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Signed Up June 2, 2015
Last Posted November 10, 2024 at 5:20 PM
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#1 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

Signups are now open!.

Hello gamers,

I am thrilled and honoured to be able to announce the Überfest 2024 at BaseStack Dortmund, Germany!

Yeah, that's right: Being Esports are hosting their first ever TF2 event in the home town of the Champions League finalists Borussia Dortmund in collaboration with KritzKast!

Check out the dope venue in the heart of Dortmund in our equally dope teaser which was shared earlier this evening!

But let's talk specifics:

8th - 10th November 2024 (early access on 7th)

BaseStack Dortmund, Kampstraße 1, 44137 Dortmund, Germany
This venue has room for at least 20 6v6 teams!
It features a bar that will be open as long as people are drinking. And the best part: a share of the bar revenue will benefit the overall TF2 budget!

A 3-day 6v6 Team Fortress 2 LAN tournament!

At the moment we are able to provide a 2500 € prizepool.
Ticket prices vary between:

  • 27,50 € for a weekend spectator ticket,
  • 115 € for a participation ticket (which includes rental monitors and PCs for the whole weekend), and
  • 232,50 € for a VIP ticket which includes exclusive perks!

Additional options such as the Thursday add-on, peripherals, and hotel packages are available to customize your ÜBERFEST experience and will be announced separately in the coming weeks!

For more information make sure to check out the official announcement over at uberfest.teamfortress2.com and definitely make sure to join the official event >>>discordserver<<<, where you can post all your questions (we are going to sum them up in an FAQ section) and or just express your hype!

Signups are now open!.

Make sure all of your teammates have purchased a participant ticket before you sign up.
You have until 31st October to sign up your team!
If you need any help, do not hesitate to reach out to us via the ÜBERFEST Discord!

posted 6 months ago
#37 Songs you only associate with TF2 in Off Topic

hell yeah

posted 7 months ago
#6 my ideas for new tf2 game modes in TF2 General Discussion

The protect the president thing was actually sounding somewhat interesting intially

posted 8 months ago
#5 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

vhalin's usage of black box and his annoying playstyle as a roaming soldier

posted 9 months ago
#1020 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic


posted 10 months ago
#37 Most memorable Team/Teammate you've played with? in TF2 General Discussion

https://etf2l.org/teams/18707/ Doctors of Mediocrity
Countless Seasons on UGC and ETF2L as well as 2 DeutschLANs. Absolute lads. So many great memories!

https://etf2l.org/teams/174/ HerbsArmy
One of the most legendary teams in ETF2L history overall. Glad I got to be a part of this for a couple of seasons!

As for the single most memorable teammate:
https://etf2l.org/forum/user/24023/ currently calls himself Dahlbeck (used go by Yuffie / Hycz).
Nicest and funniest guy I was around. Never had a bad time playing TF2 or other games with him. I love you Hycz <3

posted 11 months ago
#10 Songs to contemplate life to in Music, Movies, TV
brodyif youre building your own playlist, why not listen to albums and see what songs stick out to you and add those (most albums are about 45 minutes long)? otherwise why not just take someone else's full playlist, or use spotify radio or something?

That's a fair point and I might do that in the future, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask around (:

posted 11 months ago
#6 Songs to contemplate life to in Music, Movies, TV
brodyhow long is your commute?

45 Minutes one way

These are albums, not songs.

I respect people who listen to whole albums, but I'd rather have a playlist with different artists, so if there are any songs that stick out, I'd appreciate it

posted 11 months ago
#1 Songs to contemplate life to in Music, Movies, TV

Hello friends,

I currently spend a lot of time using public transport and walking. Since it is usually still dark when I leave the house for work and already dark when I come home, I have found that deep(er) music often fits my sleepy / exhausted mood. I have not indulged in this kind of music in the past so I am having trouble filling my playlist.

Since this community is full of magnificient people of impeccable taste in and knowledge of music, I figured that it is the only logical conclusion to ask you guys for help.

Please state the artist and song name exactly as it can be found on spotify, my music streaming service of choice.
I am not bound to a certain genre, but I guess most these songs are gonna be slow and melancholic.

As an example, I am leaving you with the most recent addition:

Billie Eilish - "What Was I Made For?" (which previously unbeknownst to me appears to be a song from the OST of the all popular movie "Barbie")

I am looking forward to your suggestions and thank you in advance!

posted 11 months ago
#17 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Violence sucks

posted 11 months ago
#11 rahThread: How long do u stick to ur new years res in Off Topic

Stop branding your threads

posted 11 months ago
#11 what athlete = b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Shohei Ohtani because b4nny got that dough

posted 11 months ago
#20 Favorite lan memory? in TF2 General Discussion


posted 11 months ago
#4 PoLANd.tf Qualifiers Group Stage: alien workshop vs. 3 Steps Back in Events
i am casting from this setup (no mcdonalds tho)
no mic im using my phone instead
please come guys


posted 11 months ago
#11 my fucked up tf2 story. nothing ever goes my way. in TF2 General Discussion

Brock you are getting trolled, buddy

posted 11 months ago
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