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Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#7 ESEA kills off CS 1.6 & Source in Off Topic
lynaBut, if they are killing off CS 1.6 and source which have many more players than TF2, shouldn't we be concerned?

They're killing them off because a sequel to them is taking off and they want to funnel people & resources into that game.

TF2 should be fine until it dies or TF3 happens.

posted about 12 years ago
#26 noko LFT S13 low IM/high open scout/roamer/demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Amazing player, could easily do high Open. Most likely IM with some practice.

I'd say Scout would be best just cause then you can have the full power of her off-classing Sniper/Spy for sure.

posted about 12 years ago
#208 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion

Short post but have to say with #181 mustard, TF2 was designed around Generalists and Specialists ala how 6v6 uses them actually(or so Robin Walker has said in interviews), so in a way it kinda slightly is designed around competitive play, just that type of class system is not good in Highlander. However, if you tried to make every class equal, 6s would explode because the entire meta thrives off that system existing. There's no real easy solution that would not harm one of the formats I think, unfortunately.

posted about 12 years ago
#82 Share your story on getting into comp in Q/A Help

I played in one of the GameFAQs 6v9 events, got to play in the Alumni Steam forums 6v9 cause I was the best spy out of the spies who had played on the pubstar team at that point, the Alumni game got me into competitive because I really hadn't seen anyone remotely as good as the people we played against in-game. Played TF2Lobby (this was back when it was new and not completely awful), got hooked.

posted about 12 years ago
#51 Best Older Frag Vids in TF2 General Discussion

#50 he had IRL stuff happen and stopped casting and plays games casually I think.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 High Level Pubserver in TF2 General Discussion

The closest thing you're going to get is STAR's server, although he has modded rules to it (eg Mini-Sentries and Caber suck on his server).

The Lost Continents used to be pretty decent, dunno if they're still around though.

Everything else died/got way worse.

posted about 12 years ago
#34 Best Older Frag Vids in TF2 General Discussion

Surprised no one has posted this one yet, OP make sure you watch this one cause you get to see one of the old top top teams that was super dominate, plus you get to see one of the original TF2 casters before exTV/fatmop really showed up, plus you get to see one of the most famous moments (imo) in comp TF2 history involving a controversial unlock.


posted about 12 years ago
#9 watt lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

10 out of 10

posted about 12 years ago
#54 If you could make a difference in TF2 General Discussion

#45 Pubs are near impossible to balance for, in order to balance effectively you need to look at the best of the best. Sure, you keep the lesser skilled people in mind but there's little point in balancing around people who can't grasp the entirety of your game on any effective level and will eventually just become better players that will outgrow whatever you design based around them previously (and thus make it broken). Pubs are filled with people of a wide variety of skill levels and objectives (everything from try to win really hard to intentionally gimp myself to do silly stuff)

The amount of items that are actually 'worthless' in Highlander are very few. Many of them are extremely situational, sure, but that doesn't mean they need further balancing. This is already a game of Generalists & Specialists classes, weapons are much the same way.

If Valve wants things to be different they will make it different IMO. Unless I am completely mistaken, it was their idea to make a competitive player only beta and they worked with specific comp players to make that happen. Community feedback is great sure, but it is not actually useful if Valve doesn't care to do anything with it. Let's not ignore the fact that many people did come together and give Valve plenty of feedback united in the competitive beta forum on SPUF and they did practically zilch with it.

Stock TF2 community is already split well over 4+ ways - you have the pub community, the Highlander community, and then 2 different 6s communities who take completely different viewpoints on unlocks to begin with. You can't balance for all of these people very effectively. You can maybe improve it from where it is now, sure, but that isn't really worth the effort of a 3rd party mod that Valve is extremely unlikely to care about. If Valve on the other hand reached out to us, I am quite sure many of us would give them advice or ideas on whatever they want help with.

Trust me, you are preaching to the choir here on "people who wish TF2 was better". I am sure almost everyone on this site feels that way. It should say something that these people are telling you the idea is not worth investing in for them.

posted about 12 years ago
#40 If you could make a difference in TF2 General Discussion

Nope. I have ideas for things that could be done with TF2, but pubs are a disaster now as far as skill goes to the point that balancing towards them doesn't really matter, Highlander is neigh completely fine aside from Wrangler + Gunslinger and maybe the annoyance that is Dead Ringer + Spycicle being a tad too much, and 6v6 gets by completely fine with its ban list approach.

Plus, a community mod would never ever be supported by ESEA, unlikely to be supported by UGC or ETF2L, and thus would either serve no real purpose for competitive games or splinter a community that is already small.

If Valve wanted actual feedback and displayed interest in actually trying stuff out, then I think almost everyone who visits this site would actually try to help out.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Runaway 5 looking for roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

downpour/sheep/overseer the coolest people.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 I love you all in Off Topic
bl4nkyeah i don't know why people give the tf2 community shit. you probably haven't been a part of the dota or hon communities. tf2 is a rather nice bunch.

To be fair, the competitive DotA community is quite nice and generally extremely well mannered.

The pub community tho. . .

posted about 12 years ago
#69 Vote Dota2 for ESEA in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSdota2 won't win, but i think that's a good thing because ESEA is pretty bad at handling any game that isn't cs/css/csgo. they gave a walkover win in the GRAND FINALS of sc2 a few seasons ago.

This is my thoughts entirely, DotA + LoL could (and already are) do way better.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 It's a good day for DeTh` in TF2 General Discussion

he's the coolest from the small time I got to hang out with him

posted about 12 years ago
#17 A side-by-side comparison of Obama's 2008 and 2012 in Off Topic
masterfulIt's almost as if the president does not have the power to entirely fix a country in 4 years.

Obama could never accomplish what he wants to completely so long as the congress is Republican dominated :/. President doesn't really have the power to fix the country at all in those kinds of circumstances.

posted about 12 years ago
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