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Signed Up November 12, 2017
Last Posted February 24, 2025 at 12:46 AM
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#3 MGE VScript in Projects

This is epic, finally can play mge with my friends in our shithole country at a respectable ping :D

posted 2 weeks ago
#439 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

I think valve somehow patched all custom animation from working on casual.
I installed some custom animations, i started a private server with sv_pure 0 and they worked fine, but when i joined casual the animations became the default ones again, and when i came back to my local sv_pure 0 server it was still the default animations.
I don't know how it even works and if it will affect this, i surely hope not, let me know if it is only me who has this issue.
I haven't tested it with these custom animations

posted about 7 years ago
#431 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
WoolenSleeveletStop spamming yttrium, he made this in his own spare time, for free, to solve a public problem, yelling at him to spend personal time over new year to fix it isn't going to make anything go by faster

I'd seriously just recommend r_drawviewmodel 0ing pyro while living with the broken inspect animations on the other classes (some of which are pretty funny imho like the heavy's gloves turning into horrifying elasticated sawblades)

I just want to let him know lots of people care about his project. Still, i wont spam anything anymore.

posted about 7 years ago
#424 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
ChlericI check this thread once every single day to see if it is updated. Please update before Christmas ;3

At least 3 times a day m8

posted about 7 years ago
#421 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

I need this :'c

posted about 7 years ago
#420 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Update on the matter?

posted about 7 years ago
#419 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
pixxulI'm not sure if this is connected to the bugged inspect animations you've mentioned, but hiding primaries for Pyros will make it play the inspect animation for primaries over and over again if you do not have those hidden.

Read above m8

posted about 7 years ago
#411 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Oh sorry i just read what is just above, thanks for working on it :)

posted about 7 years ago
#410 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Fix for Jungle Inferno plz, inspect animations are broken, new weapons too.

posted about 7 years ago