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Country Germany
Signed Up June 2, 2015
Last Posted November 10, 2024 at 5:20 PM
Posts 275 (0.1 per day)
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#1 ÜBERFEST 2025: Save the Date! in LAN Discussion

Hello beautiful people,

of course you have already seen it in our stream credits on KritzKast or heard it live during the medal ceremony at the BaseStack Dortmund bar, but in case you have not:

ÜBERFEST will return in 2025!!!

Save the date: 12th-14th September 2025 (early access 11th)

Be there or be square! CU@!!!!!!!!

posted 4 months ago
#52 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Some of our staff is already at BaseStack, preparing everything for the LAN!
Make sure to use our hashtag #UBERFEST24 when posting about the event on social media and share your experience with everyone!
Can't wait? Some early impressions are already being shared on X!

posted 4 months ago
#1028 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

I was hoping Norris would catch Verstappen in the Championship standings eventually, but what Max did today was worthy of a Champion. Completely schooled everybody... gotta give credit where credit is due.

posted 4 months ago
#51 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Groups and Fixtures have been generated!




Please note that the team named "Placeholder" is just that. There are currently only 3 players on the roster. If anyone with a valid ticket wishes to join that team and compete, let us know.

With that in mind, the schedule posted in #48 is now official.

posted 4 months ago
#49 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Maps for the event will be exactly the same ones ETF2L uses for their current 6v6 season:

koth_product_final (only in knockout stage)
koth_bagel_rc10 (only in knockout stage)

posted 4 months ago
#48 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Hello Gamers!
Two weeks from now, a lot of you will already be at ÜBERFEST 2024!

Time to share the preliminary schedule with you guys!
This schedule is subject to change, but there likely will not be any severe changes to the starting times each day.
Obviously the evening of Day 1 and the B-Tournament heavily depend on the signups for open, but this should already give you a pretty good idea of what's ahead! (:
Oh, and we will set up the B-Tournament on saturday in a way that should allow everyone to watch the Upper Bracket Final live on stage!

Preliminary Schedule (all times in CET)

Thursday, 7th November:
12.00: Doors open

Friday, 8th November:
10.00: Doors open + Team Check-Ins open (on toornament.com)
12.00: Team Check-Ins close + Team Leader Meeting
13.00: Group Stage Round 1 (BO1)
14.00: Group Stage Round 2 (BO1)
15.00: Group Stage Round 3 (BO1)
16.30: Group Stage Round 4 (BO1)
17.30: Group Stage Round 5 (BO1)
Dinner + Signups for B-Tournament open
19.30: Invite Upper Bracket Round 1 (BO3)
approx. 1h after Games: Pub Quiz at the bar

Saturday, 9th November:
11.00: Doors Open + B-Signups close + B-Check-Ins open
12.00: B-Check-Ins close
13.00: B-Tournament Round 1
14.00: Invite Lower Bracket Round 1 (BO3)
16.00: Invite Upper Bracket Round 2 (BO3)
19.00: Invite Lower Bracket Round 2 /7th place Match (BO3)
20.30: Invite Upper Bracket Final (BO3, Stage Match)
approx. 1h after Games: Karaoke / Beer Pong at the bar

Sunday, 10th November (only stage matches)
11.00: Doors open
13.00: Invite Lower Bracket Round 3 (BO3)
15.30: Invite Lower Bracket Final (BO3)
18.30: Invite Grand Final (BO5)

posted 4 months ago
#46 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Helpful information for travel and accommodation:

Adress of the Venue:

Kampstraße 1
44137 Dortmund

- by car

  • It is possible to drive right up to the main entrance of the venue. Parking is not allowed there though. In the near vicinity there are several car parks. Ranging from 10-20€ fee per day. Many hotels offer a parking spot with the stay that are often cheaper than the parking lots or even free! Make sure to ask at your hotel!

- by train

  • By train you should book one to Dortmund Hauptbahnhof (Hbf), i.e. Dortmund Main Station. There are ICE routes from basically all directions of Germany. From Dortmund Hauptbahnhof it is a 12 minute walk to the venue.

- by plane

  • The two closest airports are Dortmund (closer, but less frequented) & Dusseldorf (~1h by train to Dortmund Main Station). Nevertheless there are trains going to Dortmund from other airports as well (e.g. Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Hanover) but are a 3-5h train ride away.

There are 3 hotels that are recommended by Being Esports:

  • Prizeotel
    cheapest option - approx. 5 minute walk to the venue - quiet und good value

  • BaseCamp
    Hotel right next door (20 second walk) - neat, clean rooms and good breakfast

  • Hotel Unique Dortmund
    affordable 4 star hotel - 10 minute walk to the venue - very close to the train station - fairly luxurious

Other options are available, but have not been tested.

posted 5 months ago
#45 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Hello there!

Little more than 6 weeks remain until ÜBERFEST and we are ecstatic to finally be able to announce our invite bracket.
The following teams will cu@ and compete for glory (teams and players in no particular order):

Pepis Pizza Party:
Yak, tiram, kn, junnu, varnu, Eon

Mak, jordy, aph, warped, Lukas, menex

Voxtec, Gigi, piggles, puck, ry4n, gazy

juxta, nevo, sake, raf, aliensmiley, patchouli

Phnx, Kosuke, 0mger, sneaky, ympo, marten

alba, _gar, satan, dAGNER, Smirre, lecunea

These 6 teams will play a round robin group stage in order to determine seeding for the knockout stages where they will be joined by the top 2 teams of the open bracket!
Who will be the first ever ÜBERFEST Champions? B)

posted 5 months ago
#44 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Attention everyone: Signups are now open!.

Make sure all of your teammates have purchased a participant ticket before you sign up.
You have until 31st October to sign up your team!
However. if you have all of your teammates confirmed, we would kindly ask you to sign up earlier rather than later in order for us to get a good feeling for how many have completed their rosters and how many are still looking to fill their last spots.
If you need any help, do not hesitate to reach out to us via the ÜBERFEST Discord!

posted 6 months ago
#43 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Since the Basestack ticket shop does not work for a lot of people, Being X set up their own.
Henceforth you can buy your spectator tickets via https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uberfest-2024-tickets-1014901948047!

Player tickets are sold out at the moment. If any tickets circle back from people refunding theirs, they will be available in this shop as well.

posted 6 months ago
#42 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

From our event discord:

After a lot of planing, calculating and securing extra PCs, we are happy that we can finally inform you about our second wave of ÜBERFEST 2024 tickets. In our second wave, we will have a total of 30 additional player tickets up for grabs.

In total that means that we will open doors to 21 teams at ÜBERFEST 2024.

A couple of important points of information:

  • Wave 2 of tickets will go live on the 29th of August at 3pm CEST (to give you enough time to make plans and form teams both before and after the wave)
  • Wave 2 will EXCLUSIVELY include player tickets and no full team tickets
  • Wave 2 will include up to 80 additional viewer tickets for those of you who just want to join in on the fun, community evenings and parties

Tickets will be available over at https://basestack.gg/dortmund/uberfest-2024/!

posted 7 months ago
#11 the goat of the uk in TF2 General Discussion

Stop messing around, it's clearly Premzilla

posted 7 months ago
#15 wtf in TF2 General Discussion

How dare you

posted 8 months ago
#41 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Friendly reminder for all teams who intend to compete in the invite bracket at ÜBERFEST to contact me via DMs until the end of the month!

posted 8 months ago
#39 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Hello everyone,

we have received a lot of valuable feedback from your side over the past few days and would like to thank you for your enthusiasm! Working through your feedback has made us realize that we have had some critical misconceptions regarding the planning of our event.

Before we get into details, some initial points:

  1. We are looking forward to meeting the best players of the scene in November. However, this does not mean that the event only caters to these teams. Everyone who plans to attend ÜBERFEST will be welcome.
  2. There are enough tickets left! Our first ticket wave consisted of just over 50% of the venue’s player capacity.
  3. We are still hoping to expand the number of PCs and rooms available for ÜBERFEST 2024

And now the details

  1. We are working with a big event team, so to avoid misunderstandings in the future, all further official communication will come from the following people. If you want talk privately with us, please open a supportticket
    • be_gideon and be_benni from BEING ESPORTS
    • DCS as head admin
    • JMaxchill in a supporting role
    • Wiethoofd as lead production
  2. ÜBERFEST 2024 has no affiliation with poLANd.tf. The fact that ÜBERFEST takes place at BaseStack Dortmund is 100% coincidental; BEING ESPORTS has hosted different events there before.
  3. The biggest, underlying mistake we made was severely underestimating the sheer number of people interested in playing at our event. As the Head Tournament Admin, I take full responsibility for that. As a result of our team not taking poLANd.tf into account, we were operating under the impressions of previous events like RCADIA and Insomnia, both events with participation numbers that we can easily accommodate.

To make ÜBERFEST the best possible experience for everyone, we will:

  • exclude 6 team tickets from the second wave of sales to provide prem level teams with an opportunity to participate with their strongest rosters. If you are a leader of a team interested in playing in the invite bracket at ÜBERFEST, please DM DCS on Discord.
  • hold an online qualifier for the invite group if more than 6 eligible teams reach out. The open tournament will be just that: open for anyone, on a first come first serve basis.
  • delay the second wave of ticket sales for now. Details will be published later.

While we want top level competition every “customer” of the event will be seen as equal. We will under no circumstances force or ask anyone who bought a ticket to refund or sell theirs to another player.

Despite the challenges that we have faced, we believe that this event will be a success and hope to continue working with BEING ESPORTS and you in order to improve for hopefully many events to come in 2025 & beyond!

posted 9 months ago
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