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Signed Up May 19, 2016
Last Posted August 19, 2024 at 11:20 PM
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#53 stock market crash? in Off Topic

posted 6 months ago
#5 siege_waldhofen in Map Discussion
Lightbringerisnt that just Paladins

Yeah it's from Paladins, but I hardly see a reason it needs to be just Paladins. I'm going to be updating the tools used in making siege maps like these later down the line so people can come up with their own maps using this format. Should someone want to work with siege, there will then be something consistent to work with.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 siege_waldhofen in Map Discussion

Do you want to mix up your pool of KotH maps you enjoy while ALSO wanting to play a payload at the same time? Well I have news for you.

In this gamemode, you must capture the middle control point (which requires standing on it to progress, rather than a countdown timer) to unlock the winners of a payload. The payload winners now become the attacking team and must push the cart into the enemy; awarding points for capturing middle, crossing checkpoints, and crossing the last checkpoint.

In this particular map up to 3 points can be gained per round, making it best for first to six for a best of three or first to nine for a best of five (I personally believe best of three would be better as incomplete captures still award points and would technically add more rounds the more incomplete captures there are). A successful defense awards the defending side one point, so if attackers got middle but defenders shut out all checkpoints both teams go up one point; if attackers got one checkpoint but not last then attackers go up two points and defenders go up one point. The way points are distributed per round puts the more aggressive team at an advantage, as they are awarded points during the round and defenders are awarded one point for a successful defense only at the end of the round.

Direct Download --- Page

Screenshots (not much on the eyes, oh well): Album


Would you like to give more direct feedback? I am always on discord @Construction Zombie#1056

posted about 7 years ago