personally i always enjoy having a new map in the season because its interesting to see different teams come up with different strats, with everyone copying each other when something good gets found. however there aren't really enough 'good' maps to have an actual rotation imo so unless you want to have 2 weeks of aids every season its not really worth it.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198047828651 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:87562923] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:43781461 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Signed Up | February 17, 2016 |
Last Posted | March 13, 2025 at 9:12 AM |
Posts | 884 (0.3 per day) |
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In-game Sensitivity | 0 |
Windows Sensitivity | 0 |
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Monitor |
i love the camerawork in this, amazing work.
finally gave up my tftv posting addiction
wait shit
if what Pete said about the invite meetings is true, then I think all changes should actually be fully voted on by the entire invite community from now on as opposed to the apparently very biased meetings deciding on the outcome.
anxiety issues have all but vanished over the course of this year and im incredibly thankful for that
became a much better editor
got to play in high on a team i love and fit in well with
bought tons of really cool shit
how can you put this much time into this holy shit
lots of alcohol and really nice clothes
i knew this was a hamaham thread before i opened it
i still don't get who the target audience of open whitelists is supposed to be. when has any pubber ever said "gee i don't want to play 6s because i can't use the solemn vow!"?
the "closing the gap" argument doesn't really work either because class limits and format (winlimit/difference 5) still add a huge divide (bigger than weapon bans that's for sure).
on top of all of this there's no evidence, as far as i know, that the changes that have been made over the past couple of years have done anything to increase league signups or even general interest in 6s, yet we keep pushing this idea of "progress" as if it means anything at all.
oh boy now we'll definitely get a $100,000 major! great job guys!
this man takes time out of his day to play eu lan team scrims on 150 ping and still pounds
that should tell you all you need to know
promod time
Spritewell if they have your account details or even just your e-mail they can get access to a shitload of other things related to you from your personal information, and if certain sites only let 1 person be logged into the account at one time they can hold you offline by ddosing your IP and then hack into your shit and you can't do shit about it unless you have a dynamic IP
this is somewhat misinformed. IPs are not exactly private information lol
FuxxClever. Anyone who clicks on skin related links might as well be put in a zoo anyway, but thanks for the heads up.
indeed. i always try to (safely) test all these scam links as i study security and find them interesting. entering your details in this site seems to result in it just telling you the details are incorrect which is disappointingly non-creative :(
so today i came across yet another scammer. instead of trying to steal my items this guy linked me to a phishing site. i found this one to be especially interesting:
as you can see, this site prompts you for a login, opening what appears to be a legit steam login window (the "address" is right). however, the popup it has opened is actually a non-address bar popup, and the apparent address bar and SSL certificate icon are actually images (they animate when clicked on or hovered over, making this even more difficult to determine for some people)
i haven't seen anything like this for tf2/cs before so thought i'd post it. interesting stuff.