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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#19 PC Upgrade in Hardware

Gpu upgrades obviously do some fps increase, seen by my own upgrade in the past and other people's (tf2). So what if I just OCd my processor and got a new video card? Or is my current processor too bad?

posted about 11 years ago
#17 PC Upgrade in Hardware
DuckyCorsaSuggestion on a better i5?Considering your motherboard, you are limited to the first generation i-Series processors:

I'd probably get a new motherboard.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 PC Upgrade in Hardware
DuckyUpgrade the CPU.

TF2 is very CPU dependent so upgrading to a better i5 would help you more than a new GPU, just be careful with the sockets since Haswell uses 1150 instead of 1156 (what your motherboard uses)

Suggestion on a better i5?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 PC Upgrade in Hardware
mghughlauriehis 4th gen i5 runs tf2 like garbage? something is fucked with his computer thenPlatypusI can attest to the fact that tf2 runs fine on intergrated. On a 720p res, i was running on high settings with no AA and was always staying 60+ fps in pubs. So I'd say 1080p maxframes would run fine.

Yeah, integrated w/ i5 gets ~60+ fps. Regardless, just having a decent/good CPU--4th gen i5--won't run tf2 at 120+ fps, which is what I want. My tf2 already runs tf2 fine. I just wanted it to be better/not having spikes, since it's pretty noticeable especially with 144hz. I'm just wondering if it's worth upgrading the CPU or the GPU. I'm getting mixed results (talked to people in steam too).

Having to run an fps config/lowest settings on a 5 year old game, getting only 60+ fps is garbage is what I was implying (that's what my brother's pc was getting, roughly).

posted about 11 years ago
#10 PC Upgrade in Hardware
ckapCorsaMy brother actually has one of the new i5 quad CPUs (I can't remember the exact name, but it's one of the newer, popular ones) with intel integrated graphics (yeah it's a newer one) and it runs tf2 like garbage with the same settings I use.Most people are running TF2 with either highframes or maxframes. The 4th Gen i5's can basically handle the game by themselves so long as they're running one of those configs.

Yes, my brother and I do use highframes and I believe his is 4th.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 PC Upgrade in Hardware
SetsulThe CPU is pretty much the only thing that matters for TF2, you could even play with the intel integrated graphics (at least the newer ones). That means you need a new motherboard and a new CPU.

More RAM won't do anything.
A better GPU could improve the performance in other games, but not TF2.

Think about it, if you're getting fps drops because your CPU is too slow, why should a better GPU improve performance? It won't magically make your CPU run faster.

My brother actually has one of the new i5 quad CPUs (I can't remember the exact name, but it's one of the newer, popular ones) with intel integrated graphics (yeah it's a newer one) and it runs tf2 like garbage (compared to my setup) with the same settings I use.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 PC Upgrade in Hardware

What would give me the best fps increase by upgrading? (specifically tf2)I pretty much just want to get rid of the constant fps spiking--suddenly spikes down to ~50 fps from a 150+ fps (annoyingly noticeable).

This is my current setup (like 3 years old?):
CPU: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20GHz (dual core)
RAM: 4.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. H55M-USB3
GPU: 1023MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 465

I'd probably have to get a new motherboard if I were to get a newer/better CPU. TF2 is more of a CPU-intensive game (rather than gpu), but would getting a new video card increase the performance for a cheaper price? Is it worth getting more RAM?

I can probably spend $300 or less.

Edit: specific suggestions would be nice

posted about 11 years ago
#25 How to fully uninstall the ESEA Client in TF2 General Discussion

For me, ESEADriver2 isn't in Device Manager or even C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Local\Temp\
But if I type driverquery in Command Prompt, ESEADriver2 it's still present.
Edit:apparently if you turn on "show hidden files, folders, or drivers" ESEADriver2 will be there :)

posted about 11 years ago
#26 ultiduo_nature in Map Discussion
KevinIsPwnThere will be an exit under the far left waterfall. The middle one will probably go away.

That would be nice, but it still wouldn't hurt to extend the distance from mid to spawn even more because of the height of mid.

KevinIsPwnCould you tell me how to duplicate this? I can try to fix it if I can see it.

I'm not really sure how it happened/happens. Sometimes when I simply walked out of the left spawn it wouldn't open.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 ultiduo_nature in Map Discussion

This is a pretty nice map but there are still a few issues (rc1):
-You can walk in the other team's spawn if they open it. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but lol
-Right when the other team spawns, you can easily just spam the spawn doors with a couple rockets and pretty much automatically win the fight if you're not bad. It would be a lot better if the spawns were farther away from the mid point, sort of like baloo.
-Sometimes the spawn doors clip and you can't open it.
-You could probably still afford to make the waterfalls flow faster and look more attracting.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 sniper democall in TF2 General Discussion

just today
decent 3k at 94600
and if you want a generic point blank scout hs, 26100

posted about 11 years ago
#4 corsa LFT scout (mid-high open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Since registration got extended, I'm still looking. :3

posted about 11 years ago
#3 corsa LFT scout (mid-high open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Issues with Internet in Hardware

I recently just switched ISPs and got a new wireless adapter as well. I had AT&T (DSL) before, and now I have Comcast/Xfinity (Cable). I went from a shitty G to a decent N wireless adapter (TP-Link TL-WN822N).

I'm still losing connection and I don't know how to fix this issue.
Any suggestions?
I know a lot of you probably think "well, that's your problem. You're on wireless." I know plenty of people that run wireless and don't lose connection this much.

Side note about what happened/happens when I lose connection:
When I had DSL, I would lose connection an average of once every ~15 minutes. When I lost connection, mumble had to reconnect to the server and TF2 got that "WARNING: Losing Connection" text in the top right corner and usually stopped at ~2.7 seconds and I was able to continue playing. With this new ISP, I'm not losing connection quite as often, but when I do, I still get that "WARNING: Losing Connection..." text it's just that I lose connection all together and I can't reconnect to the server for at least 2 minutes, and it still says I'm in the mumble channel when really, I can't talk/hear anybody. The weird thing is, when I lost connection with my DSL internet, I couldn't connect to the internet at all - I couldn't load a page in my browser, yet with Xfinity, I can connect to any other program (like Google Chrome/Mozilla/etc.)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 corsa LFT scout (mid-high open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

6s Experience:
UGC Platinum S12: Scout - No Name (Disbanded)
UGC Steel S12: Scout - Upper Level Gaming (1st)
UGC Platinum S13: Scout - Bobbys Boobys

I also play sniper for tLB in Plat - UGC HL

I don't have that much ESEA experience, but I have scrimmed a lot with my teams before they disbanded (one was high open, other was mid) if that means anything.
I think I'm at least a mid open level, and by the end of the season, my goal is to be a solid, high open scout.
I'm mainly looking to find a team that I can improve my 6s skills with.

I can scrim usually any time (preferable time would be 8 est - 10:30 est, but really, any time should work). I would probably like to scrim ~4 days a week, but I don't care too much.

Update: I'm currently backing up for Flash Sharks, but I'm still looking for a starting spot if anybody still needs a scout this late.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 75 76 77 78 79