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Last Posted September 12, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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#18 evil rgl in TF2 General Discussion

Comedic overreaction with these bans along with reasoning that completely misrepresents what happened. RGL couldn't just ban the pedophile nazi, they had to sour what would be a positive reaction from the community with more evidence that the administration is, at best, out of touch with the community, if not outright vindictive towards these players.

posted 6 days ago
#50 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion
maxiemaxiemaxieGuys let’s not derail the thread the real question is why is Pedolf Hitler not banned yet

RGL will get to that right after they make sure that anyone who said mean things about the person whose entire online presence consists of references to pedophilia and nazism gets their rightfully deserved discord perma ban.

posted 2 weeks ago