SpaceCadetCorrieSpaceCadetThe only "toxic" thing that really annoys me happens pretty regularly on streams from the top players.I dont think that its toxicity if they just say it to themself. Its just the initial release of stress, really. If you look at all streamers they will do this to varying degrees.
I'm not one to rip on the guy but b4nny is easily the worst offender and the best example. Lots of times the dude will die and he will say "what is he doing?" or "why is he even there?" or another phrase to try and indicate that he would not have died if the other player was just doing what he expected him to do.
I mean, you fucking died, its ok. One way or another you were either unlucky, fucked up, or were outplayed in that instance. It is a terribly toxic mindset to have, especially for the best players who should be above such things.
What annoys me the most is that I have begun to do this from time to time in scrims. I get fucking owned by someone and want to blame the other player because of their positioning or style of play. That is fucking idiotic and I hate myself after I say it every single time. I don't know how I got infected but I am confident it was from watching these streams.
In front of 300+ viewers isn't exactly to themselves but I guess it depends on the way you look at it.
Your view point is valid, so I suppose its different for each person on what they view as toxic
It seems to be a natural reaction. I know i cant help doing it sometimes They just happen to be streaming in front of people. For me personally, toxicity is when you go out of your way to make other people feel bad, often becuase yourself feel that way. Sometimes if i dislike the way someone is playing i'll get the urge to call them a cunt. Toxicity is if i actually called them a cunt