It still seems like getting integration would be the best (and possibly easiest?) solution here. Literally every other game of competitive is tracked by logs, and it's always been fun to go back and see exactly how many games I've played, and when. It's due to logs I know exactly when I first decided to start playing competitive, and it seems kinda sad to think that I'll lose track of all my non-scrim games. If Faceit really feel the need to have their own, inferior logs, then fine, but I would like some explanation as to why they can't also upload to logs, similar to how many servers upload to both SS and logs.
Would be highly unlikely cause
1. Faceit would have to play for their service which any company will try to avoid paying any third party system as much as possiblr
2. Even if allowed the use of their service for free, it would be a different problem for the faceit code to work with faceit and having each individual stat updated/ work to affect each players elo. Although I would love to see this happen, just expect it to not happen