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SteamID64 76561197993325191
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Country Sweden
Signed Up August 11, 2012
Last Posted January 9, 2020 at 2:38 PM
Posts 199 (0 per day)
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#11 Upgrading OS questions. in Q/A Help

10 is a lot better than 8. Look into disabling all telemetry (that you can disable) if you care about privacy.

You should probably back up your SSD, but the non-system drives should not be affected.

Personally, I switched from win7 to Linux three years ago. First I dual booted, but nowadays I only use Linux. Would recommend it to a friend.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Esport United Community Rumble announced in News
KonceptI'd like to apologize for not getting this announcement out sooner. I'm still new to this editor stuff but that doesn't excuse my lack of progress for getting news articles published.

Thank you for trying to get the ball rolling on tftv news again.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Ascent.EU descends and disbands in News

Sad to see them go.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Etf2l season 28 preseason playoffs in TF2 General Discussion
glasswhat's svift roster?

I think it's smzi-thaigrr-silentes-dd5f-alle-babs

posted about 7 years ago
#19 I made a podcast/discussion on growing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

The biggest things stopping people from getting into the comp side of tf2 are (i) a lack of (watched) streams to stumble upon and (ii) that the game lacks an easy to play comp mode (the closest atm have got to be TF2center, and playing via an external website etc is too much hassle for lots of people).

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Svift finally shaping up in TF2 General Discussion

Sad to see Ascent split.

Really hope that the foxes stick together and that adysky finds a new team.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Essentials Experimental One Night Cup #1 Season 0 in TF2 General Discussion

What happened to the maps tested in the last map cup?

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Pot8o and T0m leave ANTIC in News

Looking forward to seeing more of antic

posted about 7 years ago
#17 ETF2L Map Pool Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Why stick to just 7 maps?

posted about 7 years ago
#18 etf2l prem s28 in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawSerotone is taking a break, with the new funs/thaigrr/ams team i think antic is dead

edit: and tom is quitting

I hope AMS continues to use the ANTIC brand for future teams, even if the players are swapped.

posted about 7 years ago
#28 i61 Feedback in LAN Discussion
nuzeDarkdwarf+ Nuze (underutilized, imo)
The crew wanted me to do it from the start of the event pretty much, but I wasn't comfortable doing it with the set up we had initially because I knew it would've limited the quality of segment. As per my request, they set up another spec PC for my use which allowed me to analyse how I like to, and it was only once I thought I could do it properly (in time for UBF) that we used it on stream.

I would've liked to have done it earlier and more often, but given the state of my voice this weekend and the time it took to plan the actual segment (I hadn't seen the interface prior to the event), I felt that this was all I could manage. I would expect that in future events I'll be able to do this much more.

Sounds altogether very reasonable. Looking forward to more of the segment at future events. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#23 i61 Feedback in LAN Discussion

Feedback from a viewer:

+ Nuze (underutilized, imo)
+ Picture in picture
+ Player cams
+ Kermit, TurboTabs, WAR, Cornpop were all really enjoyable to listen to
+ eepily analysis
+ couch guests

- No player interviews
- Getawhale had some awkward moments on the couch. Too much fluff/filler/bad jokes sometimes instead of giving the analysts good questions/set-ups
- sometimes the couch guests were talked over too much (eepily)
- the weapons in the HUD were distracting; I don't know if it's possible to just put them in when it's relevant (banners)
- the casters/analysts were badly updated on results in off air games
- Kermit's audio was way too low compared to WAR's
- lack of stats

posted about 7 years ago
#21 How can we improve camerawork during matches? in TF2 General Discussion

When it comes to games being confusing for viewers, I think a minimap in place of the PiP (when it's not being used) would help a lot in that area. Viewers would be able to see the "flow" of the game, on top of following the individual plays captured by the observer.

posted about 7 years ago
#47 i61: Day 3 in Events


posted about 7 years ago
#33 i61: Day 2 in Events

Would it be possible to get some kind of a minimap instead of the picture-in-picture, when it's not being used for snipers etc?

posted about 7 years ago
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