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#42 TF2 update for 10/26/17 (10/27/17 UTC, SF IX) in TF2 General Discussion

i got a goomba stomp kill as the bumper car

the ultimate frag

posted about 7 years ago
#12 What do Highlander pyro mains think of the changes in TF2 General Discussion

i like everything except that you can not aim and do basically your full damage output to any number of people. There's even less of a skill index because W+spray like you're having an aneurysm takes less skill, no tracking or aiming is required, etc. Once they fix that it'd be interesting to see them make FT's require more skill if they're going to make Pyro like every other class where their primary is their main weapon.

Seriously I know it's a pub but being able to do stuff like this is just dumb:


posted about 7 years ago
#12 Can't see flame particle effects from any Pyro. in Q/A Help

It's an issue with flame particle rendering on certain graphics cards on anything other than dxlevel 95.

"-force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_id 0x1180" tells TF2 you're running a GTX 680 which corrects the issue because that card doesn't suffer from any particle rendering issues on any dxlevel I guess.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Can't Use Gas Passer in TF2 General Discussion

The charge time is also reduced by fire damage, if you get a really good spray on a couple people it basically instantly comes up. Seems to take about 300 damage, but it's a bit hard to tell since it also passively recharges.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Is the new UI from source 2? in TF2 General Discussion
DanSWith Dota 2 reborn came the UI feature "Panorama". I remember reading somewhere that source 2 comes in sections that can be used to augment the normal source engine, and obviously this update isn't a full port but could this be what's used for the new tf2 ui? Did we beat csgo to (partial) source 2 implementation?

Source engine itself comes in parts (it is what is called a modular engine), Source 2 just represents big milestones in each of the parts.

But no, the new UI is still VGUI (which is awful).

posted about 7 years ago
#12 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/20/17 (Jungle Inferno) in TF2 General Discussion
gollywobbler1The mantreads prevent scouts from being able to air deny soldiers with it equipped... I was flying straight through airshots too.

It has done this for a long while now so yes.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Are you happy with the pyro update changes? in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERi brought it up in the other thread. theyre acknowledging that some unlocks (razorback) are very powerful in organized tournaments. but what does this mean? are they gonna start balancing more around organized play? or is it just this one instance?

They've balanced around competitive play before, had an entire private Invite competitive beta which pushed changes in https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/August_13,_2009_Patch & https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/September_15,_2009_Patch most notably. (you'll notice the Granary changes outright specify competitive feedback too)

In general Valve has always been okay with making changes that they don't feel will hurt pubs in any way, which is why the Razorback nerf is something they're going to be very comfortable making:

* Medics don't buff Snipers as is in pubs lmao.

* The recharge time is basically a pub buff where the Razorback really isn't crazy broken 99% of the time anyways because people rarely do tryhard Sniper combos in them.

* Doesn't really affect 6s, you don't have a Spy to go after a Sniper that much.

* Fixes the problem it has in Highlander.

Basically it's a free change, you fix the problem some people have with the weapon without harming the experience of the majority of the players who don't perceive the Razorback to be broken or don't have their whole meta dictated by it.

posted about 7 years ago
#501 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

#499 that has been there for a very long time


like almost 2 years i think

posted about 7 years ago
#495 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
SpuTino_How is anyone surprised by this? SO many of the big updates were pushed back hours on the final day none of this is new or a surprise. Fuck MyM dropped @ like 930est or some shit.

Stop being retarded.
because we assumed the update being worked on for over a year would be released when it's ready

Game development doesn't exactly work like that, it's not like they announced the update on Monday and then just decided to sit around at their desks and jack off or something for 3 days, they still continue QA, finalize translation work, etc.

If it's taking awhile then something major came up that they're banging out, it's for the best especially since this is an update that needs to make a strong first impression to win people back after MYM.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 TF2 Blog: "Hot Stuff!" in TF2 General Discussion
tnmSo once i airblasted sandman's ball back into scout, and it completely stunned him. So, distance that projectile flew stacks after airblasting. It makes sense that reflected projectiles are minicrits, because otherwise they would be doing next to no damage due to damage falloff.

This isn't really correct, you're right it works like that for the Sandman ball because the Sandman stun is calculated only by the distance the ball travels, but damage falloff isn't calculated that way at all. Damage falloff checks where the source is in relation to the target when the damage is applied, it doesn't care about the distance traveled. (this is why if you bomb someone as Soldier and shoot rockets from the air they do more damage than you would expect because you're closer to the target than when you actually fired them)

posted about 7 years ago
#414 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
decemberCan someone make a new thread to summarise all the changes? I don't want to go through 14 pages to look for it

Post #1 of this thread

posted about 7 years ago
#193 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
JarlowSteam just updated, as Tuesday is their daily maintenance day. Now, I'm not sure how that impacts the reveal of the 2nd day of the update, but that might be a reason why the news has been delayed, though it is very unlikely that's the reason why.

Steam doesn't update everyone at once, I received that update over an hour ago.

posted about 7 years ago
#699 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

paladin: compared to master spies i'd say my trickstabbing is like a 4/10

posted about 7 years ago
#34 What ex-Pro players think about TF2 these days? in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawfrom a business perspective, it doesnt make sense for valve to put money into this game because there would be no return on investment. money isnt just handed out for free.

I've thought about this quite a bit and changed my opinion (which used to be this) a few months ago.

They don't have to go as far as DOTA/CSGO to boost competitive TF2, nor do they need to do much in the way of actual work to have a return on investment.

Consider the following:

Insomnia75 Mercenary Handbook:
* 10 USD
* 2.50 USD of each book sold goes to prize pool / help each team get there if needed.
* Buying the book gives you access to an exclusive all class hat that can only be earned by buying the book for this limited time. (this hat can be made by the community - Valve does nothing)
* You can spend money to level up the book (with again 25% of all money spent doing this going to prizepool) or complete Contracts (system they already have implemented just fine) / correctly guess match out comes to help level up the book.
* Book levels improve the all class hat (including an unique unusual effect), and unlock more hats / exclusive taunt / noisemaker, etc. All of these can be made by the community (so again, Valve does nothing).

So Valve does nothing except attach the already existing Contract system to it, add the item, and make the image of the handbook. Community makes literally all the items inside of it. They could even add a competitive crate with more items that help contribute to your book levels if there was enough community stuff there for them to go off of.

This costs Valve practically nothing to implement, doesn't require them to spend any money beyond the small man hours of picking whatever items get associated with it and putting them into game, and because everything is time limited to buying this and TF2's community is all about cosmetic stuff it should print money hand over fist - putting more money into the game with minimal investment of their own, they'd see return on investment immediately basically.

IMO, there isn't a compelling reason to not do this other than no one at Valve actually wants to do it.

That said I agree that them putting money into the game directly (e.g. here have 100,000 - 1,000,000 USD for this tournament guys!) would not be worth their time / too risky. But there's no reason to not approach it from a very safe avenue and see what the reception is like.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 TF2 Blog: "The Orange Box's 10th Anniversary" in TF2 General Discussion
Mitch_this update better be 2 pages long

If you mean in like Word or something, 2 pages is nothing, Meet your Match is over 5 and almost every major update in the past is at least 3.

Considering the scale they've talked about it, it's likely going to be in the 10-15+ range.

posted about 7 years ago
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