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Last Posted October 25, 2015 at 3:09 PM
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#17 Valve's Game - Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers vs. big boy bonjour in Events

I hope this will prove popular enough to have a mini league start up around it. I know I'd be willing to donate to a prize pot for something like this.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Valve's Game in News
reillyWe're just seeing if anything is blatantly horribly broken with normal tf2, and going from there.

I hope that a decision of what is and isn't broken isn't decided with just one showmatch but rather over extensive testing over a significant period of time. There's so much bias against many of these "OP" weapons that the first few games may end up with people letting themselves lose focus and their ability to improvise when faced against something they fear to be too strong.

Edit: what Twisted said a few posts above me, must have missed that post :s

posted about 10 years ago
#952 yahud in Customization
KhanTF2Update: apparently a convar has been added to revert the health positions back to the old style, that might fix it:


Yup setting this to 1 fixed it for me. Thank baby merasmus.

posted about 10 years ago
#947 yahud in Customization

If KahnTF2 can't do it, I hope someone else will be able to.

posted about 10 years ago
#116 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

Here's the VOD:

posted about 10 years ago
#115 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
ClementineStarsCan someone explain what happened when the match just ended?

Apparently eXtv is on their own spectator stream delay presumably to prevent ghosting or other shenanigans. The server was shut down immediately after the round ended so eXtv's stream cut before the casters and audience were able to see the conclusion. So to the players everything was fine and dandy, but the casters and us were left with an abrupt conclusion.

GC did win with that final push however.

posted about 10 years ago
#112 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

GC cleaned house. Here are the SS:

blinKRules are very important for the regular season to keep it moving and organized, but in playoffs, more importantly the grand finals?! Come on. It's the last game of the season with prizes on the line. Let them play fair and square and the best team wins. That's what the community wants to see, and as competitors that's what we SHOULD want to have happen. Our best vs your best. I had the option to ffw budsquad last season but I chose to do the right thing (common sense). The same should be done here. I don't usually watch highlander but i'm definitely going to scope this rematch out. GL to both teams!

Rules mean nothing if they are not reliable regardless of the situation. Just because you're a nice guy doesn't mean that people must be nicer than the rules require. What should have happened was the rules being enforced as written. What should happen is for the rules to change to allow for sportsmanship and "common sense" as you've defined it, to play a bigger role. It seems your anger is more targeted towards the rules themselves as opposed to MF9K which I think is a shared feeling in this thread.

posted about 10 years ago
#104 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
LKincheloeShould be tonight around 9pm EDT on eXtv.

It's 9 and not a peep from the stream or twitter :/

Edit: Allegedly it's at 9:30 at

posted about 10 years ago
#102 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

Does anyone know when the rematch is happening and if anyone is streaming it?

posted about 10 years ago
#100 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
LunchboxCrayboffFor example, what happened here seems to show that if any UGC team in any league is down a player they are allowed to force the rescheduling of the game even if the other team doesn't agree to it. If they drop a player in the middle of a match (for whatever reason whether it be a fire alarm or even a modem being unplugged because there's no way to tell the difference if the team decides to lie about it), they can get the results of that match overturned.
I don't understand this line of thinking. If a team has a player drop, you're not contacting admins to reschedule the match. You're getting on your Friend's List, looking for your rostered backups, and getting them ready to hop in if the lost player doesn't come back along with any roster shuffling. Why do people expect this to happen in say UGC Silver for a regular season matchup? It's not like Gentlemen's Club sat there and ended up playing 9 vs. 8 on purpose, they went out and grabbed any of their available backups and went from there.

Well the portion you quoted was discussing potential abuse that somebody in some league would inevitably take advantage of maliciously. If your confusion is with my recommendation that a team contact an admin immediately during the game instead of looking for replacements, then perhaps they should be required to make an attempt to contact an admin within 1 hour after the scheduled game has concluded.

Regardless everyone should be required to follow the same policy as everyone else from UGC Iron to Platinum unless variations are explicitly stated in the rules. Rules are only useful if they are predictable.

posted about 10 years ago
#97 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

Admins in any organization need to be very wary of taking action because what they do sets a precedent. Every decision they make, if they're not careful, affects the interpretation of every similar rule and situation. For example, what happened here seems to show that if any UGC team in any league is down a player they are allowed to force the rescheduling of the game even if the other team doesn't agree to it. If they drop a player in the middle of a match (for whatever reason whether it be a fire alarm or even a modem being unplugged because there's no way to tell the difference if the team decides to lie about it), they can get the results of that match overturned.

It's because of issues that arise from such precedent that you can't simply say that "common sense" and "sportsmanship" should preempt the rules. As the competitive scene gets bigger, there are just too many people who are going to take advantage of any loopholes they can take advantage of.

Many organizations tackle this problem in one of two ways, they either: make the rules more explicit to close as many loopholes as possible OR they make the rules vague so the admins' interpretations have a stronger stance and precedent is limited to very specific cases. The problem UGC is facing in this situation is that they are trying to do both and it's conflicting eachother.

Perhaps in the next season they can revise the sportsmanship clause to say something along the lines of:

When a team cannot compete fairly due to immediate and extenuating circumstances, the game may be postponed or delayed so long as it is agreed upon by both teams. If an agreement between teams cannot be met, then a UGC administrator must be contacted immediately to resolve the dispute. Failure to attempt to contact an administrator before (or within X hours after) the scheduled game concludes is tacit approval of the situation.

Using vague terms such as "immediate and extenuating circumstances" gives the UGC admin plenty of room for interpretation while making it very hard for one admin's decision to completely overturn the rule. Hopefully UGC will take the situation very seriously and change the rules to be more accommodating to problems for next season.

posted about 10 years ago
#83 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

Perhaps an admin can explain what precedence should be taken out of this situation. If my team in the next season drops a player are we allowed to take as much time as we want before starting again?

posted about 10 years ago
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