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Signed Up August 13, 2012
Last Posted April 3, 2014 at 4:22 PM
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#11 60hz vs 120hz in TF2 General Discussion

It makes the game appear smoother, which allows you to make judgements related to your hand-eye coordination better because you have more information to work with, which in turn will improve your aim.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
mthsadCygnastyWhat ever happened with that "talk" the eXtv guys had with Valve/Robin? I remember them saying something like how Valve would only be interested in supporting HL at this time and then nothing.

I feel like adding a "Pro" mode to the ingame menu (similar to how players have the option to choose regular TF2 or MVM) with a basic tutorial interface would really help people understand competitive TF2 and lessen that divide.
this would be the best solution for introducing people to comp tf2 but it's a step valve is apparently not willing to take because "it doesn't appeal to most tf2 players" (of course it fucking doesn't if you don't give it a chance).

(also I'm assuming this was meant for the r/tf2 topic? I just noticed this was in another topic, I haven't had my coffee yet x_x)

LOOOL yup. My bad! I'm pretty bleary eyed myself, must've mixed up two tabs.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion

What ever happened with that "talk" the eXtv guys had with Valve/Robin? I remember them saying something like how Valve would only be interested in supporting HL at this time and then nothing.

I feel like adding a "Pro" mode to the ingame menu (similar to how players have the option to choose regular TF2 or MVM) with a basic tutorial interface would really help people understand competitive TF2 and lessen that divide.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Pocket LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Again, thanks for the compliments! Bumpin

posted about 11 years ago
#102 MGE ALTS PART TROIS: AU NATUREL in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#22 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Soapsteel is the cancer of tf2.

Wish we could for once, get a glimpse of upward in the regular season.

Upward is week 3 what are you saying dude

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Platinum HL Team LF demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Metawe, Feint, and Aegis are all pretty great guys who shoot things very well. I haven't much experience with the rest of the team but from what I understand they're all motivated to improve.

They won't be a top team but if they stick together and pick up a solid demoman they'll be taking plenty of rounds off top teams by the end of the season.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Pocket LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Jeez, thanks for the kind words fellas! Much appreciated. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Pocket (man..) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've only played with griff a couple times but when I did, he seemed to be FULL of energy and really positive -- two traits I REALLY think are important in a teammate. He also had great rockets and solid gamesense. Clearly knows what he's doing! ++REP

ps i love his songs holy shit

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Pocket LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey guys. My name's Cygnus, some of you might know me because I (used to) stream a lot and played Pyro and sometimes Soldier.

I really enjoy Pocket in 6s and played on an Open team for one season, backing up for another the next. While it was tons of fun I can definitely say that my HL scrim schedule + IRL responsibilities really made it hard to commit to scrimming basically every night of the week.

That's why I'm just putting it out there that I'm looking for a very low-commitment team if possible. The trouble is that I definitely am motivated to improve, so I'd really only want to play with 5 doods who have similar goals, but just not a ton of time on their hands. Not sure if such a team exists but ideally I would want to scrim 2 maybe 3 nights a week for like 2 hours a night.

Like I said, just putting it out there, and I won't be mad if it's essentially impossible to find a team that meets this criteria.

I was kind of thrust into the role of caller on my HL team over the past season and while it's difficult and frustrating to do from the Pyro position I really enjoy calling as Pocket and feel it is one of my strengths. I feel I have a solid baseline of gamesense from playing HL very seriously over the past few years and would love to apply that to 6s.

In terms of what I feel I need to improve on:
I think my DM is very average and I'd be putting in more time DMing/MGEing to hit more shots.
I may sometimes over-comm with my own personal agenda. Though I try to relate what I'm doing ingame at that moemnt to my plan for the team as a whole, I may sometimes talk too much.

TF2 Resume:

6 Seasons of experience on a top-level UGC Platinum team as Pyro (Baby Punching Marathon)
1 Season of experience on a low-mid Open team as Pocket ($30k for Bald Kids)
1 Season of experience on a mid-Open team as backup Pocket (Chilling in North Korea)
A lot of TF2Mix pugs and some pugnas.

Thanks for your time & consideration!

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Announcing, servers, tournament & more in TF2 General Discussion

This is so fucking cool. This is the best thing to happen to TF2 in a long while, and that's saying a LOT because some pretty great shit has happened recently.

You are a hero, and truly deserve thanks for doing this.


posted about 11 years ago
#27 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
do you think making engie that threatening/important is bad? i was under the impression that what you're describing can be applied to a good sniper too. pyros if positioned well can disrupt whole ubers, and so on. picks are important regardless of who it is simply because of raw manpower, as well.

the main damage class suddenly becoming not so main-damaging is kind of interesting, to say the least

Let's make this clear, I'm not upset that this weapon makes the engineer threatening or important.

In general, HL is a very slow gamemode. In PL you're artificially limited by the speed of the cart, and on 5cp the speed of your heavy/pyro/engi/spy mean that pushing with momentum often isn't possible, especially on larger maps (CP_Croissant I'm looking at you). Like any major tweak to any weapon, this will make changes in the HL metagame.

The most prevalent change that it will have is that you must kill the engineer before the push, otherwise 70% or more of your damage is just... gone. You're essentially pushing one man down.

The difference between the Engineer in this case and the skilled Sniper and well-positioned Pyro is that there are counters to these classes that are not simply "kill the class." While, of course, killing them is a good idea, pushing through a choke away from the Pyro essentially nullifies him as long as you have a player on your team shooting him during the uber. Pushing through an angle not covered by the Sniper is also an easy way to greatly increase your chances of a successful push.

There isn't another counter to an Engineer with Short Circuit aside from killing him. He can sit by the combo with a dispenser and literally deny any and all projectiles for 2 full minutes, and that's if he's dumb and NOT timing his shots.

There is nothing interesting about a Demoman not being a damage dealer. Pushes in HL succeed because Demomen do damage for their team to clean up. Without a Demoman's damage, other classes are forced to put out more damage, which simply isn't going to be possible with the enormous amount of HP spread across 9 overhealed players. This means more pushes will fail simply because Short Circuit exists. Failed pushes mean more stalemates.

Again, stalemates are basically the farthest thing from interesting.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
most importantly i'd just like to see the short circuit given more time because it could end up being a healthy addition to HL

thanks for replying.

It's not healthy. At all. It slows down the game to the point where you need to get a headshot/pick on the Engi on any gamemode (not just PL where that's pretty expected) just to get the game back to it's already way-too-slow state in HL.

Because of the sheer number of players (and constant presence of a Sniper), many pushes in HL boil down to, "Well, let's just build uber and wait for a pick..." even at the highest level. Forcing ANOTHER pick in order to secure ANY hope of your main damage class... well, doing damage, is a shitty idea and will slow down HL even moreso than it already is.

Again, not healthy.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion

Played an HL pug with both engis using the new Short Circuit.

I don't remember wtf our engineer was doing but the other team's engineer just sat by their combo spamming that shit whenever our demo tried to do damage. When a Pyro sits by the combo m2ing, it isn't an absolute guarantee that all projectiles will be nullified. If any of them come in during the cooldown between airblasts, they obviously do damage, and if the Pyro happens to be clipping with a teammate he reflects them into himself, doing a lot of self-dmg. Their engi and his rapid-fire projectile destroyer was basically nullifying almost all of our demo's damage and we were constantly walking into overhealed players.

Anything that slows HL (an already slow gamemode compared to 6s) down to that fucking pace should be banned asap.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 About Pyro competitive in TF2 General Discussion

Mundoverso, you're asking a very broad question without much knowledge about the subject you're asking about (competitive tf2).

Because this lack of knowledge isn't your fault, I'm explaining to you now that this is a question that gets asked a lot. It's one of the most-asked questions by newer players looking to get into competitive because Pyro is (1) relatively easy and (2) also pretty fun for some people. It's an easy first class to "main" because it has abilities and functions unique to it from other classes (airblast, mainly).

What you're facing now is a lot of negativity because most players on this forum (including myself) have played this game more than you, and more than you can really imagine in some cases. They've seen this question over and over again from fresh-faced players who want to play their main competitively.

In case you weren't aware, there are multiple competitive formats in TF2. The main formats are Highlander (9v9, 1 player of each class per team) and 6s (6v6, 1 medic, 1 demo, 2 soldiers and 2 scouts, with the Scouts or sometimes a Soldier "offclassing" to one of the other classes that fits the exact situation they need at that very moment). Obviously Pyro is viable in HL as there is required to be one Pyro per team.

Beyond the lower levels of 6s, Pyro is not viable full-time. End of story. People have thought about this and tried it repeatedly and, outside of very specific gimmicky plays that only work very rarely, it's not going to happen.

Also, don't call people idiots. It doesn't help your case.

A Pyro Main

Here's a link to a blog that will help you get into Competitive TF2, if you so choose:

posted about 11 years ago
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