with the new site implementation i finally dont have to spend 5 hours converting steam3IDs into steamID64s for alias configs!
sidenote for those of you who cant read and didnt put steamID64s for the old tournaments: you ruined my life for 3-4 months
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198124589076 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:164323348] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:82161674 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 26, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM |
Posts | 2228 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | .7 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
2400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
280Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2 DEX |
Keyboard | Corsair K60 Pro TKL |
Mousepad | LANFest mousepad |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 280 Pro |
Monitor | VG258QM |
with the new site implementation i finally dont have to spend 5 hours converting steam3IDs into steamID64s for alias configs!
sidenote for those of you who cant read and didnt put steamID64s for the old tournaments: you ruined my life for 3-4 months
WhiskerrrCan I now play with dx81 in Official Comp? Were the viewmodel_fov restrictions removed?(Could not tell from the vid I noted above)
The only changes that have been made were the addition of placement match/elo system that CSGO currently utilizes, and unlocking sniper scope ratio. The rest of the forced settings (DX9, viewmodel_fov 70, r_drawviewmodel 1, etc) are still very annoyingly in place.
WhiskerrrWhats the current best fps config for a mostly competitive player with a potato computer?
recently MasterComfig has become one of the most popular sources of fps config/scripts with its relative ease of use and setup.
WhiskerrrOh and hows the unofficial tf2 comp scene right now?
ESEA has actually been doing okay the past 2 seasons. Last season we had no FFLs or team deaths in invite, as well as the return of a healthy intermediate team size and the largest open team pool in ESEA history, thanks to the removal of league fees from open (premium still needed). This season (which is currently in its second week) has seen a bit of a turnback as the prizepools are very poorly balanced among the divisions and encourage sandbagging, however there is still a healthy count of open and IM, and invite teams.
EssentialsTF has been running monthly tournaments with 1000$ prizepools in both EU and NA that have very underwhelming player draw due to long waits between matches and lack of a good tournament platform, which problems will be hopefully fixed in the changes to the june tournaments going onward.
RGB LAN 3 is scheduled for October so if you're looking for some lan action come join us!!
Screwball5 guys complaining they are not getting enough heals and no med because he fucking killed himself.
These Open Players ESEA Rosterscout: Aria
scout: Callum
roamer: shadow
pocket: lial
demo: -azion
medic: ScrewB
6 consoles trying to find a 7th so they can all Dodge scrims for a production/cast, all the while arguing about who gets to play soldier scout and demo since they're 'not medic mains' anymore. Inevitably we would all emo out of the team somewhere around week 6 and grind Clone Hero FCs until the season after where we would try and reform during the last few hour of registration.
dishsoap17 posts in and im not mentioned :(
shit posts =/= shitposts
the holy dumpster trinity
please play with them, sanity is a really cool guy and im really glad i convinced him to enter his UGC team into newbie mixes. It would be a shame for him to have come this far only to have his team die week 2, play with them they're really fun!
His honesty is promising, but my past experiences in HL and interacting with him in ESEA were still pretty bad. Proceed with caution.
Dub, Pomeranian and Starsucker VoHiYo
cool and fun gamers, play for them!
NurseyWhy do people not want to play HL & free 6v6 in TFCL? You still get medals and a free prizepot. It seems very confusing that people never want to make the switch.
lack of advertising, probably. I haven't seen any promotion of TFCL off of teamfortress.tv
anime was a mistake...
go fygg!
happy to see a new game that I enjoy playing/watching popping into contention as another top esport. I don't see the game being as slow/stalematey as PUBG, even in top level play, as the map is quite small in comparison and there are some interesting options for fast movement in things like the jetpack and jump crystals. From what I saw during Esports Arena Vegas's production of Ninja 2018, It seems like camerawork has a lot of potential mid-late game (sub-50 players and from 2nd circle form on) though there will for sure be some action missed early on unless instant replay or PiP is utilized to show off missed fights or multiple at once. Casting's probably the bigger challenge, working with the producer feeds you get and deciding what to talk about being the biggest challenge.
Overall seems like the skill ceiling potential is definitely there and there are some good personalities and quality competitors already actively interested in playing in tournaments, so I'm interested to see how things go.
This is what you're looking for. You can select all the maps and download them at once.
holy shit this is amazing. i've never heard of this until right now
is it just tradition to downfrag getawhale into oblivion at this point? There's actually nothing wrong with this post in particular
this is the first I've heard of this utility and I'm really happy about it as well
have used this in conjunction with the steam controller, is actually pretty nice if i just wanna lay in my bed and play some games from my phone instead of sitting at my computer or television (I also have the steam link hardware). Depending on how it performs on your phone (works great for me, original Pixel XL on 5G 802.11 a/c) this has a ton more utility than the regular Steam Link, with its only practical use case being wanting to play pc games on your living room/bedroom television. Also really happy to see that Valve haven't introduced a paywall or restricted support to only the steam controller, gives lots of accessibility to the use of the app to the point where other than the use case I described above the regular steam link hardware becomes inferior (assuming your phone is capable of streaming the games and you have a 5G connection).
Does anyone here have the Razer phone, and if so, do they know if you're able to uplink 120fps from the steam link app? That would be an incredibly neat combo of hardware/software.
frenzy_Good job jag. im sorry for shit talking you in last nights pug
who the fuck would ever shittalk jag he's like one of the nicest gamers and is pretty smart >:(