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SteamID64 76561198299949190
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:169841731
Country Germany
Signed Up December 15, 2020
Last Posted May 27, 2023 at 4:38 PM
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#1 Ping is too low? in Q/A Help

So some time ago i noticed that most of the time in casual matches i have a ping around 5 or 6, which seems very strange to me because when i type "status" in console and look at my ping it often is around 30. Strangely enough when i look at my ping through net_graph, it says my ping between 8 and 10. This is a problem since i often g et kicked because of it. I also dont really now when it started and its only on casual servers. I already did some research and tried "cl_cmdrate" with every possible value, changing config and even reinstalling the whole game, but nothing has changed. Is there any solution to this?

posted about a year ago
#1 Hide Primary weapon weapon with script in Customization

Hello everyone,

i want to have a script or something thats hides my Primary weapon but not my secondary and melee. I already heared about something called "alias" and stuff, but I just can't figure it out. It would be quite helpful if someone could explain this to me in more detail.

posted about 4 years ago