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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 79
#7 ESEA S24 LR1: Six Apes vs. Jamal E-Sports in Matches

I think the scouts of Jamal E-Sports are going to need to do very well this match in order to take the victory. This should be possible, as I think they are great players. Go Slemnish.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 The Road to Invite: A TF2 Visual Novel in Projects

click on "posted x y ago"

posted about 7 years ago
#40 The Road to Invite: A TF2 Visual Novel in Projects
h0b5t3rSo when is this coming out?

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Mirelin's FOV exploit in Customization
dizastaKissakalaknuckretarded shit
Hurts your eyes? Why would playing on smaller resolution hurt your eyes? That makes no sense whatsoever.

You don't have to play closer to monitor. Things are effectively not so much smaller you wouldn't be able to see them properly. It's exactly the same as having a slightly smaller monitor.

The benefits aren't negligible. That's why people used OpenPlugin to get a higher FOV.

Also how is this Mirelin's FOV exploit? It's literally called having a custom resolution.

Kissakala always being downfragged for the truth lmao this forum

Usually people don't like condescending posts, even if you're right.

I mean, he quoted knuckles saying "retarded shit" lol

posted about 7 years ago
#194 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games
CitricThe abilities really aren't anything like Overwatch's. Overwatch feels like shit to play because you can't use your aim and movement to outplay people and get yourself out of situations and win fights on your own. In Quake Champions, you can still do that. It's nothing like Overwatch.

i think people exaggerate this way too much about ow. it's much harder to individually/mechanically outplay your opponents with most heros compared to games like tf2 or quake, but you can at least outplay your opponents with aim and movement with the dps heros, such as tracer (which, right now, is run quite frequently). you can most definitely outaim people with mccree as well.

posted about 7 years ago
#45 Alexandros LFT Solly/Demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

havent seen too much of his demo, but he hits some fat directs on soldier

posted about 7 years ago
#7 hyperglides in Hardware

i actually liked the way my ec2a felt with the stock mousefeet, and i had been using them for 1-2 years straight. It seems that after a while of use, it becomes a bit smoother. i got hyperglides with my fk2 recently, however. they definitely glide the most out of any stock mouse feet you'll see. there's an interesting difference between the two. with zowie's they're actually quite smooth, but they stick a lot more. despite that, i actually liked the feel. with mousefeet that glide a lot though, like the hyperglides, it's way easier for me to track (by track i mean weapons that you literally have to track perfectly on, like the pistol/heavy, etc, or lg in quake). i can easily flick/aim just as well with mousefeet that glide more (hyperglides) than the stock ones, so i'd say they're just better for the most part and just have a different feel in that regard.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ban tatuwah and sail in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#5140 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

oh shame

i was very hyped for the skateboard pete frag video

posted about 7 years ago
#21 The Road to Invite: A TF2 Visual Novel in Projects
uberchainForeskimowill corsa be in thisYes.


posted about 7 years ago
#4 Starkie Legacy The Second in Videos

U capitalized the C in corsa


posted about 7 years ago
#60 n3 lft s24 in Recruitment (looking for team)
nuttynutnutnah ur overrating him


hes actually high IM and better than some of the other "high IM" scouts rn

posted about 7 years ago
#6 rando hud? in Q/A Help

rANDO i saw u went bonkers against mp4 last night, wat cfg?

posted about 7 years ago
#23 ESEA S24 W8: EVL Gaming vs. froyotech in Matches

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Might be a dumb question but... in TF2 General Discussion

it entirely depends on the many specific situations. i'm just going to describe situations where they are actual 1v2's and not quite unseen flanks.

if you're defending your last point and you're forced to 1v2 in order to save your team the round, it is much harder to win if you shoot the medic first, no matter what the class composition is, for the most part. usually the only reason to ever go for the medic in these situations is if he's pretty much 1 clickable. this is probably a 1v2 that arises the most, as you normally don't take 1v2s for no reason.

if you're going for a 1v2 and your medic is dead, the main pick that matters is the other medic, so that's the safe option, because it doesn't really matter if you die to the other player, as your team can just repush with heals (although if it's on the other team's last, i'd probably just try to win the entire round by killing the fragging class then the medic). however, in most other 1v2 situations, including this one as well, it depends on whether or not you're confident that you can win the fight, as killing both players is more difficult than just killing the medic (assuming the combat class has a buff), and it also depends on what the class composition is. for example if you're a scout 1v2'ing a soldier/medic and you have a ton of props to jump around on, the easiest play would be to just jump around the props, trying to not get airshot, while chipping the medic. at the same time though, a good soldier will jump you with his buff if you have significant high ground, so you'll either be forced to deny the soldier or drop off and try to meatshot the medic (it's usually easier to just own the soldier though). if it's scout vs scout on almost any point on the map, i'd say going for the scout is usually the easiest unless the medic is lit. one of the harder fights to win when the other player has a heal advantage is probably soldier vs soldier possibly, and it's pretty easy to just go for the medic in that situation, since he can't do damage to you until you land unless you get airshot, so in most soldier vs soldier/medic situations, i'd probably just go for the medic.

there are so many different situations, depending on confidence, the point of the map, the class composition, your hp and the enemies' hp, and the environment of the map (props / high ground) to really give a definite answer. each situation is different from another.

posted about 7 years ago
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