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SteamID64 76561198028373868
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Country United States
Signed Up July 16, 2014
Last Posted January 21, 2018 at 6:52 PM
Posts 20 (0 per day)
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#8 CPU Servers in Projects
wolsneIs the code for this open source or posted on github?

I don't have any plans to release my code at this time.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 CPU Servers in Projects
SeltzerMaps that are in the easy-medium difficulty level. Ty ty

I've added MGE and some jump maps. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#4 CPU Servers in Projects
SeltzerCan we use it for MGE or Jumping?

I'll add those tomorrow. Any specific jump maps you'd like?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 CPU Servers in Projects

Some of you may remember I created a bot that would make a TF2 server a while back.

A couple of days ago, I launched a more user-friendly website that does the same thing, but it can do up to 50 servers at the same time now. You can also tell the website to make a server in the following locations: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New Jersey / New York, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Sydney, Singapore, & Tokyo.

Visit to try it out. You can use the servers for lobbies, scrims, whatever. Join Discord if you wanna say hi or request a feature (website or server).


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January 21, 2018:
  • Fixed bug causing backend to crash whenever it couldn't connect to a server.

January 20, 2018:
  • Added Jump Assist
  • Added Jump Controller plugin to automatically load/unload Jump Assist based on the map
  • Added maps:
    • jump_4starters
    • jump_above_rc1
    • jump_academy_classic_a
    • jump_adventure
    • jump_ayers_v2
    • jump_beef
    • jump_blueberry_b3
    • jump_bomb
    • jump_competitive_b2
    • jump_elephant_a2
    • jump_eons_rc2
    • jump_hexahedron_v2
    • jump_home_v2
    • jump_impact
    • jump_jurf_a2
    • jump_littleman_v4
    • jump_oats_b3
    • jump_orbital_rc1
    • jump_QuBA
    • jump_rj_rckteer
    • jump_sketchy2_rc1
    • jump_toxic_v6
    • jump_valley_final
    • jump_waves_final

January 19, 2018:
  • Added MGE
posted about 7 years ago
#377 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
2639 frames 20.589 seconds 128.17 fps ( 7.80 ms/f) 17.590 fps variability

CPU and overclock: i5-6600 @ 3.3 GHz
Graphics Card: Radeon RX 470 8GB

Driver version: 16.10.3
dxlevel (default is 90): 98
Resolution: 1920x1080
Full-screen or windowed: Borderless windowed
FPS configs enabled: Comanglia
Shadows enabled/disabled: disabled

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Computer's Servers in Projects

Ever since I've gotten into competitive TF2, I've always been curious if there was a way to make the cost of renting TF2 servers cheaper. So a few months ago I decided to try and code a Discord bot that would do just that, and I've succeeded in doing so. My Discord bot will create a temporary TF2 server in Chicago for your team to use in just 6-8 minutes. Servers can currently only be created between 8 - 11:45 PM EST. STVs will be on SizzlingStats.

Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll be able to do with my bot:
You can learn more about my bot in the welcome channel here:

Since these servers are from Vultr and not NFO, your ping may be slightly different. You can see what your ping will be like by comparing ping and ping in your command prompt.

For the first month, I will try to provide 10 free servers for anyone to use. If anyone chooses to donate to this project, they will be guaranteed a server slot for their own use. I will use this first month to gauge how much the project will cost per month and then adjust how many free servers I can provide.

When you create a server with my bot, it will rent a cloud VPS from Vultr. It will then run some scripts to download TF2 files from a faster location (my VPS, not volvo servers). The bot will then make a custom server.cfg file that gets uploaded to that created server, which will contain generated server and rcon passwords.

For those of you unfamiliar with cloud VPSs, they can be rented by the hour, which is how I can get the server costs to be much lower. For 6s servers, the cost is $0.015 / hour and for HL the cost is $0.03 / hour. To compare this with Tragic and NFO, a Tragic 12-slot server is $8.99 / month which comes out to be $0.012 / hour. An NFO 18-slot server is $14.57 / month, which comes out to be $0.02 / hour. The difference between using my servers and a traditional hoster, is that my server will only be up for the time that you need it, thus bringing down the cost since I rent them per hour.

Thanks for reading and I hope a lot of teams benefit from this project.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ESEA Client Error in TF2 General Discussion

My team was trying to join our ESEA match server and we keep on getting this: . We also get kicked off the server: .

Anybody else having troubles?

EDIT: We have the latest version of the ESEA client (

posted about 8 years ago
#1553 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Record or stream?
When are you going to build it?
How much fps would you like to get in Overwatch and Borderlands 2 and on which settings? Resolution will be 1920x1080 I presume?

Overclocking comes at a premium these days, especially Intel since they'll let you pay for an "unlocked" CPU and a chipset that allows overclocking. So the price to performance ratio will be worse. Most games are GPU limited so you'll only get better performance in TF2. And you actually have to oc. If you don't really need the performance and up just letting the CPU sit at stock speeds you'd have wasted a lot of money. Depending on your performance goals for Overwatch and Borderlands 2 there might not be enough of the budget left anyway, but if there is, would you definitely want to overclock?

Size for the SSD and HDD?

Resolution is 1080p. I'd like to get 120 fps in Overwatch (Current Settings) and 100 fps in Borderlands 2 (Current Settings). If you can only do one, I'd like Overwatch first.
I can start ordering the parts in about a week or so. Would there be any benefit to me waiting longer?
I'd like to overclock if there's enough in the budget left over, but it's not a must-have.
~120GB SSD and 1TB HDD.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Survey: In game and out of game dpi in TF2 General Discussion

550 for everything

posted about 8 years ago
#1539 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I'm looking to get a new PC. My current Computer (ha) gets ~90 fps or lower during fights. I'd like to see that go up to 150-200 if possible. I want to record my POV through OBS or GPU software with this new desktop. I'd also like the chipset to be Intel because apparently my headset (Logitech G35) has problems with AMD. I'm not looking to reuse any parts from my old desktop because that'll be used for something else. The games I'll be playing on this new build are TF2, Overwatch, and Borderlands 2. My budget is $600-800. I'm fine with overclocking the CPU and I'd probably like a SSD + HDD for this computer.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 SOAP DM Updated in Projects

I've updated SOAP DM so that it gets unloaded when a game starts with mp_tournament_readymode turned on. For those who don't know, that's the per-user ready-up system that valve uses for mm. You can download the newest version here:

For those who want to know what changed in the coding:

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soap_tournament now pushes a client's userid to their appropriate team's array (redPlayersReady/bluePlayersReady) once they ready up with tournament_player_readystate 1. When a player unreadies or changes their team, their userid is removed from their team's array. When both team's arrays are equal to the value of mp_tournament_readymode_min, StopDeathmatching() is called because the game is starting.

Both of the team arrays are cleared when StartDeathmatching() or StopDeathmatching() is called because if mp_tournament_readymode wasn't turned on before a map change, clients think that they can ready up. The userids put in the team arrays would be carried over with the map change if the arrays weren't cleared in StartDeathmatching().

EDIT: Explained mp_tournament_readymode cvar

posted about 8 years ago
#2200 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

How do I remove the black background? Pretty sure it's not in mapinfomenu.res

posted about 9 years ago
#49 MedicStats SourceMod plugin in Projects

The latest logs have, at least for my server, been lacking in damage and medic stats. I would assume that this is due to the newest update.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 MedicStats SourceMod plugin in Projects
F2I just tried downloading the source and compile pause.sp and it worked.
I'm on SourcePawn Compiler 1.5.3.

Edit: I haven't tried, but google tells me the error might be related to SourcePawn Compiler 1.6.0?

Found a copy of SourcePawn Compiler 1.5.3 and it works now. Thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
#923 yahud in Customization

From now on I will be calling my version of yahud CPUHUD. If you want updates, join my steam group:

posted about 10 years ago
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