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Last Posted November 18, 2015 at 4:25 PM
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#149 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

Guess I'll respond here.

EyePicking a famous Streamer/Youtuber/Player/Trader wasn't the smartest idea. He may be known and praised and what else, but the quality of his MvM Master of Classes was just sufficient enough to please only the clueless players. You shouldn't pick someone because he is famous and sometimes plays MvM.

Do you know the reason I am "known"? It's because I've streamed MvM (ie, 90%+ of my streams are MvM) for the past 2-3 years. I was solo-queing and showing people how to play each class on Expert. Please don't be derogatory when you clearly have no idea who I am or what my background is.

EyeThe argument "He has tours!" doesn't work. Tours are simply not a reflection of skill. Two Cities is just a grind. Expert with a premade team as well. And you can reset your tours with 2 clicks too.
The argument "Fastest MvM missions in the world" isn't pulling it either. If there is nobody else doing it, whats the point? I can too say: "I won 3 races in a row" but being the only driver on the racetrack.

True, I've played with people with 100+ tours who don't understand the basics. But between the four of us, having over 1000 tours - most of those played 'outside of the meta' - I dunno. Seems like you'd say the same if I had low tours.

Your race analogy doesn't really work either, considering we actually had to beat records (and others have attempted to beat ours since). Sure, there isn't a huge community doing it, but it exists. If you actually watch any of the runs, you'll see we have specific strats per map in order to beat them quickly. Double Engie, 5 Soldiers, whatever suits the layout of the mission.

EyeAre there actually going to be more of the MvM Master of Classes? Or was it a "one time" thing.
Because if theres another, please search for people that have more knowledge about the game mode itself.
The MvM Subforum in the official discussion area actually has a good amount of people that are experienced in the game.

Just seems you like you had a specific person or people in mind, or dislike me in particular, and because of this approached the whole class with negativity.

LordHelixIf they had done their research, they would have known that airblast was "fixed" when the scorch shot bug got fixed as well, but they went on and said that pyro can airblast giants back. Uh no they cant.

Of course we knew that. But if a Super Scout is running past with the bomb, what do you do? Yell "Oh well airblast is broken lads ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" or use the airblast to stun and hold in place? It's common sense at the end of the day, you advise the new people on what to do. We didn't have time to say "This is broken, etc". We just told them what they should do in the situation.

LordHelixThe class is mainly designed for those new to MvM, that's it. Those who are more knowledgeable in the game mode see it for what it is. If there's an advanced MvM course, i rather take it from the MvM subforum than here...that's all i'm going to say about it.

Isn't that was it was supposed to be? After Kresnik/Kevin asked me to do this, I asked them what they wanted. They said they wanted the basics, the bare-bones of MvM - all packed into an hour segment. And that's what we had in the class - hell we even had someone ask how to access MvM on the menu. Given an hour limit (which we ran over anyway) we felt it best to try and do what we could on each class. We talked about how the "meta" is, but emphasised that it isn't the be-all and end-all. We could have talked about Bison soldiers and upgrading Primary on Scout - but do you really want your next random MvM game with brand new players to be filled with Scouts who do nothing but run around shooting - missing money, not milking robots? The key aim was to talk about the basic points - from there, once you have those down, you are free to embellish as you please.

EyeBefore Two Cities, the basic class setup was: Scout, Pyro, Soldier, Engineer, Heavy and Demoman.

The basic class setup in Expert, before Two Cities, used two Heavies and no Soldier. Playing with friends sure, we would experiment, but in random/pub gameplay, two Heavies were used.

EyeMvM is about roles, not classes.
Money collection (Mostly Spy and Scout)
Area control (Sniper, Demoman, Soldier, partway Pyro and Engineer)
Medic killing (Sniper, Demoman)
Ammo Supply (Engineer)
Single target (Heavy, Spy, Engineer, Pyro)
Optional Tank Duty (Soldier, Engineer, Pyro)

Pretty sure that's exactly what we covered? Sure, we went class-by-class, but the emphasis was on the roles - ie, we consistently mentioned that a Sniper can replace a demoman as they utilise the same 'role' within the team.

LordHelixIts too general. That's right. the bloody lesson plan is too bloody general. I'm gonna go through this class by class.

Like I said - that was it's purpose. The class was designed to help people who didn't know what to do MvM. People who are new to the mode. Someone in our class didn't know the mode existed, thought it was some custom mode; now he wants to try it because he is interested due to the class. These are the people who the lesson plan aimed at. Not the people who have played the mode a lot and want to nitpick at the basics.

Let's put it this way - there was a class for Highlander Medic. I play Medic on a Prem HL team. I did not watch that class, because it was not aimed at me. The same applies here - if you all are just so damn good at MvM, why are you watching a newbie class?

XiJiAs someone one who attended the course and whose MvM experience before that was just "SHOOT THE BOTS", I learned quite a lot. I also think mainly teaching the meta wasn't a big deal at all, since it was mentioned often enough that you can pretty much run anything you want as long as you can make it work. My perception of the meta now, is that it's a solid strategy that you can just reliably fall back on whenever you don't feel like getting creative.

If there is one thing I wanted people to take from this class - it was this, so I'm really pleased with this feedback. We talked about each class, how even the less-used ones can be useful, but at the end of the day if you have the basic knowledge, you can adapt it to however you want to play.

At the end of the day I work 11 hours a day, lead and organise a Highlander and 6v6 team, and at short notice (and with massive help from my friends - Wiet, Seal & Asaaj) put together a lesson plan and put on this class. The people present enjoyed it, and if they feel comfortable playing MvM now with that knowledge, good for them, the class worked. Want me to go into more detail, talk about non-meta strats? Give me more than a 1-hour time slot and ask for that. Or, hell, watch my stream. I play enough of the fucking game mode on there.

Sorry to those expecting more in-depth analysis. Maybe the title of "MasterClass" was misleading to those expecting more. Myself and Wiet can (and have) talked for a hell of a long time about the different tidbits you can tweak in MvM. It's an ever-evolving game mode. I'm just disappointed most of the feedback on the class is "This was so basic, I know so much more about MvM than you". If that's the way you feel, good for you.

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion

I'm scheduled to be streaming the middle 12 hours (the EU-hours, if you will) and I wasn't aware of any of this...

I've known Snoven since he was known as Amethyz; he was a regular viewer of my stream and even did the graphical stuff for my stream layout which I still use. He's always been pleasant to me, and even plays MvM with me sometimes. He asked me a while ago if I would like to help out for a charity stream and of course I was keen to help out what seems like a worthy cause - all I had to do was play MvM, which I do on a Saturday anyway. Unfortunately I work 11 hours a day, am part of 5 different TF2 teams in 2 leagues so my time is limited; as such I have not "met" anyone else on the team or been part of the build up to the stream (it was only last night that I spoke to Snoven in Mumble about any details regarding the stream). The only other person on the FTC website that I know is Blutz, a friend of mine and active mod on my stream, and also totally unaware of this situation based on the conversation I'm having with him right now.

I was unaware of the reason Amethyz changed his account to Snoven, unaware of his history, and unaware of the problems that have been happening within FTC (other than being in Mumble talking with TMP when Jess and B_Red apparently left the team). All of this seems worrying and the evidence is pretty damning, which makes me concerned about being associated with this organisation. For those of you who don't know me, I am a big trader and collector in TF2, and I don't want me reputation being ruined by being associated with scammers or a possibly fraudulent event.

As of this moment I am unsure whether I will be partaking in the event. I've messaged Snoven on Steam to no response, and I go back to work in 30 minutes. Many of my friends who have been previously supporting FTC are showing concerns. I feel terrible for letting down anyone who has been honestly working on this project, and would happily support the charity in any other legitimate means, but right now I don't want to put my name towards something that could be a scam.

EDIT: As monetary donations go right to the childsplay website, that is what I will recommend people to do.

EDIT2: I received an Unusual from Amethyz (Snoven) during a "1,000 point speedrun" stream, if I can find out that this hat was scammed, I will be returning it to it's original owner.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 CeeJaey's stream in Requests


I play Medic for Warrior Nation, in UGC Gold Highlander and Steel 6v6. Stream scrims and matches almost every night of the week, outside of those I stream lobbies, pugs, and any casual DM/MvM I play.

posted about 12 years ago