yttriumKrocketKarmaGame is laggy but that's probably a new update. Not sure.It's the new update. Causing a lot of issues for me too.
PhunkHow would I go about:Could you describe this better? Moving the percentage label, or the charge bar? Above or below the heal targetid?
putting medic ubercharge under the crosshairPhunkmaking the numbers themselves change colors with health and not have a backgroundIn scripts\HudAnimations_tf.txt, swap all instances of the following, with the following:Let me know if this doesn't work for everything, and tell me what it doesn't work for.MedicBG --> ChargeLabel AmmoBG --> AmmoInClip HealthBG ---> PlayerStatusHealthValue
Phunkmaking the medic ubercharge not have a backgroundIn resource\ui\HudMedicCharge.res, under MedicBG, set "visible" to "0" and "enabled" to "0".
I'm trying to replace the "HealthBG" text with PlayerStatusHealthValue but there's no "HealthBG" in the actual file, so I don't have anything to replace with PlayerStatusHealthValue.