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Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#66 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events

I'm not sure if a relative who went there on vacation is affected or not yet :/.

That said it annoys the hell out of me when people use arguments like "YEAH IM SURE THIS GUY WOULD REALLY FOLLOW YOUR NEW GUN LAWS" as a counter-argument to gun control though.

What's the point in having any law then - every single law we have is broken by someone, at some point after all? Obvious answer is laws (and the punishment from them) are a deterrent, without them even more people would commit immoral acts, whether that be murder, stealing, rape, etc.

While 100% reduced gun related deaths would be awesome, that's not what anyone is banking on really when they want to push stricter gun control laws...just a significant reduction of some sort. It's more difficult to perform here because of the 2nd amendment and the sheer amount of guns that exist, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't work on it in some manner (including stuff that on the side affects it like legalizing marijuana reducing violent crime).

Thing is, a lot of violent crime is committed in the heat of the moment, and a lot of would be criminals are lazy to an extent - they won't go through with something all the way if the work required to get there is too high. Automatics are already very difficult/expensive to acquire here, imagine if semi-autos were as well - sure a group of criminals would still acquire them and kill people, but it'd be a substantially smaller amount than current. Restricting people to stuff like small firearms would substantially reduce the amount events like this would happen since stuff like pistols can't exactly easily injure/kill 500+ people in an extremely short time frame. Maybe it wouldn't have curbed this event in particular, but it could have helped curb other events this year or last year, etc. You just have to make acquiring something such an expensive/difficult task that most people get lazy and give up on doing it, or if they do still go through with a crime they aren't as well equipped.

Australia implemented a bunch of measures after Port Arthur that helped lead to a reduction of ~60% in gun related homicide and (sometimes forgotten in gun control arguments) suicide. That's not 100% but that's a lot. ~11,686 people have been reported to die from guns this year alone in the US, if we had a 60% reduction in gun related deaths then 7,120 people would still be alive right now - and that's not including the curbing of our annual ~22,000 gun related suicides.

I'm not saying we can up and go do exactly what Australia did, I don't think the US could ever implement the type of stuff Australia did wholesale especially with the sheer amount of guns we have (they spent like half a billion to buy and destroy like 600k guns and we like 5 times that amount), but I think it highlights how foolish that argument is as strong gun control laws *very objectively* curb gun related homicide & suicide on a significant scale considering other countries with stronger gun control laws have nowhere near this level of problem .

Even if we could put forward laws that would reduce gun related death by even just 20-25% and make mass shootings significantly more difficult, it'd be great for the country.

Anyways, this was pretty depressing to find out about last night and I hope those posting here who have family or friends in the area wind up not being affected by this. :c

posted about 7 years ago
#5 star wars: battlefront II (2005) in Other Games

game is lit but it freezes my pc when i go to do multiplayer, seems to be a super common issue that most people are having, hopefully they iron this out because i miss this game

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Fortnite Battle Royale is free in Other Games
Messing_Aroundwait i thought the game is pve? makes you fight monster of something?

This is the PvP mode.

Been playing it for the past 5 hours, compared to PUBG:

* smaller map (this is changing in the future when they add vehicles, might rotate)

* no vehicles (changing later)

* most weapons aren't perfectly accurate (adjusting with a gun rework later)

* most weapons are hitscan other than snipers, ADS is near instant

* game runs like a dream

* 3rd person only atm

* much faster paced, less about camping areas.

* has building like in Fortnite, but building is mostly used by good players to protect flanks or control space, not build bases (these are easily countered)

* parachuting is much more floaty and you can go huge distances regardless of where you drop

* no real cosmetic system yet, although you can get cooler parachutes by winning 1st place and I think emotes.


I'm super enjoying it (especially since PUBG does not run very well on my system at all), that said there isn't a real bread crumb trail yet so you're solely playing for fun / getting parachutes & emotes.

posted about 7 years ago

happy birthday saam, here's to another year of crackbabydumpster posts

posted about 7 years ago
#8 ESEA Registration not extended in TF2 General Discussion
hooliHas it ever not been extended? serious

I think this is the first time it hasn't been in ~6 years. I don't recall Season 8 being extended anyways.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion

I could totally use a catchy name for the 6s one by the way, Highlander has it easy with the Highlander catchphrase of "There can be only one". 6s has a lot of things going for it from a writing perspective (LANs, the more interesting community on Gotfrag especially, a much longer and more interesting rivalry between players), but it sort of lacks anything I could really think of as a catchy lead in name. Closest I could think of is literally just "That's a meatshot" or something.

I'm still not planning on going hard on this for awhile but I'm pretty bankrupt on ideas on a name.

posted about 7 years ago
#341 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsTo be honest, I don't know the exact answer to that question. All I know is that systems will explicitly request a TCP stream socket and if one is successfully created, it will use it. Therefore, my logical conclusion is that this launch option allows systems that prefer TCP over UDP to use TCP, and it seems to be disabled by default due to the extra memory usage it requires.

Alright, fair enough, might require some personal investigating at some point to see if the game ever actually uses it and for what to see if it's actually useful. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#339 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercoms-usetcp simply allows TCP to be used. Game networking will still use UDP. You can confirm this by setting net_showudp 1.

The reason that I was curious is mostly because from my understanding the game already utilizes a mix of TCP & UDP as connecting to the server and all in-game Steam connections (item server, game coordinator, etc) are already pulled over TCP. It's great that it doesn't replace UDP for game networking, but I guess my question is what this command line actually uses TCP for when it allows it to be used?

posted about 7 years ago
#337 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

This is more of a technical question, but I noticed you use -usetcp as a command line parameter. This is a command line parameter that to the best of my knowledge has approx. 0 explanation or documentation behind it anywhere on the internet. I looked really, really hard.

One would assume this forces TF2 to use TCP over UDP for networking traffic 100% of the time (which would be...really bad), but you say it optimizes networking traffic to use TCP in situations where it would be more ideal?

But TF2/Steam already seems pretty well optimized in this respect, using a combination of TCP & UDP very well.

I was wondering if you could explain where and how this parameter uses TCP over UDP? Thanks. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#9 RGL.gg - Season 2 - $4,000 Prizepool Prolander in TF2 General Discussion

Tackling the first part of this is difficult since RGL has no prior division history right now but

Yes ESEA the organization that used your computer to mine bitcoins keeps hosting tf2 at a loss because they are such altruists

Yeah ESEA has done dumb stuff but it's been talked about how they operate at a slight loss in TF2 before.

That doesn't negate the point that LPKane likes TF2, don't forget that 2 years ago they were going to remove TF2 entirely but the communities plea for support & trip to Valve & on-coming matchmaking system convinced them otherwise.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 RGL.gg - Season 2 - $4,000 Prizepool Prolander in TF2 General Discussion
nazarahow long can sigafoo keep throwing money into this burning trashcan

The whole point of having paid sign ups is to defray the amount of money you have to personally spend, so while all $2,000 of the first season's prize pool was his money he is using the sign-ups from the first season to off-set the amount put in this season, whose sign-ups will further off-set the amount invested in Season 3, etc. Eventually (if it is successful enough) he shouldn't have to spend much to do a season.

See also: ESEA, who lose money on this game but keep hosting seasons of it anyways.

e: Okay well I haven't done the math since ESEA dropped LAN to be fair, but like basically every season since Season 5 when they implemented LAN until at least when they dropped LAN was operated at a loss because LPKane liked TF2.

e2: Nah I did the math on the past season between sign-ups + prize pool givings and ESEA still lose a couple hundred dollars on it give or take just from that.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion
SpuThis is a really good read, I enjoyed it. You hit almost every event on the head, with the exception of a few things in the past 2-3 seasons I wouldn't expect someone not really participating in platinum anymore to get, such as barycenter putting up godly numbers and chill penguins upsetting the favorite to secure 3rd place twice in a row - but other than that, this is very well made. Well done.

Ah that's unfortunate, whymeo told me she didn't have anything to contribute so I didn't look too terribly hard into modern Chill Penguins because of that. I'll try to remedy that kind of stuff the next time I update, but I'm looking at not updating this very often (hopefully only 1-2 times a year and doing seasons in batches)

Thanks though Spu, hopefully you guys pound this season so I can have an in-depth interview with the legendary TroLL Pumpkiin eSports.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion
ICL19,126 Words. Jesus fucking christ. How long did it take you to write this? This shit is amazing, even if it is just Highlander.

I started collecting & watching videos in my spare time in early June, and started committing to writing out the broad strokes in in my spare time in late July, made the Steam Guide version ~August 10th (which was just starting Season 4's stuff), made it friends only viewable on August 27th (it was up to Season 8 here), reached out to everyone all across August, and between the 27th and now finished everything from Season 9 to present.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks, there's a lot of cool stuff in 6s to cover, and a lot of my spare time preparing for that has been archiving pictures of key topics of Gotfrag from archiving sites and trying to get footage stored in case any of it gets removed. There's a lot more footage of the older days to be had (e.g. Reptiles frag vid from 2007 with the epic crit rocket spam on Dustbowl rofl), along with plenty of key matches like Tony Hawk Pro Skaters vs Dynamic in S8 which had the Battalion's Backup debacle, the dual Natascha heavy season, the heavy sponsor era of TF2, the private Invite competitive beta, etc.

There's a lot of things I'd like to improve on this one eventually (e.g. rework the Dead Ringer Storage sections into the previous 2 sections), but I'm limited by Steam Guide limitations in this respect ATM. (each section has a character limit and it's hard to segue them across well, this character limit isn't supposed to be there...but it's existed for like 1.5 years now), and there is content I wish I could have got earlier (like the S3 finals w/ CLASSIC) or people I wish would have agreed to give me some content but felt they had nothing to contribute.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion

I know this is a 6s site nowadays but I know there's plenty of cross-over players here so:


A comprehensive history of North American Highlander from 2007 to now, featuring:

* 24 in-depth content sections covering 10 years of Highlander history
* 20 Contributors who provided their insight featuring quotes, interviews, or content including Hildreth, Salamancer, Mustardoverlord, Extine, Skarlett, TMP, Spamfest, Kresnik, and more.
* Content used from 20+ other groups / people, including recovered articles from the now defunct Vanilla.tv website, m4risa, Sneakypolarbear, Kip, EVL, teamfortress.tv, and more.
* Over 40 hours of select Highlander content from 64 videos including POV matches, casts, and montages.

I hope that people will enjoy this, it’s very long and I’d recommend reading a few sections a day so you can enjoy the videos and what not alongside it. Even if you’re not super into Highlander, you might learn a few things!

I just want to make sure there is a semblance of a history preserved and so if the competitive scene does die out at least there will be stuff showing others what happened and it isn’t just all forgotten.

Since I know it’ll be asked, I am interested in doing a 6s one as well (considering I came from 6s first), but I want to wait until it looks like 6s won’t bounce back population wise and I want to see what the reception to this one is like. I’ve been collecting information and tracking stuff for a 6s history piece for awhile now though in preparation, but if this isn’t well liked by the overall competitive community then I am unlikely to continue into 6s as this alone was close to 3 months of work and 6s would be a much more time consuming project to tackle since it has a much more in-depth history with a much more detailed past caught on video, LANs, cups, multiple different leagues, etc.

Enjoy. :)

posted about 7 years ago
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