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Signed Up October 20, 2013
Last Posted January 31, 2021 at 8:02 AM
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#44 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

all of that looks pretty good (cards i don't have) but why piloted shredder?

posted about 10 years ago
#42 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

A few decks that have been working for me on ladder
Darkbomb is nice, a lot better than soulfire in handlock. Antique Healbot is insane, it's like a second jaraxxus sometimes. Loatheb could def be swapped out, maybe for Dr. Boom?
If I had Dr. Boom, i'd definitely put it in this deck, probably the best neutral GvG legendary imo. Probably would swap out whirlwind or brawl depending on how popular aggro is. rest is really standard because i don't have all the new cards yet.
i'm pretty happy with this in terms of fine tuning of tech cards. Shrinkmeister is insane. Sometimes I play it as a two-drop if i am desperate though. It's so satisfying to cabal a sludge belcher or a cairne. Might need to slot in a thoughtsteal or two since control warrior is really popular.

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

Yeah, I instantly put shrinkmeister into my Control Priest, it's insane. Voljin is CRAZY, it's like a 5 mana Fire Elemental - it curves perfectly on turn 5, helping you deal with loatheb and belcher etc.

That new warlock legendary is going make Demonlock maybe a viable archetype, which is a pretty scary thought.

The new Paladin cards are crazy good. 3 1/1s and a 1/4 weapon for 3 mana is crazy value, a midrangey-buff type paladin might be viable now.

Really interested to see how the meta shapes up.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games


Dark cultist AND spider bot seem kinda clunky, and i feel like two shrinkmeisters would be worth it especially with 2 cabals. 2 silences might be a touch much but it might not be depends on how the meta shapes up. not sure i like 2 holy novas either. i feell like the mechs dont really have that much synergy and are kind of just there for the sake of it, like upgraded repair bot is the only card that actually interacts with another mech. I feel like its lacking in tech cards, and two shadow word pain seems kinda clunky.


the mage deck seems a bit more solid. snowchugger doesnt do enough for me, i dont think it does enough. the freeze effect is meh, i'd rather have a sorc apprentice. antique healbot seems really shitty for 5 mana. interesting to see a deck with no secrets and. i feel like a control deck could use polymorph especially in a meta that values silence highly.


posted about 10 years ago
#28 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

yeah flare definitely needed a nerf, it was way too versatile for such a specific effect

arena with the GvG cards is so fucking fun, i just drafted a priest deck with 2 shrinkmeisters and a cabal i can't wait

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

yeah the nerf is definitely warranted, killing 4-5 drops for 0 mana is pretty crazy. but its not for aggro purposes, its to control the board.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games
GvG cards available in arena, and spectate mode is done. rejoice!

You've probably all seen this, but if you haven't

Card Changes

    Flare now costs 2 mana, up from 1.

Flare allowed the Hunter an advantage versus decks that revolve around Secrets, while also allowing the Hunter to draw a card for little cost. We want to encourage a variety of decks in Hearthstone. With this change, Flare will continue to be useful against Secrets decks, but will be weaker against other decks.

    Gadgetzan Auctioneer now costs 6 mana, up from 5.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s ability allows for a player to potentially draw many cards for little cost. Card draw and card advantage are important to the game – overall, games are less interesting when a player draws their entire deck. This change brings Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s cost more in line with its power level.

    Soulfire now costs 1 mana, up from 0.

Soulfire, along with fast and powerful minions, allowed Warlock rush decks to get ahead on the board and stay ahead. We’ve upped Soulfire’s mana cost by 1 to slow down the Warlock rush deck just a bit and allow more players time to react and interact against the Warlock.

I can get down with the flare nerf, and the soulfire nerf is reasonable, but my only gripe is that they said it nerfed the 'warlock rush deck' - zoo is a board control deck not a rush deck and the super rushy aggro warlock is pretty hit and miss. The gadget nerf is pretty good, will definitely slow down miracle rogue, which although its fallen out of favour recently is still clearly very strong as forsen's hipster miracle and savjz performance at seatstory has shown

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

December 8th GvG release date.
I'm really excited to see how this shakes up the meta.

New control warrior finisher, get them down to fatigue and then play the mine card

posted about 10 years ago

no he stole it off reddit

posted about 10 years ago

cache is such a nailbiter, crazy plays all around

get right just bought a swag7 what

posted about 10 years ago

it is an aids community kane but the frequency and precision of the aiming on heads through wall is really questionable.

and that was a fuckin rockin game, fuck the drama god damn

posted about 10 years ago
#57 2007 Team Fortress 2 (aka Orange Box) Client/Serve in TF2 General Discussion

perhaps a silly question but is there any risk in playing this in regards to vac bans or steam account business

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games


i play 9 different decks, if you wanna play pick 4 ban 1 bo5 hmu

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Spy vs Engineer War in TF2 General Discussion

you say they fix reported bugs
you know that invisible players bug
like, where the enemy people you are supposed to shoot don't actually appear on your screen
the models just aren't there
yeah i still get that

posted about 10 years ago
#17 keeping hands warm in Off Topic

live in australia
the coldest days in winter for me are like 10C

posted about 10 years ago
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