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Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#21 e3 2018 in Other Games
gbjwtf was that blades bs, nobody wants that shit

tbh im interested if the monetization is kept reasonable.

there's an extreme lack of decent rpg experiences on mobile, and it'd be cool to have a decent mobile rpg experience. (I don't gotta Switch otherwise I'd have Zelda at least, but yeah.)

posted about 5 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 6/7/18 in TF2 General Discussion

This update did not fix the Sticky exploit or the Pause exploits but you can now det while reloading or swapping weapons so yay.

(I also think it fixed some of the lagbot stuff)

e: jumped the gun a bit on this one when I had a couple of results I thought felt like it was fixed, my bad

posted about 5 years ago
#6232 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

Kids Bopped Vol. 3 by Skarlett


posted about 6 years ago
#11 e3 2018 in Other Games

metroid prime renegade

posted about 6 years ago
#6223 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

2 old invite scrap videos from Skarlett



posted about 6 years ago
#11 why did most of tf2's secondary leagues die in TF2 General Discussion
Sherwoodfanmarxist putting that degree in history to workMarxistUGC isn't fully dead yet but it has decayed fairly markedly in the past several years, in part due to the decline in popularity of highlander, its primary league
with this, if UGC fully dies, where will HL players go? TFCL? rgl?

UGC is unlikely to actually "fully die" as a league any time soon, it's something Forn has done out of pocket all of this time and has been around for longer than TF2 essentially and their other non-HL leagues are either doing very well (OW) or are relatively stable AFAIK (6s).

If they kill the Highlander league (which going off history would likely require it to reach less than 10 teams since Season 2 ended with only 6 teams alive) then at that point Highlander would be dead in NA anyways and it'd probably become a PUG only format, maybe play in ETF2L if HL isn't dead there by then, but if HL reaches that hypothetical point I doubt whoever is left would care that much to go through that effort.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 i figured out how to see your casual rank in TF2 General Discussion
Makis higher better? i got 1821.



It does seem really hard to change. Looking back and forth through the 40 results that show on mine, it doesn't vary more than +- 10.

Potential reasons for this in Glicko:

* You have a very high confidence rating (very low Rating Deviation) in the skill formula so the game thinks you're where you belong.

* Your opponents have a low confidence rating (very high Rating Deviation) in the skill formula, so the game considers the game relatively low usefulness to consider for how good you are since it has no accurate idea how good your opponents are.

* If you're in a party your adjustments will be smaller unless you are facing equally skilled/better parties as your team will consistently be favored to win.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Reddit weapon opinions in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleSaid it before but I think 80%+ of TF2 players don't actually care about numbers or stats or analysis or logic and like to vote in these types of polls just based on what they think or feel. I'm sure it's not intentional, but. I appreciate those who break down the raw data and shit and explain the real story. My two cents

I don't think you're entirely wrong for some voters but the bigger issue (especially for TrueTF2 altho I'm not sure how much the sub actually contributed to the survey - I feel like it was def. below half) is that people's individual perception of balance is often heavily skewed based on how they play TF2 and the survey didn't really target a specific form of TF2's gameplay. So what they think is probably correct for the TF2 they actually play, and it may not actually be incorrect for them or coming from an emotion standpoint.

I'm going to go with the most obvious difference I can think of right now and go with the Pyro's flamethrower. Most 6s only players seem to think the stock Flamethrower is better, and largely when people offclass to Pyro in 6s they seem to use stock. This has kind of bled off into the pub space I think and a lot of pub players think stock is better. (hence why it won this survey) If you mainly play Highlander at a decent level you're going to think Degreaser is better as it is meta there for good reason.

posted about 6 years ago
#43 What players do you miss? in TF2 General Discussion

I miss way too many people, but I'll just shout out someone not mentioned yet and go with Chicago Bread/Sheep/Skarlett. Really good Soldier, he's mad chill, and he made great frag vids (altho he hid most of them for some reason :c) that helped build my music selection:



posted about 6 years ago
#34 Free Game Megathread in Other Games


Temporary free edition that you get to keep if you get it now gets you Multiplayer + the 1st single player episode.

Game is sorta like Magic: the Gathering if it was a deck builder game with no RNG and no card pack collecting. All cards are available to all players for free, game is cosmetic & Founder Edition based.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Scottish Resistance bug in TF2 General Discussion

Here's a fun one for pubbing, if you stand on the edge of the railing and put your sticks where mine are (look up and aim at the dark pixel line) you'll create a trap that hits every single spawn point inside Upward last letting you spawn camp the enemy team from your forward spawn.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Scottish Resistance bug in TF2 General Discussion
LstratosHFHas there ever been a more game breaking bug?

Yeah, I mean actively there's an on-going exploit to lag out any server by spamming a single command.

In the past there were exploits to crash servers, the ability to create an infinite number of sentry guns, specflagging rendering CTF unwinnable, specnading rendering mass friendly fire in pubs a thing, infinite crits on multiple classes, infinite ubercharge duration, infinite bonk duration, intentionally create Level [insert any number here] sentry guns, at launch there was a way to get under basically every map in the game, and honestly I'm probably still forgetting several big ones.


The Sandman rocket mine exploit was pretty bad too.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 fix amby in TF2 General Discussion
ArenGuYs AmBY IS UnbAlanCEd You CAn hEadshOt aS a SpY HE ShOUldNt be AblE TO DO ThAT iT's noT FAiR

no no, spy doing 102 damage at any range is fine, it's just he has to do it after a backstab or sap and take substantially less skill aiming the shot because they didn't adjust the diamondback at all


just saying, i actually don't mind if amby gets nerfed even if i think the current change renders it pretty pointless, but not changing the diamondback which does the same thing with no cooldown and less skill involved is pretty questionable regardless of where you stand on the amby tbh

posted about 6 years ago
#53 avengers infinity war in Music, Movies, TV
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Yeah I knew about Death in the comics, but I thought it was like a additional thing, since they've already hinted at the same thing in the MCU in his first appearance in Avengers 1. I assume we might see her in part 2?
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It's not an additional thing, back then they didn't know what they were doing with Thanos so they just used it as a hint towards the comic origin while still being something that makes sense normally "challenging humans would be dangerous for us now aka we'd be courting death!" as a safe end. They're explicitly not doing the Death thing - Feige said as much - , his new motivation is basically keeping a similar idea without the teenager motivation of wanting to bone a girl really badly.
posted about 6 years ago
#40 avengers infinity war in Music, Movies, TV
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The one thing that’s sort of defeated the ending for me, is the fact that Spider-Man and all but ticket of the guardians died... when Spider-Man homecoming2 and guardians 3 have both been confirmed. Like... I get they did t for the power in the moment, but knowing they’ll have movies after detracts because you know some how they’ll be back. Some how this ending will get changed. Probably the time stone?
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Even if those movies didn't get confirmed you'd still know they're going to make a Spiderman 2 and a Black Panther 2 bare minimum, considering the former is Spiderman which they worked their butt off to get a deal for so its not like they're only going to make 1 movie for him and the latter is the biggest grossing Marvel movie of all time.

The whole point of the ending from a narrative standpoint is simply to force A4 to be the last hurrah of the original Avengers, with the help of Hank Pym and Captain Marvel.
posted about 6 years ago
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