frenzy_KevinIsPwnAnyone remember TF2Can?wheres tf2stadium kevin?
A boy can dream.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198124589076 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:164323348] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:82161674 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 26, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM |
Posts | 2228 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | .7 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
2400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
280Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2 DEX |
Keyboard | Corsair K60 Pro TKL |
Mousepad | LANFest mousepad |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 280 Pro |
Monitor | VG258QM |
For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.
For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.
For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.
For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.
zxpdrshdwpuppetConsole and anyone else he may have hurt.
We (the community) did a bad job of protecting its members, many of whom are or were in the exact same situation you were when this was done to you.
I'm so very sorry. When the uberchain thread first came out now (years?) ago, I knew exactly who she was talking about immediately. I'm sure I'm not the only one, and that it continued to happen says a whole lot more about us as a community than either of you as victims.
I hope you can look back on your time in TF2 with fondness. I only met you that once but you are passionate and dedicated.
Was the Uberchain thread about Dashnerr too?
Yes, I've been taking advice with her a lot on how to approach this situation
For legal reasons I have decided to take down my post and all following posts.
Thread of the year coming in a few mins, stay tuned
redddddkeep in mind Dashner is in his early 30s dating an 18/19 year old so do you guys really expect him to not defend nursey? lol
edit: he was 17? when they first met?
I was 18 when we met, and we're not seeing each other anymore.
ValorousTFwe just gonna ignore the fact that there's still a confirmed pedophile attending lan? lol?
JohhnyFromCaliSo is Nursey going/invited to bts or not?
SamifaceRegarding Nursey, she reached out to me and let me know that she was removing herself from Froyotech's roster before we had made any decision.
The question was never "Is Nursey going to the event?", it was always "why would staff members like dashner actively push for her to be allowed at the event, and why is the answer to 'Is she banned' not a deliberate and hard 'yes'?"'
Knowing a lot of the people running this event and all of the shit they've been dealing with I feel a little bad about the intense backlash over the mismanagement of alfa's LAN ban status, but it's kind of a situation they created themselves. Also a little sad that tsc has taken the matter so personally due to the intense backlash, but again, was their own mismanagement that caused the issue in the first place so hard to argue either way in my eyes.
cre-8i get pissed and distraught over lans for two reasons, one there are no lans of any game close to me where i live
gonna say the same thing to anyone I try to convince to come to LANs; if you don't live close, save up for travel if you can. In both the US and in Europe it can be shockingly cheap to actually get to an event if you look into it. For RGB4, I was planning on paying for THE BILLDOZER's flight coming into Philly from Houston because it was under 100 bucks. When I asked my ETF2L team about coming and meeting up at i65, they all said it was too expensive without looking at flights, which were all around 150 dollars or under.
Not everyone has stable income or the ability to get the time off of work/school to be able to attend events, and that's totally understandable; and sometimes LAN travel can become pretty expensive (all of the NA people who regularly attend iseries and copenhagen can definitely attest to this, as well as people who travel east>west coast or vice versa for NA LANs) and this still doesn't include LAN ticket and hotel/airbnb prices, but those often times can be helped as well via methods such as room sharing with teammates (this also is just a really good chance to bond with close online friends, recommended even past cost savings). I know I had been wanting to go to LAN for years before 2017 but didn't get the chance until RGB2 as a combo Christmas/birthday gift from my dad, and since then I've had a bit of my personal savings set up for LANs.
TL;DR - LAN can be less expensive than you'd expect if you haven't even actually looked at what prices for flights/busses/trains/etc. are, and just because LANs aren't local to you (in TF2 we don't really get that privilege due to the game's size) doesn't mean they aren't monetarily feasable.
Appologies for nerd essay, just this kind of attitude about LANs bugs me. If you want to go to LANs in your continent, it is not super difficult to make happen provided a bit of dedication.