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Last Posted March 7, 2016 at 2:15 PM
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#8 Help with enabling seeker's crosshair on m0re hud in Q/A Help
Enabled it for you. Make sure to install fonts if you haven't already.

Worked, but wasn't seeker's. Was a cross crosshair.
I'll send my hud if you don't mind enabling it. Grape's version of m0re's HUD: Download Link

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Help with enabling seeker's crosshair on m0re hud in Q/A Help
spammyGo to resource/hudlayout.res, open with notepad
Look up for something with 'seeker' - it should be somewhere on top
set both visible and enabled to 1
In fgcolor section set it to 255 255 0 255

Done that as well, still doesn't work. The crosshair still doesn't show up.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Help with enabling seeker's crosshair on m0re hud in Q/A Help
BrimstoneseekerThe guide over on ETF2L is a little outdated and some of the links are dead, so I'll rewrite a more concise one here.

This crosshair is achieved by using a custom font file called "tf2cross" which has the letter "x" replaced with a replica of the in-game crosshair. You need a copy of the font file (tf2cross) which is available on my ftp here:

This needs to be placed in /tf/resource. I chose to install the ttf file too.

The pastie links below need to be placed in your ClientScheme.res in the Fonts and Custom Fonts section (I'm assuming you already have a custom hud and this file exists). Your choice if you want to use the outline or not - it looks smoother without.

This goes into HudLayout.res.

The above two links are optimised for 1920x1080 - if you toggle the default crosshair on and off (as scout) you won't be able to notice it, as the custom tf2cross overlaps the stock crosshair completely. Its important to modify the 'tall' value in ClientScheme.res as well as the x/ypos in HudLayout.res if you want to get its positioning perfect.

Here is an image with outline on

Here is an image with outline off (had dx8 by accident sry)

Let me know if you need any more help with it, I can probably give you perfect values to use that'll replicate the standard crosshair depending on your resolution.

to change color change fgcolor label rgb values to 255, 255, 0, 255 for example

Did just that, didn't work.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Help with enabling seeker's crosshair on m0re hud in Q/A Help

Downloaded m0re HUD black edit: HUD and wanted to change my crosshair to a seeker's yellow. Don't know how to enable it, looking for help.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Will the pre-law Rocket launcher come back? in TF2 General Discussion

That one's shit.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Will the pre-law Rocket launcher come back? in TF2 General Discussion

I would if there were any

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Will the pre-law Rocket launcher come back? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Will the pre-law Rocket launcher come back? in TF2 General Discussion

There has to be a good amount of us that still miss the no trigger and different hand rocket launcher. Will valve ever update the game to bring back this viewmodel? Will we get a replica skin that looks exactly like it? I hope so.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Rocket Launcher FOV in Customization

I play Soldier very frequently and remember about two or three month ago not having a trigger and trigger handle on his rocket launcher, nor a hand. I've been having trouble finding answers on how I can restore this. So, I came here to ask someone.

posted about 10 years ago