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Last Posted December 17, 2016 at 3:19 PM
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#30 TF2 Hacker Gets Owned & Rage Quits in The Dumpster
saamnot made a shitty video

I like this answer.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 TF2 Hacker Gets Owned & Rage Quits in The Dumpster
KorzenDLXSeeing asrowpiecesyou gave a cheater your attention


How would you have dealt with him? Kicking is no longer an option, so... ignore him? Kinda hard to do when he's aimbotting everyone while we're trying to have a good time. Calling him out on it seemed like the only way to go.

It's clear you guys feel I handled that incorrectly, so I'm curious what you would have done in that situation?
Leave and find another server

The hacker seemed to have found us through my stream, so he could have easily just followed us to the next server if I did that.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 TF2 Hacker Gets Owned & Rage Quits in The Dumpster

Seeing as

rowpiecesyou gave a cheater your attention


How would you have dealt with him? Kicking is no longer an option, so... ignore him? Kinda hard to do when he's aimbotting everyone while we're trying to have a good time. Calling him out on it seemed like the only way to go.

It's clear you guys feel I handled that incorrectly, so I'm curious what you would have done in that situation?

posted about 8 years ago
#18 TF2 Hacker Gets Owned & Rage Quits in The Dumpster

S'all good. I never turn down dank memes.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 Hacker Gets Owned & Rage Quits in The Dumpster


Edit: Haha, well, seems you guys really aren't keen on the video. I might have went off on the hacker a bit harshly but I feel he had it coming. He never stopped hacking the whole time he was there, to the one guy that just skipped to the end. Never thought people would hate on me for hating on a LMAOBOX hacker, but here we are. Oh well, enjoy :)

posted about 8 years ago