This post is going to have quite a few issues that I'll address [
This past month has been rough for me.
First off my dad and brother both have severe heart problems. My father has an aortic valve leakage and will need to have surgery this summer and heart surgery is very risky. My brother has a heart defect since birth and although doesn't necessarily need surgery at the moment, It will worse as he gets older and is considering taking surgery along with my dad and I'm super distraught at the whole scenario.
Second my dog a few weeks back had all her teeth removed (Apparently my mother just wanted to have her teeth cleaned since at the time wasn't eating as much as she normally would. But the vet just straight up removed all her teeth.) Now she doesn't want to eat anything, she will go at it a bit and then stop, she has barely eaten and seems to have just lost all motivation in life and I don't see her living for two more months at this rate. Although she is around 14-15 years old, she is dying in pain and it hurts me so to just sit by her being helpless.
Third I have to do an internship and a summer class and that means I can't play ESEA this season, I've been trying to do ESEA for nearly the past 2 years but something is always in the way. Also I've just been slowly losing interest in competitive tf2. Pugs aren't as fun anymore (not cause of faceit, I actually really enjoyed faceit when it came out, I just don't care anymore) and I can't put in the time to actively get better/improve. I would rather decide to put that time into my future.
Because of this I'm basically done with tf2 comp now/trying to get involved in it. I might just be on hiatus but at this point I don't see myself ever playing a season of ESEA at this point in life. Hell I might as well say i quit tf2 in general cause the only thing that kept me playing tf2 was competitive.
I'll still be around hanging and stuff, and I might ring for some teams if needed. But to all the friends I've made in this community I say thank you for the memories and the experiences I had here. This was the highlight of my gaming experience and glad I was able to enjoy (almost LUL) every hour of it played. Take care friends.
EDIT: I should have made an edit sooner about my dog sooner, apparently she did have other issues before having her teeth removed as she lost a lot of weight within 5 weeks. My dog now has at least 3 major health problems that are harming her