first CM, now ASUS, in b4 another 1k boost to the esea pool
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198124589076 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:164323348] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:82161674 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 26, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM |
Posts | 2228 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | .7 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
2400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
280Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2 DEX |
Keyboard | Corsair K60 Pro TKL |
Mousepad | LANFest mousepad |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 280 Pro |
Monitor | VG258QM |
Hi so ive been intermittently debugging a new server install for about 7 hours now and im gonna scream if i dont find out what the problem is
So far I have narrowed the crashes down to sourcemod, though i know fuck all about what about it is causing the crash. I have the dump file opened in VB Studio 2017 but again, have fuck-all info about what any of this means.
I have tried in no particular order:
- restarting the server
- using the development snapshots of both sourcemod and metamod (metamod snapshot works, sourcemod snapshot hard crashes in windows, preventing a dump file to be generated in steam\dumps\
- reinstalling the server (twice)
- updating and validating the server update(lost count at this point)
- running as administrator both on and off
- checking steam forums, steam github closed tickets, reddit, everything online (these told me to validate server and update)
Relevant information:
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
CPU: AMD FX-6300
GPU: Radeon R7 250
Server Info:
The server runs fine both stock and with metamod, but something is fucky with sourcemod I guess. Server admins please come to my rescue, I just want a NY server for pugs/scrims :(
EDIT: Ran the debugger in VB Studio 2017, it says it cant find sourcemod.2.tf2.dll in the bin folder even though it's there, and even when i pointed the debugger at it it would say "file not found in that directory"
what the fuck
didnt see this mentioned in tri's post or anywhere else on tftv really so i figured i might as well inform people about it
ESEA clarified the moveup rules for divisions and included a section for tf2
specifically for us is at the bottom
ESEA FAQ PageTeam Fortress 2:
Open division:
Between 17-31 teams
1st-4th to Intermediate
Between 32-63 teams
1st-8th to Intermediate
Between 64-127 teams
1st-16th to Intermediate
Invite division:
The TF2 Invite division shall be composed of:
The top 6 Invite teams from the previous season
The top 2 Intermediate teams
The remaining slot shall be reserved for a direct Invite each season
They also added guidelines for playoff sizes
ESEA FAQ PageThe playoff bracket size will be based on the total number of teams registered in the division:
Between 17-31 teams
8 teams will make the playoffs
Between 32-63 teams
16 teams will make the playoffs
Between 64-127 teams
32 teams will make the playoffs
Between 128-255 teams
64 teams will make the playoffs
Between 256-511 teams
128 teams will make the playoffs
Between 512-1023 teams
256 teams will make the playoffs
Are you guys only looking at the player interface parts of the HUD, or will there be incentive to have a good spectator HUD as well (and is there castingessentials bonus points)
the real power play here is for enigma to sponsor the team from teamfortressTV and get into overwatch contenders, get our name out there
cool to see the enigma/ruwin/harbleu combo, garunteed to be fat
English and some German, though I'd love to learn more, very fun/interesting language!
my favorite gamers from LAN, really nice people and good at the video game. Give them a try!
he may have dropped off a bit in his 6s spy nowadays, but i always thought corsa was crazy
probably sheer luck but he made the fucking craziest spy play in 6s history, probably will never see something like this again
Edited: Spelling
Edit 2: mentioning medals and fixing sign up time as it's changed
DIsclaimer: I speak on my own behalf as a player, not an EssentialsTF(ETF) staff nor on behalf of the organization. I am expressing my own opinions about the state of monthlies from my perspective as an independent stream producer, caster, and team leader. TL;DR at the bottom
I understand this is the offseason, but with 6 teams registered and only just under 24 hours left to do so at the time of positions this(and 1 team with a week to go in NA), it's really disappointing to only see 6 teams currently signed up. In order to keep running monthly tournaments while offering the significant prizepools (which imo are pretty nice for the euro scene especially, though money flowing into our game in general is really cool to see) ETF needs 16 teams minimum, and shoots for 20+ for matches that even our over the swiss stage in order to give lower teams better games later on.
On the spectating side of things, we've been trying to come up with new production ideas and roll them out to all producers (working on improving PiP replays, as well as working with pazer to see if rollout smooths similar to static camera smooths in CSGO can be implemented with path splitting, and working on getting 3rd person mid/last cameras similar to the work done at rewind II) and been recruiting more casters/producers to increase the variety of casting/observing styles (shoutouts specifically to boxcar and frootloops in NA). Understandably viewer numbers and promotion were down significantly last month due to unavailability for front page, but in Europe the series (especially playoffs) have been really good, and new anti-throwing/offclass limit break rules have been put in place to help make the NA playoffs more exciting than they have been.
Even if I wasn't ETF staff, I would still highly encourage teams to participate and would be throwing in my own rosters, even if just pug teams. I understand how hard it is to get people to commit to 5-6 hours of playing, both as someone who has worked all 6 hours of production for both days of games, and as someone who has participated and lead teams in previous ETF monthlies. Right now there's some work being done (still very early days, so right now if anything just brainstorming/early development that won't be out for at least a few months) to increase ease of signup, and to keep rosters from previous ETF tournaments as well as removing the need for players to manually enter their steamID64 (admittedly if you're using a custom URL it's a real pain in the ass to pull up steamrep for the 6-8 rostered players). These improvements will help on easing the sometimes confusing entry process, and will be a significant QOL improvement for team leaders but not something that they'll roll out if they can't get at least minimum signups. The introduction of medals soon should also serve as a nice incentive for participants, especially since previous participants will be receiving them.
I get it can be a real pain to sign up for the monthlies, and even daunting for Open and Low (and UGC/TFCL/Low-mid Open in North America)teams seeing large names like Lowpander, Se7en, froyotech, SVIFT NA/EU, Ascent NA/EU and Ora Elektro headlining these. The more teams that sign up, the more balanced games will happen as the swiss stage progresses, and the more likely it is that we get cool stuff for TF2 like 8k viewer front page finals and see more sponsors/orgs take interest in TF2. I know that in it's current state (especially since EU does not nearly have the league prizepools NA does) competitive TF2 is mainly about competition, improvement, and fun, but the fact that over double the prizepot of last season's premiership (or double RGB LAN 2's prizepool as an NA equivelent) each month is offered up and we're seeing a decrease in signups, even from premiership/high and invite/high IM tier teams is concerning and a bit saddening. Please sign up, these tournaments have crazy potential to be big highlight successes for our scene (as can be highlighted by the huge viewership during frontpaged events so far) and bring more to our little slice of eSports.
TL;DR: These tournaments bring thousands monthly to teams, get LAN-level viewer numbers when we land front page, and are going to be getting better over the next few months; just have some patience with the format and sign up regardless of your team's skill level, the more teams the more balanced matches and talent showcases have potential of happening, especially deep in groups and playoffs.
i have a discord with 5 or 6 people who still have sub paid up and regularly play if anyone ever wants to grind a new wizard/bosses/pvp
main rn is a level 82 ice, almost done with avalon (about to finish dun dara) and i have a life mastery if anyone wants a tank support to chill with
lies, all lies
fuckin stupid broken dumb app
CobaltCharmI wish there was a counter to someone dedicated to building only and willing to expend all their resources on 1 fight
shoot out the bottom of their shit or take the build fight with them
or just make sure you're not going into a fight with <300 mats
playoff preds
frenzy_sorry to say if your looking to main pyro in 6s this aint the place, play a real class.
add crabf, i heard he's naking a pyro team this season >:3
Really though, while frenzy's wording is a bit harsh, you're going to have a difficult time finding a team that wants to run a full-time pyro though I can definitely see it being viable at least at lower levels.
Also, typically regulars of this forum are ESEA 6vs6 players (at least the NA ones), so you might not be able to find a HL team by searching here. I'm not sure if TFCL also has a forum, but looking there for a HL team might be a good alternative.