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Signed Up October 7, 2012
Last Posted October 22, 2014 at 10:50 PM
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#1 Bad setup? Need parts? in TF2 General Discussion

I have a business license and just found a crate of computer parts, including; monitors, gfx cards, ram, mobos, power supplies, computer cases, fans and more. I was considering buying it but wondered if there were any low income players looking for upgrades that would buy some of this off me?

The palette I looked at had about 10-12 24" Acer monitors (not 120 hz) but are very nice and this is drawing me to buy this specific crate. I know a lot of people may have small monitors or whatever.

If I can get just a few people who maybe interested I will probably go buy it and sell them to the community at a cheap price. Let me know, if interested in anything specific or any questions please feel free to ask. Like I said, just trying to help some people who may not have the funds for upgrades or whatever the case may be.

Thanks for your time.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Evil Villain is Lemons LF Starting Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)
aimWho will be the next demo to be humiliated on stream?

all me

in all honesty, good team. JP and C4SH are both solid, as for the others I'm not too familiar with their playstyle but I'm sure they're great. GL

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
aimIf the calls are bad still do it. Going against a call is an easy way to get cut.

oh and I did listen to the calls --- I even stopped communicating with my team unless completely necessary and focused all my energy on DM. Still made no difference.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
miwoCranCARRYI disagreed with a call all of a sudden I'm trashing a team? Makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.Seems rather impolite to say that your ex-teammates are making bad calls in an open forum. If it were me, I'd keep it to myself.

> I got cut for Paddie - lol.
makes it seem like you're implying that Paddie is a bad player.

Well I am not you, so I really could care less what you would do in my situation.

And the > I got cut for Paddie - lol - simply made me laugh, not because he is a bad player, but because we had ONE bad scrim night and then I was cut for him. But okay :D

2sy_morphiendMy favorite part of looking threads is when someone does something stupid, gets called out, and their response to it only further corroborates the person's point.

The point made was invalid, as is your post.

keeep the hate train coming!

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
mim not gonna lie i was skeptical but when you openly trashed your ex-team and your replacement at the top of your post it confirmed that you really havent changed at all in the past 4 seasons

openly trashed my ex-team? lol? because I disagreed with a call all of a sudden I'm trashing a team? Makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever. Hate on B)

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, edit post.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Found a team, thanks for the tryouts!

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
watt don't know much about his demo play.

Thanks watt, my demo play was ridiculed because of my "over extending" which has been fixed :)


posted about 12 years ago
#22 Open Team LF Demo/Medic + Backups in Recruitment (looking for team)

yo panda add me, I hit up bot_tay and let him know I'd like a tryout; I'm just looking for some chill players to play with. Hit me up if interested.

will play demo or med

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

found team, who bumped this? lol

posted about 12 years ago
#34 ESEA s13 Open Preview in TF2 General Discussion

Horrible, as usually. Not to bust his chops or anything but for the last 2-3 seasons I've read these articles by him, it just seems as though he has been doing the predictions very last minute in order to try and meet deadlines. Meaning, he doesn't have the time to send the article to somebody and have them proof read it. I maybe wrong, which I hope I am seeing as that is very unprofessional, but lets hope we don't have to read predictions like this each week until week 5-6 when it's pretty obvious what teams are the power ranked teams.

With that said, please get better at your articles. We as a community do not like to read something and say to ourselves "WTF ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" or "Wow this isn't even close to being correct" - the IM power rankings seem pretty spot on and I understand there isn't as many teams but you need to do a little more research before posting these on ESEA's website.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 casting IM Illuminati vs Watch the Throne in TF2 General Discussion

gg thanks for casting, don't trip watt! :)

posted about 12 years ago
#8 ESEA S13 TF2 IM Preseason Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

Great read! Yeah it is a little weird, switching to medic that is...but I really enjoy it. Just hope I can improve and hopefully make our team stronger.

Also I agree with Slin. 6C is a top 5 team for sure.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Brackets needs a pocket or demoman in Recruitment (looking for team)

What happened to Spadez?

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LF Medic Mentor ~ mid-high IM+ in Mentoring


So this season is my first official season as a medic and I am looking for a chill player or two to help me improve my game. I feel I have a strong understanding of the game, but may need a little help with positioning and what-not.

We had our first match vs IM Illuminati on Thursday and we lost 5-3; although I am not disappointed with our teams performance, because they do seem to be a top 3-5 team this season, I want to take every match and improve week by week.

If you would be willing to go over demos, watch some team scrims, give some advice and help me correct my mistakes I would greatly appreciate it.

Also; our team seems to have a little trouble with mid fights, so that would be our main focus going into the start of S13.

Here is a cast by Sigma of the match, feel free to watch and leave any comments about something you may have noticed I could improve on or just any feedback you may have. Bad or good. <3

Have a great day!

posted about 12 years ago
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