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Signed Up January 27, 2016
Last Posted September 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM
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#8 $130 off 144Hz Monitor in Hardware

tbh at least in my experience, you can find a great refurbished monitor with warranty for really cheap on ebay, I got a 24.5 inch Asus with a 2 year warranty for around 149.99. Besides some minor scratches on the back and base the screen looks great, you can also find great laptops that way as well

posted about 7 years ago
#5 KRIT Esports - TF2 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

All Hail the KRIT KINGS! Welcome to our humble community :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 One More Light..... in Music, Movies, TV

this song got me so emotional. Surprised I haven't heard of it till now. My new favorite linkin park song

posted about 7 years ago
#5 your pro/anti viewpoints that you proudly stand by in The Dumpster

pro gay marijuana

anti marijuana gay

posted about 7 years ago
#22 do i have autism? in Off Topic

If you need help of some sort don't be afraid to reach out to me i guess.

When I was very little I was diagnosed with a mild form of autism (and I did have symptoms that showed it)

But it gets a stronger grip on you whenever you are depressed or somewhat emotionally distressed. When I got out of middle school and was able to control my emotions better I feel that autism doesn't have really any affect on my life now, and people think I'm a normal human being now.

If you made it this far without being diagnosed as autistic you definitely might not be, could be your depression/ mixed feelings talking.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Tip of the Hats: Day 1 in Events

will sideshow or jerma be at the event in anyway via online or actually attend there?

posted about 7 years ago
#3858 stream highlights in Videos

lack of enthusiasm and no multi kill sound made this clip boring af sadly, also a lot of dead time in the clip

posted about 7 years ago
#25 New Org in for Open in TF2 General Discussion

just a quick question, how many orgs have accepted teams so far? if not many have yet let people know these orgs are still up for grabs

posted about 7 years ago
#3856 stream highlights in Videos

I swear almost ever good play i see sandblast make, he gets destroyed in some way at the end

Edit: a couple of examples, one time when he went super sayin on snakewater and got airshot by a soldier at the end i think.

and one time he got a few kills and then got headshot face close by puo on sunshine.

posted about 7 years ago
#3845 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Pazer/Uncle Dane Valve visit information in TF2 General Discussion

kinda random but also related , but two years later (more than actually) and still nothing has really happened

posted about 7 years ago
#42 ESEA S25 LBF: Ascent vs. Gnomercy in Matches
ValorousTFaim-ValorousTFhonestly anybody who did donate for gnomercy to go to i61 deserved to lose their money in the first place

i love the team but real talk it would just make tf2 look like a joke if we had teams like this competing at lan
im sure if everyone confirmed to want to go to lan we would've practiced instead of throwing the game

So what's the talk about this fundraiser? or am i just mistaken

It's not gonna happen, Idk if this team is gonna stay together, even so idk if they will stay long enough for ESA rewind lan. I know a lot of the players are motivated to attend ESA however.

Also I agree with aim- Lan is much different compared to online games

crackbabydumpsterman i sure love open players dissecting the insides of invite team's issues

What would be the difference if a invite player said the exact same stuff I did? this is a issue that isn't "Invite exclusive" and anyone will a reasonable brain can see that this match was a fucking mess.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 Revive freakpugs pls in TF2 General Discussion

fucking can we just have 2 or 3 pug groups to dedicate ourselves to? each one having slightly different levels of skill? like it's fucking annoying having 20+ pug groups around and they all die just because we as a community just can't stick to a few

posted about 7 years ago
#35 ESEA S25 LBF: Ascent vs. Gnomercy in Matches
aim-honestly the match shouldn't have been streamed in the first place

so the hate is understandable, but with that being said don't hate your favorite players like cookie, slemnish, yight and marm

this is not how they act at all (well maybe yight, but his whole persona is being retarded...)

Just don't play the match honestly, would save everyone time, and spare any negativity towards the players and to comp tf2 in general.

But honestly even if you lost motivation just try to stick it to the end, especially for playoffs, playoffs is the most special time cause despite of your season record anyone can win.

And it's a major shame to see a playoff match to see who goes to the championship just thrown away like that. Like the game with the bugs they had no chance whatsoever so it's understandable to throw that one map.
But you guys go into a new game and threw from map one making it the most unentertaining playoff match in the history of comp tf2 (which is not what the comp scene needed).

Also I don't accept having one or a few people take the blame for what happened tonight, this was clearly a team effort, and we don't hate you as players or individuals, but we will always see this as "the one shitty memer team" or "the biggest throwers in comp history" and you guys (including me) just smashed our hype and hope of a good game and potentially having a new team try to shake up our comp scene. Basically you won't get hate but you will lose a lot of respect.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 ESEA S25 LBF: Ascent vs. Gnomercy in Matches
marmadukeGRYLLSrocketslayand marmaduke wonders why froyo didn't pick him up
i am in full control of what 5 other people want to do

be the outlier idk, remember when b4nny was against the bugs that one season and everyone threw yet he still played, and if you're the leader just say your team can't play, at least it shows you don't want a shitfest to happen

posted about 7 years ago
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