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SteamID64 76561198124589076
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:82161674
Country United States
Signed Up August 26, 2014
Last Posted March 11, 2025 at 8:36 PM
Posts 2227 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .7
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2 DEX
Keyboard Corsair K60 Pro TKL
Mousepad LANFest mousepad
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor VG258QM
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 147
#5 i want to delete this thread in Requests

As responded to in Discord, the thread will remain up, barring reason to lock such as obsessive derailing or excessive posts breaking rules/guidelines.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 DH Atlanta 2022 Thank You Thread in LAN Discussion

Just woke up hungover in my hotel room so not going to make my full post but wanted to get the ball running, been a fucking hell of an event.


Shoutouts to broadcastTF/EssentialsTF for putting this on and involving me this weekend. Been a hell of a ride trying to help build out the NA LAN circuit and I am grateful to have been brought on once again. Jon, ArchRhythm, Drhappiness, Kirstysoda, and eepily have been putting a ton of effort and investment into NA and are making waves, can't wait for what the future holds for us.

Shoutouts to eXtine for providing YaoooSauce, good vibes, and some great casts on a slew of games this weekend. Sometimes it really doesn't feel like a *proper* TF2 event without your voice.

Shoutouts to Scream for finally being able to meet after playing on my first *real* competitive team with you. Been amazing to watch you go from bottom open playoffs with us to the absolute monster scout u are now, love u to death <3

Shoutouts to AvoidJoker for being just about the most versatile LAN staff here, from casting to producing to observing to playing, literally did it all this weekend. Actually just built different.

Shoutouts to ire and nyna for making it out for y'all's first LAN event, had the best time spending the weekend with you 2 and hoping we can reunite soon.

Shoutouts to greg club. greg club

Shoutouts to G6 for being ballers and taking home the gold while putting on a super entertaining show

Shoutouts to Rumpus and Millie for coming on and casting day 2, y'all were great and it's always nice to see new faces get to shine as LAN talent.

Shoutouts to all of the non-TF2 people who helped make this weekend successful, between Narith and DefenderNull from RGB LAN and all of our BYOC casters and observers, we would not have been able to pull DreamHack off without you guys.

Will probably edit with more later but tummy hurt, can't wait for next LAN, CU@RGB5 and hopefully CU@ DH San Diego

posted about 2 years ago
#64 favorite teammate in TF2 General Discussion

entropy, ChaseDuck, DubThink, Scream + JDuff

posted about 2 years ago
#2 name change in Requests

based name change, you do you homie
changed from CaptainZidgel to MozzarellaFireFox

posted about 2 years ago
#20 TF2 LAN LA SOURCE#2, 11th and 12th November in LAN Discussion
twiikuu@TFTV mods, why is every other November LAN global stickied and this is only category stickied?

oversight on my part when i went to do category sticky fixes for this/RGB/RCADIA LAN, will fix now

posted about 2 years ago
#13 RGB LAN 5 (January 2023) in LAN Discussion

CU@, if anyone is interested in being on-screen talent for the event (not just TF2!!) feel free to drop me a DM

posted about 2 years ago
#109 How long have you been around? in Off Topic

Caught America VS Europe in my recommended in fall of 2013. Immediately fell in love with the game and begged for a laptop to play TF2 on; fast forward to Christmas and had TF2 installed on my celeron w/ integrated graphics looking for any UGC team I could find while watching ESEA coverage online. got into producing around 2016 when I started hosting pug groups and was the only person in a few friend groups that had a powerful enough desktop PC to do any streaming, did a few in-house tournaments for friends, and eventually made my way to TFTV in fall of 2017

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Stream request in Requests

added to the sidebar under the name "Apathy" and region US

posted about 2 years ago
#38 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

finances be like: no :(

posted about 2 years ago
#16 i69 closing/thank you thread in LAN Discussion

I'm inevitably forgetting people here sleeping a handful of hours since finals, but wanted to get something posted before i go to bed since I got home a few hours ago.

BlackoutJon - Since Wolf's departure, you have done nothing but go onwards and upwards with EssentialsTF, and it's shown here at this event. Between investing money in improved equipment, doing what you can to help staff attend the event, and running a tight ship with DrHappiness, Arch, Kirsty, and Eepily this weekend, there's not a thing more I could have asked from you and your team. God bless and thank you for involving me again.

DrHappiness & Kirstysoda - Literally no matter who it happens to or what bullshit you are dealing with, the two of you go out of your way to make sure any and every concern about the physical and mental wellbeing of the crew and attendees is addressed. I don't know how either of you do it, genuinely. You're 2 people but you humbly do the work of 20. Honestly if it weren't for you 2 I would not trust myself to safely return after i65, but knowing you two are at an event makes me know that everything is gonna be alright in the end.

ArchRhythm - You are one of the most talented producers in TF2's history, and I hope you realize that with directing this event. Constantly scrambling to fix this little hiccup or that, while also being able to actively direct, vision mix, and audio mix and actually *pulling it off* has my jaw dropped in shock. 99% of people (myself included) would have crumbled doing half of what you did. You have a hell of a talent and it only makes me look forward to Atlanta that much more.

Beater - I have been daydreaming about getting to observe with you for as long as I have been thinking of attending iSeries, and I'm glad I finally got the opportunity this event. You are truly in a league of your own in that regard, and I don't think we could have pulled off some of the camerawork we did without you. To not only do that, but to then also be holding down the casting booth when you're not doing observing, and a banger job at that as well? For real you are insane at what you do and hope to see you continue on!

JMaxchill- Honestly had such an amazing time this weekend working with you on the in-game cameras. Bouncing ideas back and forth constantly, and navigating the new-ness of having cinematic cameras with HLAE at a LAN event was definitely no easy task, and it would have been much shakier without you. You're also just a joy to be around and really helped lift my spirits when I was getting down myself at times. Genuinely you are a homie now and forever, and I hope god willing we get to do it again next year.

JWB - I know you were a bit apprehensive about coming back to the community and meeting people, but fuck am I glad you decided to turn up. Was wonderful hanging out with you and your da- sorry, MidnightMick and I hope you know that as long as you are friendly and willing, there will always be a place for you in the community and at LAN <3<3<3

yanyul - Honestly you are too kind, was such a pleasure spending my free-time hanging out with you, and chilling post-finals with you, mak & pitts/marten/froyo/etc was very laid back. Absolutely have matching vibes, if I end up at the German LAN we'll definitely have to catch up.

EssentialsTF Leads - I know I pretty much thanked all of you individually, but I really do need to take a second and appreciate your collective efforts. The last 2 Insomnia events have truly been life changing for me, and I've done a lot of growing up and learning in the time I've gotten to know and work with you. Honestly before you reached back out about DreamHack I was at a loss as to if I'd ever really want to work in esports broadcast again, but now I am as fiery as ever, simply because you all believe in me. This organization and this event change lives in ways I can't articulate and i don't think can even be fully comprehended in the next decade for me, but I want you to know that I love you all and I am glad to call your organization a second home for me. Genuinely in awe of what we've put together and what's in store for the future. Honestly just hoping for the continued success of the organization, excelsior!

im not crying you're crying

posted about 2 years ago
#358 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#10 TF2 update for 7/7/22 in TF2 General Discussion
- Added a game server setting, "tf_fall_damage_disablespread", to disable random fall damage (default: 0)

Any chance we see this implemented in competitive league configs in the next season or two?

posted about 2 years ago
#5 habib in Off Topic

posted about 2 years ago
#2 name change request in Requests

changed from "WeShallFallen" to "fellen"

posted about 2 years ago
#2 stream request in Requests

added to sidebar

posted about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 147