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SteamID64 76561197999168097
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:19451184
Country United States
Signed Up July 24, 2013
Last Posted February 18, 2018 at 1:13 PM
Posts 511 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 0 
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Death Adder
Keyboard Razer Anasani
Mousepad Rocket Fish Steel Mousepad
Headphones Turtle Beach X12
1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 34
#7 Twitch Live Desktop Widget in Off Topic

Big update!

I have added in the ability to use 20 streams now.

A new button is now available to use labeled "Next" it will change the list of button to the next 5 in the listing.

I have no intentions of going further then this because of the fact it sends API requests for each one and could bog down the PC/internet.

Download link is still on the website provided by the OP!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 explosion bubble crap in TF2 General Discussion

o_O; I'm pretty sure thats something else... I have used -dxlevel 90 and have never seen that...

But I could be mistaken? Anyone else seen this?

** EDIT **
Just realized what i said.. try 90?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Twitch Live Desktop Widget in Off Topic

Thank you for posting that Von, looks interesting.

This was more to further test some API and desktop manipulation than anything and I thought it came out nicely so I shared it.

But either way, both are nice :)

A small update done to where the "Update" button changes to "Updating.." when an update of the streamer list is currently going on so you know when its happening/finished because it changes back.

Just download v1.3 from the same link in the OP!

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Twitch Live Desktop Widget in Off Topic


I have updated the OP because I have released a beta version that works 100% and uploaded a how-to video.

Check it out fella's, and gals.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Twitch Live Desktop Widget in Off Topic

Couldn't think of a proper way to name the topic.. but yeah.

What this little widget does it sits on your desktop and check's if a streamer is live or not!

Check stream setup

  • Automatic update after x minutes (Default is 5 minutes, you can set this in options menu)
  • Manually update (If you click this and have automatic set it resets timer for refresh)
  • If not live, text is red on name.
  • If live, text is green on name.



When you first run the program or at anytime you wish to reposition the GUI to somewhere else on the screen you will see the image below. Simply move this window where you wan't the program to remain (Next time you run the program if you should close it it will default to where you last had it) and then click the "Set Position" button.


And once you add streamer's you will see this GUI, and if live like b4nny was in this picture you will see the text turn green.


You can then click on the streamer's name and a window will pop up and ask if you want to run this stream, edit the stream or run the chat for this stream. When you choose to run the program you can either select running the stream through Twitch.tv (Web Browser) or Livestreamer (VLC or a like program) If Livestreamer is chosen a quality popup box will ensue to choose the quality of the stream you are running.

YouTube Video How-To (Older version but still applicable)
YouTube Link

Github Link

If for some reason the program crashes when you load it after you've added a streamer or something please note what you did and post here. In the meantime, copy the file "Backup Preferences" paste it and then rename it to "Preferences" and over ride the old one.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 serveme.tf - free server reservations in Projects

So I rented a server earlier and halfway through it crashed.

Just played another lobby that was hosted and it crashed again. Both were Tragic Servers. Seems there is an issue?

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion
Just saying that you can loadout up a stock map, put on some music and exec these and you can jump as long as you want

True, but as I said in OP maybe some people don't know about it ect. Either way, to each his own :)

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyHow many servers do you have? I wouldn't mind there being a server with other maps such as Freight, Yukon, etc. for jumping.

I run three at the moment.

MGE, Jump and the new Rollout one.

All the info can be found on the website provided in the OP if you're interested. And what exactly do you mean by Yukon ect. ?

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion

Granary, I knew I was missing a popular one! I just couldn't think of it, lol.


posted about 10 years ago
#743 rayshud in Customization

*** EDIT ***

Problem fixed using the latest installer and changing aspect ratio, sorry.

*** EDIT ***

But, question, why not update the OP with installer?

So using the installer I installed the HUD at defaults but when I view my scoreboard in-game the resolution is too big, its cut off.

So I attempted to install it at a smaller resolution but the installer crashes on attempt.

Steps I took:

Removed HUD using installer
Closed RaysHud Installer
Re-ran RaysHud Installer
Set resolution to 1280x1024
Press "Install"

Installer stops working and crashes. When I load TF2 I have the HUD on there afterwards but the resolution still seems to be off and I still cannot see my scoreboard.

Is there a way to manually check the W & H of the HUD?


posted about 10 years ago
#8 1v1 MGE Tournament In The Works! in TF2 General Discussion
HuckDoes it still cost 10$ to enter?

Nope, tis free.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 1v1 MGE Tournament In The Works! in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, I've decided to host another MGE tournament and waste everyone's precious time again!

** Sorry EU.. this will be in NA. You can still sign up.. but any ping issues will not be granted leniency. **

So, here is some information.

A time/date is undecided, I wan't to get a feel for what you guys would be most willing to do. My schedule is pretty open in the upcoming week's so let's hear it!

Map selection will be out of a pool of arena's of most common/balanced area's. The two opponents can either come to a mutual agreement or if neither can I will randomize the map's and automatically choose.

It will be a best of one, besides the Semi/Finals which will be best of three!

The player limit will be 32, since anymore will take an extremely long time to get through. The player's will have a 5 minute window to "ready up" or they forfeit.

Mumble will be required.

If anyone has any Dallas or other strong NA server's they would like to donate for the night's event that would be great or else I will rent one for it.

Registration will open after I have gathered all pertinent information.

Oh yeah, the prizes!

First place will receive at the very least an Unusual worth ~60 USD (To be decided later)

Second place will receive an Unusual Cotton Head (Blizzardly Storm) + 5 keys.

Weapon Restrictions for Soldier

Stock Rocket Launcher
Original Rocket Launcher

Stock Shotgun

The Shovel
Escape Plan
The Pain Train
Disciplinary Action
Stock Scattergun

Stock Pistol

Stock Bat
Frying Pan
Conscientious Objector
Freedom Staff
Bat Outta Hell
Memory Maker
Ham Shank
Holy Mackerel
Unarmed Combat

Let's hear your thought's guys!

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion

Updated with a RTV option. 2 player's must be present for it to start!

Do we need anymore maps or do you guys this is sufficient? I was thinking of doing some more.. pub-friendly maps (Highlander ect.) like Upward, Badwater ect.. but I was thinking this would be more geared towards competitive (6's).

So what you guys think?

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion

True CHEERISS, I'll look into that.

@ Snaz

I've never played a surf map before so I'll need to look into that. Not sure how I would implement score-tracking in a regular map that doesn't have CP's enabled?

We shall see.

Thanks for the input guys!

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Roll Out Practice Server in TF2 General Discussion

It's actually

posted about 10 years ago
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