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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up June 16, 2014
Last Posted April 19, 2018 at 10:33 PM
Posts 374 (0.1 per day)
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#50 Is in-game shit talk a good or a bad thing? in Off Topic

Light shittalking is alright unless you're a shitty person who thinks that using slurs somehow counts as shittalking and that it's a Really Funny Thing to Do when all it does is make you come off as an insufferable scumbag

That being said yeah Quazzy's actually spot on, just go "lol" or something and people tend to go livid about it

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion

If the knockback mechanic wasn't so broken and it couldn't randomly drop a healthy medic with over 115 HP from a double donk it wouldn't be such a pain to deal with
too random and broken for comp imo

posted about 9 years ago
#833 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#93 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion
FireStarwPhunki havent gotten my shirt from december

im in NY

whats the excuse then?
I'm guessing people who ordered shirts weren't contacted about this though

I completely forgot about this

shadeI've discussed with b4nny what to do with the shirts a couple of times now as the biggest issue is the person whom I had doing the shirts turned out to be unreliable as fuck. Long story short, he no longer does any of the shirts and I bought all the equipment to do it myself.

As of right now I have a giant list of tracking codes that don't match any order numbers, which he gave me, so it is near impossible for me to determine exactly who all has received their items and who hasn't.

That being the case I've come up with a pretty simple solution:

If you ordered something and never received your shirt/hoodie/etc. Post your order number in this thread. I'll go through all tracking codes that I have to make sure it wasn't shipped and sent back to the P.O. or being held at your P.O.

If you have not received your order I will refund you the money you spent and give you the option of receiving the item if you still want it. Choice is yours.

I plan on re-opening the site once every single person has been verified and received their items and the method for future orders will be much easier as it will be posted straight to the site. Everyone can track their own orders straight on the site and know exactly what step in the process the item is at.


Old shirt production guy fucked up a ton of orders and now I'm doing them myself. If you ordered and have not received your shirt, you will get a full refund and the option of receiving the item as well.

PS: If you email the info email I do see them however it was originally forwarding to the person handling the production which is what was causing a lot of issues as well since he would seemingly never respond to anyone after I asked about an order. That has been fixed now as well.
posted about 9 years ago
#41 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion

honestly it's very likely that there's a lot of things that no one outside of froyo knows about why they couldn't set up a mix team out of invite pug players at the last minute, so until there's no statement from anyone on the team just flat-out claming that they don't care is a huge stretch imo
I will say that I agree that letting people know at the last minute is pretty lame though

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion

Bloodsire did nothing wrong

posted about 9 years ago
#71 Powah needs your help in Off Topic
lucrativeI sponsored those teams because I felt they deserve it especially for playing in esea when the league is struggling for teams, and they had a lot of younger players .

good for you

lucrativeare you saying everyone deserves donations? Not really sure 100 dollars to sit at your computer doing jack ("streaming") is really deserving of community donation.

People are perfectly allowed to donate to whatever they feel like without needing your shitty inputs about whether or not someone should donate to them anyway
Besides I'm pretty sure the 5.6k people who follow him on twitch and watch him just "sit at his computer doing jack" would appreciate him getting his PSU soon and at least a portion of them wouldn't mind throwing some spare cash his way to watch him "do jack" all day again

lucrative I think it's just Stupid there are actually people in this thread that think it's difficult to work in Brazil, doesn't really matter the amount and what references are given tbh.

"I'm gonna keep ignoring the facts and instead use my own biases and pull out info from my ass because I can't accept that I was mistaken and proven that I, a canadian, am not aware of the current economical situation and unemployment rates in brazil"

lucrativeBring on the circlejerk all you kids want and -frag all the want fact is unless you nut up and give the guy 100$ right now (for doing absolutely nothing) than you really have no grounds to berate me, I think community donation is a great thing for people who actually deserve money but someone just wanting money for a power supply to do nothing is a joke

no one's forced to donate $100 to him, and you donating 300 to some esea teams doesn't entitle you to being free from criticism after your only argument so far has been "Even though I know I'm not being forced to donate I'm gonna keep using myself as an example of when people should donate according to MY THOUGHTS and MY OPINIONS only"

also you're getting -fragged because people know you're full of shit


posted about 9 years ago
#51 Powah needs your help in Off Topic

There's something very ironic about a canadian guy who cherrypicks forbes articles from 2013 to back up his shitty behaviour calling people out for not knowing about the situation of other countries when he isn't any better at all



lucrativeMaybe you can help me make back the 300 dollars I DONATED into the mad lux teams the past 2 seasons with that kind donation of your avast thank you!!

what where you even trying to accomplish with this

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Powah needs your help in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#37 Powah needs your help in Off Topic
lucrativeKinda dumb some people think they can get help through donations now just because of isomnia LAN fundraisers. "The community is donating thousands of dollars to players surely they will donate some to me too!!"

Not everyone is entitled to this kinda help so stop acting like it

nothing's being entitled at all, like
it's literally asking for a small contribution to afford something that will allow him to keep doing what he loves to do (and what his 5691 followers on twitch at the very least enjoy watching him do), which for some fucked up reason people think that they have some sort of obligation to contribute, when anyone with a working brain knows that it's not the case

also the "seek a job" argument is really crazy because other than a handful of people here no one knows first-hand the job situation in brazil enough to think that just scoffing at someone and telling them to just get a job instead is magically gonna land them an internship in a company or something

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Powah needs your help in Off Topic
blinKWhy doesn't he just get a job then, like everyone else? If you're a grown ass man and don't have $100 to buy a new psu there is something seriously wrong. I'd be truly embarrassed asking for $100 from a bunch of strangers. It's like going to the beach with a wrinkled pepsi cup asking for change. Powahs a nice guy but it doesn't make it right.aim-Knuckles_He's in school right now, don't make comments on people's lives that you don't know about.if you have the luxury of playing tf2 while in school, you can afford to get a job


posted about 9 years ago
#2 Battle Royale registration now open! in TF2 General Discussion

Seriously, having all these really cool tournaments and LANs just a few weeks before i55 is so overwhelming in every single best possible way

posted about 9 years ago
#35 What podcasts do you listen to? in Off Topic

Mega64, Super Best Friendcast and sometimes The Needle Drop and the Tek Syndicate Podcast.
That being said, mega64's podcast is a gift


posted about 9 years ago
#102 peanut butter preferences in Off Topic
omnificLyreixomnificCrunchy is for weabs and degenerateshttp://i.imgur.com/ZzzkQut.gif
I can't believe I'm surrounded by so many smooth pb apologists jesus christ
- some dumbass gif like fuck ??? -


posted about 9 years ago
#99 peanut butter preferences in Off Topic
omnificCrunchy is for weabs and degenerates


I can't believe I'm surrounded by so many smooth pb apologists jesus christ

posted about 9 years ago
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