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SteamID64 76561198057725316
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:48729794
Country United States
Signed Up May 30, 2013
Last Posted December 28, 2023 at 12:57 AM
Posts 440 (0.1 per day)
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1280 x 720
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Mouse Gateway USB Optical Mouse MS.11200.050 MODTUO
Mousepad None
Headphones Sennheiser HD 380 Pro
1 ⋅⋅ 27 28 29 30
#8 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
Not_a_ZombieYou should try cleaning out the fans, it instantly reduced my laptop's CPU temperatures by 30 degrees Celsius.

Good idea, I will try this this weekend, maybe it can be something I get in a routine of doing once a month.

delpo"literally retarded" .__.

Anyways, have you tried a cpu optimization software like Process Lasso or Game Booster?

I haven't and from my knowledge neither of those are compatible with mac.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion
flippersto me the problem doesnt seem to be any of your game parameters, it seems like overheating.

I can agree, that this could be a big issue, I dont think there are any software solutions so stop the overheating so I will half to look into something physical.

TavyI would highly recommend setting up windows in a partition
From there you should be able to use dx8. I don't know too much though, so other people probably will be able to help more c:

Thanks, I am considering this as well, tf2 runs MUCH better on the windows side of things.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion

As I continue to get more into tf2, a consistent decent framerate has become more desirable for there is a direct level of correlation between my skill level and framerate.

Yes, I am going to get hated, I play off of a 2010/11 Mac Book Pro. So, there is a bit of a barrier regarding how I should go over things considering no direct x 8 or 9. Besides that, the different OS hasn't seemed to have been any of an issue.

I have probably spent some 12 hours working on tweaking my tf2 to get decent framerate, and still can't stay at a solid 60 (I might be there for 5 minutes, and then that number gets cut in half). Often from time to time, it drops to an unbearable degree of 5-20 fps.

For starters, I have all of the in game settings down as much as possible.

2nd, I am running chris's max fps config where I have it as fps helping as it can be tweaked, I cap my fps at 65.

3rd, I am using minimal particles, I can't find the link at the moment, but basically making things like smoke/terrain damage gone, and minimalising the medigun, rockets (they are just orange balls), and removing muzzle flares from most hitscan weapons.

4th, I have a fan control program which I have noticed in the past help boost frames.

Occasionally, this setup will give me what I need, the desirable 40-60 fps average I need. But that will only last for an hour or two. I have tried literally everything I could imagine that could make a big difference. I don't care HOW butt ugly I can make this game, I just want reasonable frames. Randomly dropping to 15 fps when I launch it sometimes is literally retarded.

What is so frustrating is every once and a while I will get a solid 60 fps, and the next I won't hit 30 with the same paramaters when launching, (a few minutes after my computer is boot, NOTHING else running besides steam and tf2). So it is apparent, that my game can hit the framerate i want it is just COMPLETELY inconsistent.

If you could help reccomend me anything that would be great, I don't care how ugly it makes my game. I JUST WANT TO PLAY IT.

Thanks, and remember if you solve my problem I will give you TWO KEYS for FREE.

posted about 11 years ago
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