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#14 ETF2L Season 26 powered by Tt eSports: Sign up now in TF2 General Discussion

Last day of signups, boys and girls! Only 10 more hours (until 21 cet) ! GOGOGO

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ETF2L Season 26 powered by Tt eSports: Sign up now in TF2 General Discussion

In case you have not heard or read about it until now:

The European Team Fortress 2 League (ETF2L) is hosting its 26th season of competitive 6v6 and you can be a part of it!

You want to shake off some rust? You enjoy matchmaking, but it just doesn't satisfy you anymore?Whether you are a pro gamer who wants to get back into business or a pub/matchmaking player who has never played in an organized team- this competition is completely free to join!

Signups close on 20th January, the regular season lasts until 9th March. The season will feature 7 weeks of games and, for those who place at the top of their division, a playoff round.
For more specific information on schedule, format and deadlines check out the season announcement post (http://etf2l.org/2017/01/08/announcing-season-26-powered-by-tt-esports/) and keep checking ETF2L.org regularly for updates.

We are looking forward to welcome all of you - veterans and newbies alike!
Stinson_Out | ETF2L League Admin

posted about 7 years ago
#52 What's the logic behind unbanning unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonKissakalaWhy hasn't crossbow been banned yet?
It's retarded to run anything else as medic as it's a direct upgrade from all other weapons, it actually hurts your team to NOT run it.
It's been buffed so many times (even after being stronger than the alternatives) to the point where actually NOBODY uses anything else. Nobody.
Mate, the crossbow is a cracking unlock. Being an upgrade on stock is not a reason for banning.

It adds so much to the medic without negatively altering the game balance and it works great in comp and pubs. Most importantly it adds a load of ways for medic to outplay the opposition because there is a big skill cap in terms of awareness and mechanics. This is the heart of a good competitive unlock. It would probably survive being nerfed a bit as well.

You see Valve, you can design good items if you try.

Crossbow would be fine had they not added the uber building mechanic. It is a weapon that doesnt punish you for being bad. You just spam it into a group of people and either it damages an opponent (up to 80 dmg I believe) or heals your teammates for 60-150 hp. On top of all that, you can just switch to your medigun and back without having to reload.
To reward a medic with up to 8-10% (?) uber on max range for spamming your arrows - or when powerbuilding - shooting a not moving target, is simply not necessary.

That being said, it does need to get nerfed but not banned. Yes, you basically have to run it. But by far most medics run it, because it is simply more exciting to use than needles.

posted about 7 years ago
#45 Global Whitelist Meeting in Events

I cannot understand the uproar this thread causes.

Slin makes a great effort to unify the whitelist, which is important for a number of reasons. Yes, this is only one and only a small step towards TF2 as an eSport, but it is a step that we have to take.
He does not claim to have a solution for all the other problems or things that have to be done.
This is also not the thread to discuss this. This is the thread asking for your input regarding the meeting on saturday for all those people that will not have a voice during the discussion.
I cannot see how this is a bad thing.

At ETF2L we experience this kind of backlash almost every season. Ban a weapon, you get shit. Try to cycle a new map into the rotation, you get shit. It does not matter what you change, people will always give you shit for anything you decide, just because it is new and teams/players actually have to learn a new angle towards the game.
This is a big problem! People seem to think signups are declining because we change weapon bans or maps. That is wrong. If we wouldnt change stuff every season, the game would be even more stale as it is and the number of players would decrease faster.

What I am saying is: stop bashing people that contribute to the community, accept and embrace change!
Without people like Slin we have no chance of surviving.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 ETF2L 6v6 Season 26 Preseason Cup 9th-11th January in TF2 General Discussion

Warmfront is a 5cp map, bagel = KotH and edifice is a gravelpit style attack/defense control points map. (:

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ETF2L 6v6 Season 26 Preseason Cup 9th-11th January in TF2 General Discussion

Hello gamers,

a happy new year from your European Team Fortress 2 League!

We are kicking off 2017 with our Season 26 Preseason Cup... As the name suggests, Season 26 is soon to start. We hope to be able to open signups a couple of days after the cup.
Whether you want to test your new roster, shake off some rust or just have a good time with a funteam of friends - you should not miss this!

Maps being played are warmfront, bagel and edifice. This does not necessarily mean, that one of those will make it into the Season 26 rotation.

Signups for the cup are already open. For all information, including the schedule, check out http://etf2l.org/2016/12/28/announcing-the-season-26-preseason-cup/ !

Hoping you and your teams are going to attend I leave you with best wishes for 2017,

your Stinson_Out

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Sideshow at Rewind Lan in TF2 General Discussion

North Americans getting baited by WARHURYEAH somehow.

(We do all appreciate your work and I cannot wait to see this film!)

posted about 7 years ago
#11 ETF2L 6v6 Winter Map Test Cup 09/12/2016!! in TF2 General Discussion
Yrralways nice to see new maps being tried out, i hope i can get bagel considered for one of these eventually

afaik we considered it but eventually went with these three maps. It is definetly on our radar though! (:

posted about 8 years ago
#8 ETF2L 6v6 Winter Map Test Cup 09/12/2016!! in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyPlay metalworks and sunshine.

We don't really need to test those maps as we have run them in regular seasons before and have a fair share of experience on them...
The goal of this cup is to give some (to the public) more unknown maps attention and valuable feedback in order for the mapmakers to keep developing them. Who knows? Maybe one of these three get their chance in ETF2L Season 26/27.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ETF2L 6v6 Winter Map Test Cup 09/12/2016!! in TF2 General Discussion

Hello boys and girls,

in case you are not checking the ETF2l.org website regularly, here is everything you need to know about the cup this weekend:


Maps being tested are:
- cp_drudgery
- koth_sandstone
- cp_cardinal

Joining the cup with your 6v6/Funteam is completely free! Matches are going to be played throughout the weekend with the group stages on friday and the semi- and grand finals on sunday!

Sign up now!

posted about 8 years ago
#34 FACEIT 6v6 Opening Tournament announced in News

Who cares who's casting anyway? Stop talking about sigafoo and be happy about this big tournament for TF2 ffs.

PS: sigafoo is bae

posted about 8 years ago
#11 DeutschLAN 2016: Teams, Schedule and more in LAN Discussion

Yes thats the one!

We will be having webcams in almost every teamhouse this year delivering some insight in between matches, during pauses and after casts.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 DeutschLAN 2016: Teams, Schedule and more in LAN Discussion

You have the greatest trader of them all in your team, alle :DD

posted about 8 years ago
#7 DeutschLAN 2016: Teams, Schedule and more in LAN Discussion

Wow, not even that much hate. Thanks @Pont and XenThePybro

posted about 8 years ago
#1 DeutschLAN 2016: Teams, Schedule and more in LAN Discussion

Hello gamers,

Insomnia 58 was a feast for every Team Fortress 2 lover out there. Now it is time to move on… On to another LAN! The one, the only: DeutschLAN 2016!

Check out the latest news with everyting there is to know about the only international Highlander-exclusive LAN happening next week! http://etf2l.org/2016/09/02/deutschlan-2016-teams-schedule-and-more/

Players and guests at LAN feature the 2 time ETF2L premiership champions Strong Opinons, most notably alle, CeeJaey and Raptor00X. Other known names to attend are atomic, adysky, DD5F, cykaz,"King of Highlander" Hildreth, Heavy is GPS, and Wiethoofd.

As stated on the ETF2L newspost, games will be streamed throughout the weekend over at twitch.tv/blackoutgamingtv.

lolHL anyone?

posted about 8 years ago
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