a straight up upgrade. It requires no extra work, no thought, just boom, crit. Viperstriker explained the likely situation rather well. I just don't see how this is a sidegrade to the stock revolver anymore. You could have already been dealing the same damage with an ambassador, while actually proving you earned the damage. Why this, valve.

Feels like a similar situation to the short circuit, a weapon that was already outright awesome at times, and rewarded the user for playing smart in a balanced manner, that has now been turned into a mindless piece of crap. This is all based on weapon equip percentages mind you. The issue isn't the weapons, the problem is the majority of the community doesn't like to try weapons that don't come easy right away and have to make them adjust their play style. Sorry for ranting.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Mouse or Game shooting problem in Q/A Help

Mac Issue

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Need Hud Reccomendations in Customization
DeerCasualDeerI use knhud with a thinner font. It's kinda similar to the one you have in the screenshot.

This one looks like just what I was looking for, have you had any troubles with its "up to date-ness", or diguises showing accurate class pictures/new 3d class model (can't remember the name atm, forgive me)?
I don't use the 3D class model thing but when I disguise I get the red scout picture. That's probably gotten fixed by now, but I haven't updated my HUD in forever because of all the modifications I've made. Here's the site for it though:

You could just change the font to the one from your old HUD if you like where everything is positioned.

Alright, sounds good. I'll be testing this out for some scrims tonight. The stock font doesn't bother me too much either. Thanks a ton!

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Need Hud Reccomendations in Customization
DeerI use knhud with a thinner font. It's kinda similar to the one you have in the screenshot.

This one looks like just what I was looking for, have you had any troubles with its "up to date-ness", or diguises showing accurate class pictures/new 3d class model (can't remember the name atm, forgive me)?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Need Hud Reccomendations in Customization

Due to incompatibility with the new update, and several elements (specifically spy disguises) that have been broken for months now, I am finally acknowledging I really need a new hud. I have been using the Garm3n Q-M Variant for ages, and would like a new hud thats relatively similar.

Mainly, I'd like a minimal scheme, with text display of health and ammo relatively close to the center of the screen. Wasn't really sure where to look and was feeling a tad overwhelmed with choices, so I was hoping to see what kind of results I could get here. Thanks!

Screenshots of old hud:

posted about 10 years ago
#24 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
ykpegedeseWhat have you tried OUTSIDE of TF2?

Can you also post some spec's of your computer?

Honestly, it could be an overheating issue. A good number of computers also come with absolute piece of shit thermal greasing work. If that was the case with yours, that could be another cause, in which case you'd be better off re-greasing.

Well, given your comp seems to be a couple years old, it probably is a good idea to re-grease your cpu anyway...

I definitely think overheating is a big part of the issue, and judging from the feedback I have been getting, it seems that I am going to be opening my lappy up this weekend doing some cleaning up...

And the specs:
2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 Processor
8gb 1067 MHz DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M

posted about 11 years ago
#23 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
ScrapGifterI too run on a shitty laptop here are some solutions I use for optimal FPS
1. (Fps improver)
2. Heat my still be an issue if your laptop is elevate to encourage airflow
3. Hit Ctrl+Shift+Tab ,and go into processes ,and disable things YOU KNOW that aren`t important also right click on hl2.exe ,and set priority to high .I can`t say this for the mac never used never will .
4. Surface under the laptop should not be any fabric or cloth (pants, bedsheets ) As is will stop airflow instead have it on a hard surface ( I bypass the surface ,and shit with a laptop cooler lasted 10 yrs so far :)
5.If don`t know about about mac , but you can always lower graphics on your computer which overall intern helps lower the stress on comp.

Goood tips thank you, I will be trying some stuff out this weekend to test what works.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
BolshevikHave you checked out this thread?


posted about 11 years ago
#21 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
KAMOTF2 on Mac works best with the DX9 Frames CFG.

Thanks, I will switch to that one.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
forksare you running tf2 at the lowest res possible? back when i played on a shitty laptop the game was unplayable at anything not 640x480.

I used to but I find no fps difference between dirt low and max.

posted about 11 years ago
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